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Having two young aliens on board surrounded with things unknown to them is a recipe for disaster. Hoseok knew that from the very beginning. But there was no way to convince Jimin about it so now his routine got a lot messier. It's only a few hours after he had lunch, a busy day with so much to do. And when he goes to one of the bathrooms in the back of the ship his jaw falls in shock. He doesn't need more than a look to know who were the responsible, so his screams can be heard all over the ship.


The two of them show up curious as to what they did this time. The last few days, they've been scolded enough to know what Hobi's tone means.

- Yes, Hobi?

- Can you tell me what the actual hell happened in this bathroom?!

- This place has the weirdest things we saw so far - Tae comments - I took a bite of the candy that smells like flowers and it was disgusting!

- You ate soap?!

- I don't know what that was but it was horrible! And the little bottle with Yoongi's name wasn't any better

- Thant's Yoongi's cologne! He made us promise we wouldn't touch it because it's Jimin's favorite!

- Well, it tasted terrible.

- And that's why you sliced the bottle in half?!

- That was actually me - Kook talks - Tae said it tasted like poison. You can't have poison in a place this easy to reach. What if Tae drinks it all?

He looks so panicked just thinking about it that it makes Hobi thank God that's the only bottle he broke. Although now everything smells like that stupid cologne. Through the minutes, they talk about every single thing they broke or messed around with. This isn't the first time at all. Just the day before they made a mess in the kitchen as well.

- God, I can't keep my eyes off you two. You have to clean all of this! But before that please take a bath, the cologne made you smell like Yoongi. And I don't think Jimin is gonna love that if he comes across any of you.

- Okay! Uhmmm Mister Hoseok?

- What?

- What's taking a bath?

Hoseok is shocked for a moment. How can they not know that? Of course after some talking he realized their cultures are slightly different than his. Tae for one side is used to take natural bath in the lake of his planet. His knowledge in the minerals of his earth allowed him to know how to wash his hair with no need of unnatural products. Kook on the other hand prefers to smell a little more like the animals he eats so they don't notice him during the hunting. He mostly uses hot water to help remove the dry blood after it and then dries by the fire.

- Okay, I'm sure that works for you back in your planet. But we don't really have a lake for any of you so you'll have to adapt to this for now, okay?

- Are you gonna help us?

Hoseok wants to explain how private a bath is but it's only a couple of seconds before both aliens get completely naked ready to be taught. Nudity isn't much of a tabu from where they're from. And considering Tae's body is just what he wants to make of it and Kook's been living with his shirt off most of the time, it makes sense.

With no time to lose, Hobi guides them to the bathtub and start filling it up with warm water. Not as hot as the one Kook is used to but not cold enough for him to freeze either. Sure, the two boys could take turns in doing this and actually that was the original idea. But as soon as Tae got in, Kook made sure to follow his lead not wanting to lose sight of him.

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