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Despite working so many hours in a row, Jimin doesn't stop. He doesn't know how to. It's not the first time he loses time track. When he was younger, this used to happen a lot. He even got to the point of fainting for skipping meals or spending days with no sleep. If it wasn't because of Yoongi, his brain would've fried ages ago. His best friend took care of him a million times. More than he can count.

Jimin stares at all the papers on his desk. He's supposed to be done by now but he can always do a little more. "Just a little more" is the most dangerous phrase for him. A new song from his playlist starts to play and he stops writing.

- I already heard this one

He skips to the next one and the same thing happens. He heard it as well. He finally realizes he's heard the whole playlist 3 times in a row without taking a break. He once promised Yoongi he would stop everytime he heard all of them but...he was so focused today! He needed to make the best out of his energy! There's nothing wrong with it, right?

He gets up from his chair and heads out to see his best friend. Maybe he can get a new song. And he'll make sure to take a rest after that one plays at the end of his entire playlist.

- Min, you're doing it wrong

- You're the one that explained it! So it's technically your fault!

- I'll guide you, just follow me.

Jimin slowly opens the door of Yoongi's room where his personal lab is. The voices of Suran an Yoongi get louder as he enters and his eyes go wide seeing them. As they argue, Suran is standing behind his best friend guiding his moves. It almost looks like a hug. They're way too close for his liking. He doesn't even think of his own moves and pushes the door making it hit the desk so the other two notice him. While Yoongi smiles, she looks just as inexpressive as always and doesn't pull away from her partner.

- I see you two are still working. Maybe you should take a break, Suran

- And leave Min work on his own?

Not to be mean but honestly she wouldn't be surprised if Yoongi ends up making the lab explode by accident. She had forgotten what it was like to work with people with this little experience on the field.

- He won't be on his own. I can stay with Yoongi for now...

She opens her mouth to say something else but decides not to. She never went against the authorities and she won't start now. After a short goodbye she leaves them alone. Jimin was supposed to spend only a few minutes to look for a song but now he's compromised to spend hours here and ignore the things he was working on. Damn Min Yoongi, always distracting him from his duty and looking so adorable as he does so.

- I assume you made some progress these days, right? How are things going? Any results?

- Uuuh...see it for yourself!

Yoongi can't explain it with his own words so he knows it's better for Jimin to take his own conclusions. Most of the work was made by Suran while all he did was fuck it up a few times and help her with the math.

- I'm impressed! This is right on track for sure!

- It is? Y-Yeah! It totally is! Hahaha

- I guess now I could help you out a li...

A yawn makes him cut the last word. It'll be hard to focus being this tired but he'll try his best. Or at least that's what he thinks.

- How much did you sleep last night?

- Does it matter?

- Of course it does, you need to rest

- I'm the Captain, I ca-

- And that's why you need to stay strong and healthy

- Bu-

- No buts. Come, you can use my bed.

Jimin feels Yoongi softly holding his hips and guiding him towards the bed behind them. He can't stop thinking of all the times they've done this. How many times has Yoongi force him to rest? Always being able to find the limits of Jimin's body before he does. He's so focused on his own thoughts he doesn't even realize the bed is closer than expected. He falls back as soon as he hits it and his first impulse is to hold on to his friend's shirt, making him fall on top of him.

Yoongi's cheeks go red finding himself so close to him. And Jimin can't look anywhere that isn't his eyes. His hands are still holding onto his shirt. The young boy's words make Yoongi swallow hard.

- Ah, there's that feeling again

- F-Feeling?

- I feel so... comfortable? I would stop time if I could. Wouldn't you?

- I...No? I would like for the time to keep running and that we could spend it being uuuh...

- Comfortable

Close. Together. A million words come to Yoongi's head but he says none of them. He doesn't tell him he wants to spend his life by his side. He just gets a little closer, feeling their noses touch. If he leans forward a little more their lips will meet. And Jimin might be oblivious but something like that would be clear even for him. Before they can close the distance, Jimin yawns again.

- I'm sorry I keep doing that. I was supposed to help you work but I'm more tired than what I thought

His eyes fall shut again. He feels so good on that bed, with Yoongi's arms by his side and feeling his mint scented breath touch his lips. And the boy on top of him can't look away. Jimin looks like a fucking angel to him. He talks in a soft tone, trying to keep Jimin relaxed.

- I promise you I'll keep working on it as you sleep. So don't worry about me, okay?

Jimin smiles, keeping his eyes closed and gives him a small nod. Even if he has to get up, Yoongi stays there a few more seconds and gives him the only thing he can think of. A soft kiss on top of his head before getting up.

- Mmm sorry

- Eh? You're sorry? For being tired? You don't need to apologize for that. You can always come to my bed to sleep

- No that, just...I really doubted you when I first saw you here. I should trust you more

- Don't worry, Jiminie. You had your reasons. And I know I'm not as smart as you...but I have other talents. Now sleep.

A soft melody starts sounding. Jimin loves Yoongi's music to play as he sleeps. Even if he can't understand a single word of those songs, he enjoys every second of it. The next day when he wakes up, he finds Yoongi sleeping with his head on top of his desk. A part of him wanted to wake up next to him in that small bed for some reason. He can see the project had a small progress. Not as much as he was expecting but...he doesn't feel like complaining at all. He's in a good mood.

An idea comes to mind and he decides to play his personal playlist on the speakers. Everyone should have a taste of Yoongi's talent to work a little better. And he can't avoid that warm feeling that comes up every single time he thinks of Min Yoongi...

Next Chapter

We got scolded because of you!

We choose one person to spend the rest of our lives with


Hi babes! Sorry for the delay! Here's some Yoonmin for you 💕 They're on the soft part (for now...)

Next time we'll see the chaotic Taekook! We still have some time before we reach the new planet! See you soon!

- Baby Y

P.S: Did you listen to On the Street 1? I think "I wonder" is my favorite song there! Hobi's vocals this album are just so 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 ❤️ ❤️ I miss him so so much 😭 Just 200 more days and we'll finally have him back 🥺

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