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Jimin takes the lead as soon as they find the new group of aliens on what seems to be the capital of this part of the planet. Since he's the Captain, he's in charge of keeping a calm communication with the leaders of the places they visit. When the creatures notice their presence, they stand still for a few seconds. They signal between them until one of them finally approaches Jimin to guide him. It seems like they know exactly how to act with humans which Jimin sees as an advantage.

- I'll go talk with their leader, you guys can stay around and see if you find anything interesting. Remember to be respectful with them and their environment, understood?

- Yes, Captain!

The boy can only take a few steps forward before someone stops him. Behind him, Yoongi seems suspicious and doesn't want to let him go.

- He's gonna leave me behind, Yoongi. We'll talk later

- Don't go

- Are you crazy? It's my job!

- I can see their body language, the way they move, they-

- Yoongi. We have pills to understand them. Making up conclusions based on body language is what society used to do when they had no technology

- No, Jimin you have to believe me! There's something strange going on, I can see it.

Jimin frowns and lets go before taking a deep breath. With a firm tone he talks one more time before walking away.

- You don't need to interfere in my decisions. I've trained all my life for this. Trust me, I can handle it.

Frustrated, Yoongi can't just watch him leave. So trying to be as subtle as possible, he decides to follow them. Jimin is being taken to a small place made entirely out of rocks piled up on top of each other. There's a few small holes through which the air can enter. Before getting closer, the pale man feels a hand on his shoulder. Scared to death he turns around only to find a familiar face.

- Joonie... you're thinking the same as me, right?

The alien touches his nose and Yoongi takes it immediately as a 'yes'. Together, they try to spy through the holes but none of them are big enough to see what's happening inside. Thankfully, the alien looks up and shows Yoongi a hole on top of the place big enough for them to see everything. With a lot of effort, they manage to climb up there and look inside. Even though Yoongi knows he won't get a verbal answer from his partner, he still talks to him.

- Look at them. Their movements seem abrupt but they follow a pattern. They're more coherent than it looks. They might be a lot more primitive than what we're used to but they're definitely communicating

Both of them see one of the creatures close the stone door with ease. Like it doesn't weight at least a hundred pounds.

- They're strong as fuck. Maybe they're the ones that attacked the old ship

Namjoon touches his nose again. The only thing illuminating the room under them are a few torches on the wall. And even with them everything seems pretty dark. In the middle of the room there's a table where the leaders are sitting across the Captain. Jimin tries to offer them the pills but they're not taking them.

- How are things going down there?

Yoongi almost gets a heart attack hearing that voice next to him. If it wasn't because Joonie holds him, he would've fallen several meters down. Next to them, Kook stares at them waiting for an answer and acting like he's been there the whole time.

- When the hell did you get up here?!

- Back in my planet I had to be silent not to scare the animals. And not to scare him...

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now