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Jin finds himself sitting on the floor and crying as he stares out the huge window in his room. From there, the three moons of this planet look beautiful even on a night like this. He already spent the last hours at the funerals and stayed there until the last minute. Even after everyone else was gone. The only reason he returned to the ship was because the nights out there are a lot colder than he was expecting. Still, he can get himself to sleep at all. Not when he's so heartbroken. On top of his desk, Hoseok left him the report of what happened but he's not ready to read it. His emotions will get in the way.

He can't stop his tears. His eyes are puffy, his nose is red and all he wants is to sleep for the next three days. But he can't. The image of what he saw in that room keep popping up on his mind. And his brother's body on top of the transmitter...it only reminds him how he used his last words to send a hopeful message to earth. He knew no one was gonna save him but he wanted to save earth so bad. Jin feels the alien he shares room with sit by his side.

- You know, Joonie...Deep down I always knew. He promised me to go back. And he never broke a promise before. It was obvious...

A warm and comforting hug comes from his side. As always there's no words but the gesture is more than enough.

- And yet I...I had some hope. That maybe I'd get the chance to hug him again...

Once more, he starts crying. Namjoon holds him even closer and lets him rest his head on his shoulder. They stay quiet for a while. After several minutes, Jin talks again in a tired and broken voice. His throat still hurts from the scream and cries he let out this afternoon.

- Did you ever have a family, Joonie?

The alien touches his nose as a sign but Jin's not looking. So he decides to find a different way to answer. He leans forward towards the glass window and lets his breath out. That way he can draw on top of it with his fingers. He makes 5 dots one next to the other.

- You were five? You must've had a fun childhood with two siblings

Joonie lets go a sad smile remembering those times and how that home used to feel like.

- In my case we are fo...we were four.

Hearing the sadness in his voice, Joonie lifts his hand again. Softly, he erases most of the dots he made leaving only one left. Jin understands.

- Oh...I guess you're alone as well...

Once more, the alien leans forward and uses his breath to have more space to draw on. But instead of doing so himself, he takes Jin's hand and guides it towards the glass. The man lets that happen and sees how Joonie helps him make a dot next to the only one left. And the alien smiles softly, knowing he isn't alone if Jin's by his side.

- I'm glad I can make you feel less lonely. Thank you, Joonie...for being here with me...

They stare at each other's eyes and they get even closer to cuddle. For a few more hours they look out the window as Jin tells him stories about his brother. Some of them making himself laugh with the good memories and others making him cry. The alien listens to everything with a nostalgic feeling inside. He misses him to...

Eventually, they go to bed where they decide to sleep together. At least for tonight. And Jin discovers how comfortable it feels to rest his head on Joonie's chest. The alien's heart beats on a different rhythm than the human one. It's a melody that helps Jin relax for once. The next morning, he's the first one to wake up realizing they're no longer in that planet. The ship took off and they must've been really tired if neither noticed it.

Jin gets up slowly trying not to wake up his roommate and takes the report off his desk. He reads it after gathering the strength for it. A gunshot. That's what killed him. One that was perfect enough to give him an instant death. He leaves the room. After washing his face making sure to act like his life didn't fall apart yesterday, he heads towards Jimin's work room.

- Good morning, Captain.

As soon as he enters, he can see the boy didn't sleep well either. His desk is covered in all the reports and files he wrote by hand last night until early hours of the morning. Knowing that he made sure to write every single detail about what they found makes Jin have even more respect for him.

- Seokjin? If you came here to ask for a day off don't worry. You can take as many as you need. If any of the aliens on our ship get hurt we'll see how we deal with it.

- Thank you, Jimin.

The only reason he uses his name is because he's not thanking his boss. He's thanking the boy under the Captain title. He knows Jimin follows ever protocol and rule on the book. And Jin should get only 2 days off. Yet he assured him he could have longer than that. He might be an obedient boy that loves rules. But he's still a human and his empathy is a little stronger than he was expecting.

- Actually, I just wanted to know what direction we're going now

- We'll go back to the planned route

- Oh... couldn't we-

- I know what you're gonna ask for. But we're not on a murder investigation.

- Maybe the Nam is there

- Maybe. And I would love to find it. But it could be dangerous...

Jimin sounds tired. He's been thinking about it all night. A part of him wants to go and find that solution that the previous Captain mentioned before dying. But at the same time, they could get in trouble. Something could happen to them. Which means something could happen to Yoongi. He doesn't even wanna think about that.

- Please...When we found those plants you said you owed me one, Captain

Jimin stares at the little white flower he stole from the crashed ship and saved on his desk for now. Finding more of those would be ideal. He sighs.

- Fine. But this is the last time and the last place of those we'll visit. If something were to happen we have no way to defend ourselves. We're not an army.

Jin thanks him before leaving him alone again. He's willing to find the truth of what happened. Though he has no idea that the answer he needs is sleeping on his bed right now...

Next Chapter

I can stay with Yoongi for now...

I'm not as smart as you but I have other talents


Hi babes! Here's some sad Namjin for you 🥺 Better things will come for them don't worry 💕

Next time we'll have some reaaaally cute Yoonmin! So I hope to see you there! We have some time before getting to the next planet c:

- Baby Y

P.S: I was shocked to come across some homophobic army after Tae's MV. Insane to me to stan BTS thinking they wouldn't support the LGBT+ community. Tried my best not to fight anyone but it wasn't easy hahaha

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