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On earth, people stare at the spaceship leaving earth. Some of them think the crew inside it will find a solution to their problems. Others don't let themselves get the hopes up. It takes several minutes for the ship to be stable again after the take off. But eventually they're deep into space and Captain Jimin can finally leave his chair knowing he won't lose balance. He checks for the direction they're taking and simply nods.

Some planets are unvisited by men but still visible so they know their location. Others are simply in need to be discovered. After keeping things under control he goes back to his seat. Next to him, his sub-captain Hoseok starts a conversation.

- You know, usually a new Captain makes a whole speech to his crew

- Usually, yes.

- You didn't even welcome them aboard. We just took off as soon as we heard we were all here!

- I'm not an influencer, Hoseok. All they need to know about me is the obvious. That everything will go perfectly as long as they follow my orders.

- You could be a total dictator if you tried

Jimin frowns. He's not demanding anything from his workers other than for them to follow the established rules. He's not there to have an emotional talk. Those things make him way too anxious. Before he can say that to his sub-captain, someone else takes his side.

- Our Captain is just sure he's capable of protecting everyone so there's no need to explain why they should stay calm. I think Jimin's confidence is leadership enough!

That voice makes Jimin turn around confused as ever. There, standing next to Suran is his best friend Min Yoongi. Hobi wasn't trying to attack Jimin but he's still slightly shocked to know someone was able to defend him while showing a big gummy smile.

- Yoongi? What are you doing in the ship?

- Uuuhmm...They called me!

- They called...you?

Jimin can't help being taken aback. Not to be a dick but even if Yoongi completed his career he never stood out. At least not by being good at it. Yoongi insists his private project about some strange "chemical thing" got the government interested. Jimin is slightly frustrated with the non-professional words. But also with the idea of having Yoongi close.

Of course, it's too late to kick him out and he wouldn't do something against the government but...he can't help to have mixed feelings. A part of him is happy to have him here. While the other part simply wants to focus on his job in achieving a perfect mission. And he knows the only person able to distract him...is Yoongi.

He doesn't plan on avoiding him but the first days they don't meet again. Jimin has too much to do and he's the kind to overwork. For him it's worth it. Because now, they're landing on the first planet on their route and everything comes out perfectly. The landing comes out so well the crew is starting to get impressed. Their boss might be cold but he's definitely skilled.

- Okay, what do we have here?

Hoseok asks as they get down from the ship. He looks around to see a planet that looks very different than described on the old archives.

- The weather is not as hot as it's supposed to be - Jimin says - Not even close...

- The whole ecosystem is different than what we thought. Look! There's a forest over there!

Looking around they see not only that but also a new variety of creatures. They all look peaceful and calm. They walk slowly in 5 legs and none of them even cares about the intruders. Or that's what they think at first. Until Jin spots one of them looking slightly different.

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now