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Without having anything else to do, Jin and his cute alien roommate walk around the ship. They're on the way to the new planet and even though they'll get there soon they still have some time to spend. And to be honest, Jin would love to get distracted with anything at this point. When they get to the main room, they find part of the crew playing cards. Immediately, Joonie runs up to them and sits by their side wanting to play.

- Uh....should we let him join?

- I mean...he looks excited, Hobi. We'll teach him!

- Okay. So what we do here is-

He can't even end the sentence before the alien takes the cards to shuffle them so professionally the rest lose speech. He's incredibly good at it and he only stops to turn around and look at Jin. It's clearly an invitation to join as well and he could never refuse. He loves playing cards!

- Okay! Let's make teams!

Of course Jin makes a team with the alien. And for some reason he doesn't even have to explain the rules! This game is played often in his particular city on earth. Yet Joonie plays it like a professional. Not only he seems to know every single rule but he even knows the signals players use to help his teammates! Things like winking an eye when you get a good hand, or touching your shoulder when it's terrible. Or most importantly, touching his ear for "no" and his nose for "yes".

Of course they win every round and while it's Hobi's turn to shuffle the cards, Jin leans over to ask Joonie about it. This is not something he can ignore so easily after all.

- Who taught you how to play cards like that?

Jin asks with shiny eyes. He used to play very often with his brother when he was young. And he felt the same perfect connection while playing with Joonie. But of course he gets no answer and a bright blue light makes all of them quit the game. That can only mean one thing. Jimin enters the room ready to give them orders.

- It's time to land. We finally reached our new destination!

Of course the landing takes several minutes. Unlike the last planet, this one has a very unstable territory. Joonie looks out through the ship's glass and a shiver runs down his spine. Fear takes over his body remembering that place. Seeing how Jin is getting ready to go with the crew, he runs up to him and hugs him from the back.

- Joonie? I'll hug you in a minute but I need to put on my suit first so I can go!

He holds him even tighter after hearing those words. He doesn't want Jin to walk out there. Even hell would be better than this fucking planet. He knows first hand what they could find out there. Seeing he's not letting him go, Jin turns around to face him still in his arms. How comfortable it is to feel Joonie's big arms wrapped around him. It's weird to ask him to stop.

- Hey, I know this looks very different to the place where you came from. But it can't be that bad. And if it is, I'll be there with you. Or if you wanna stay, I promise I'll come back.

No. Letting him go on his own is not an option for the alien. He decides to put on a suit himself and go with him. Jin holds his hand as they walk out. He's glad to know he's not alone in this. He needs to go even if he also feels somehow uncomfortable with this place. Anything that can give him a clue about his brother is good for him. He'll get to the end of that mystery and he'll do it with the alien by his side.

The darkness around is easily explained since the moons and suns only come out every few weeks on this planet. There's no trees or plants here. It's not easy to describe their surroundings since it's hard to see at all. Jin feels the tight hold on his hand making him turn. Joonie tries his best to show him they're on a dangerous place but the lack of words makes it impossible. Jin simply believes he's nervous in a new planet.

- Don't be scared, Joonie. It's cold and dark but who knows what we'll find!

Thinking of finding anything or anyone seems to be the problem. One they can't avoid. After an hour of walking with the flashlights showing the way, they get to the center. There, they finally come across some new aliens. They look absolutely different to the rest. They're bigger than a regular human. With four arms so big they could crush their bones with no effort. They walk slowly, with their backs hunched over and their eyes almost completely white. Jin takes his own conclusions seeing their movements and the way they act around them.

- Is it me or do they look...kind of stupid?

Joonie touches his nose automatically. And now he can finally understand what he means with it. At least on that they agree. However...

- That's...that's good! They must be harmless!

Jin can't take a single step before he gets pulled back. His eyes meet the ones of his favorite alien. In the middle of the dark he can tell they don't agree on that. Because Joonie in front of him knows exactly what those creatures are capable of. Just like Jin's brother did...

Next Chapter

There's something strange going on, I can see it

As a hunter, I can recognize a predator when I see one.


Hi babes! Short but necessary! I hope I can bring the next one soon enough! Things are about to go down.

So I hope you're ready for all the drama and panic! See you soon for that!

- Baby Y

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now