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Yoongi spent the whole day memorizing that boring project his friend Kihyun wrote. The same one that gave him the opportunity to join this mission. He has no idea what most of it means. Especially all those long words and formulas. When dinner finally comes, he sits by Jimin's side and talks about it pretending to understand it. And Jimin...Oh, Jimin is having the time of his life

- I've always wanted to hear you talk about things like these.

- You do? Hahaha I could go all night! I could tell you the whole thing!

Jimin looks so excited to hear him, so invested in what he has to say. And Yoongi feels for the first time that Jimin is giving him the same attention he gives to his own work. His eyes shine and he never looks away. The only other moment when they have this connection is when he listens to his music in front of him. Yoongi really wishes he was smart. Maybe that way he could finally win over his heart.

Sadly, there's a lot more people in that ship that are a lot smarter than him. At least in the scientific ground. One of those people is Jimin's right hand. Suran, the girl known for being the second best of her class after the Captain sits on the other side of Yoongi. Being a close friend of the younger, she has no problem interrupting them.

- Can I join you two?

- Please, no

- Yes! Yoongi was just telling me about his job in this mission! It sounds amazing in theory

- Oh yes, "his" project is actually very interesting

For some reason she seems not to believe Yoongi's lie. Yet she doesn't try to challenge him on it.

- Thanks. I was just telling Jimin all about it. You can listen from over there if you want

- I read it already.

- Y-You did?

- We'll be lab partners, Min. Of course I did.

- Fucking hell

- And I think the idea of implementing a botanical intervention to induce hermaphroditism for optimized pollination dynamics in the tree population sounds amazing!

- I...Uuuh...Yeah!...I...agree?

Yoongi wonders if she's trying to make him look like an idiot every time she talks about the project. The words come out so naturally out her mouth, like they're not weird at all. But for him, he had to check on the notes Kihyun left him to understand at least the first part. Notes that the other named "Science for dummies like Min". With a friend like that Yoongi doesn't need enemies.

Suran knows so much about it, she ends up taking Jimin's attention as always. Is she really into him like some people say? They would make the perfect couple, that's for sure. Yoongi feels slightly defeated seeing it.

- Min? Are you listening?

- Eh? Ah, yes...what was the question?

- About the experiment you performed. The one with the different tree leaves

- Riiight, that part...Uuuuh...

He tries to remember where did he read that. There was probably some stupid term Kihyun used and now he can't remember. While he wonders if Suran is asking these questions on purpose, he thinks of a way to change the subject.

- You know, there's a song called Autumn Leaves that's really beautiful. And sad to be honest. But I...I don't know, you just reminded me of that haha

- Eh? - Suran is confused - A song?

- Yoongi. We promised we'd talk about work on dinner.

- Sorry haha...ha...

Suran is left slightly taken aback but she eventually returns to the conversation with Jimin. At least they move past the question Yoongi tried to avoid. Although now he's being bored to death with their talk. He only adds a few things when he remembers something new or when Suran asks him those annoying questions like this is an exam. He had no idea she would be so interested in this thing.

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now