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Everything happened too fast for Jin. A minute ago he was discovering this new planet with Joonie by his side. But as soon as they found these creatures, the alien pulled away from him to investigate on his own. At first he didn't mind. It's okay, Joonie doesn't need to be next to him 24/7. But now that they're under attack, not knowing where he is makes his heartbeat accelerate with anxiety.

Around him, the crew is running back to the ship desperate to get away from the violence. Jin looks around but can't find Joonie which should be easy since he's only tall guy with big chest a white hair. Trying to be as sneaky as possible, he walks around the dark trying to find him. And his eyes go wide when he finally sees him, surrounded by those creatures being...captured?

Joonie is being tied by his hands almost carefully. Not that they know how to do things in a delicate way but it seems like they don't want to hurt him. Or at least not yet. And the terror on Joonie's face makes Jin's stomach drop. One of the creatures looks his way making the human panic but for some reason he can't see him. His white let him know the reason. They must be at least partly blind. In a place like this it would be strange to have a good vision.

Following his own conclusions, he throws a rock away from them and just as expected they all look towards the sound. As they get distracted with it, Joonie has the chance to escape. With his hands still tied, he runs next to his human friend and they don't stop until they reach to ship. Only then Jin pulls him in for a hug

- God, I was scared to death! I thought you were dead when I couldn't find you!

The alien is shaking letting himself be hugged. He got lucky, he wasn't gonna die. It was gonna be a lot worse.

- I don't understand. What do they want from you, Joonie? Why were they taking you away from us?

Joonie finally pulls away and shows him his hands. Jin assumes he wants him to untie them so he does. However, even after he's done the other seems to insists.

- They want...you hands?

The alien touches his nose. Before Jin can make a comment, he's being called to his work room. He needs to help those who ended up hurt. Tae wasn't the only one who needed his help, several were injured and needed to go back to work as soon as possible. As he tries his best to help, the ship keeps moving making it hard to keep balance.

- Why the hell are we moving so much?!

- We're under attack, Doctor

- But we already took off!

- It's not them. Someone else came to help them, they got backup!

- Backup? Like...space pirates?

- Most likely. We've been trying to avoid confrontation and escape

Jin sighs frustrated. As the minutes go by, the atmosphere starts to calm. Jimin was able to direct a perfect escape so they're safe. At least for now. Jin wonders if this is the kind of stress his brother went through before dying. After making sure everyone gets his medical help, he holds Joonie's hand to go back to their room together. Even if it's time to sleep and rest, he can't. His head keeps spinning with questions. Well, he's not the only one anxious to sleep in this ship but he's the only one Joonie cares about. The alien listens to the way Jin to talks to himself as he walks from one side of the room to the other.

- I don't understand it. Why is this happening? We went in so peacefully. I know Jimin is cold but he's a good leader, he wouldn't piss them off. Not even accidentally.

Jonie knows perfectly the captain has nothing to do with the attack. It was meant to happen no matter what they did.

- I'm sure it was them. They did this to my brother as well. But why? Why?

He's not looking for a rational response. Just something that can be good enough to convince him. He just want to give a reason to his brother's death. Something more than "violent aliens". There has to be something behind it. He refuses to believe his death was meaningless. Tired, he leans back supporting his hands on his desk.

- I can't understand...

He's holding in some tears. Joonie looks at him first and then at the picture on his desk. The one where Jin's brother Heechul appears smiling wide. The alien looks down at his own hands. He should show Jin the truth. He should show him what he promised to hide forever. He owes him his honesty.

- Joonie? Sorry, I'm keeping you awake. You want me to turn off the lights?

He doesn't answer, obviously. Instead he takes the little sample of Kook's blood from Jin's desk. Pouring some over the furniture he makes Jin confused. Until he touches it...

- What are you...

The words die in his mouth as he sees a few leafs apear and rise from the blood. Soon enough, all that liquid turns into a beautiful and shiny red plant. One that looks exactly like the trees they found on Kook's forest.

- How...How did you do that?

Seeing his confusion, he bites his own finger making it bleed. That white blood as pretty as always turns almost instantly in a beautiful white plant that grown enough to take over the desk itself.

- You... You're the Nam...

Joonie finally touches his nose looking at his creations. It's been so long since he did this in front of a human.

- Is "Nam" your name? Is that what my brother called you?

The aliens lifts his finger one more time to touch his nose but Jin slaps it away. The sudden movement makes Joonie look up at him, scared.

- Fucking talk! You've seen me look for my brother, for all these answers you had. And you didn't say a word?! Not even now?!

There's only silence coming out of the alien in front of him. Frustration takes over Jin. All these years and now that the answer is in front of him he has no way to talk with him. Nam met his brother. The plant of his blood was all over the old ship. He used the emergency exit to escape and left the past crew behind. He knows everything that happened to his brother. And yet he has no way of knowing the truth he was desperately looking for...

Next Chapter

He can...create plants?

God, what did I get into...


Hi babes~ It's all downhill from here so have fun hahaha Here's some Namjin for u

Next time we'll see Yoonmin so get ready for that!

Sorry I'm taking forever. I'll try to heal faster so I can keep doing what I love. Which is writing ❤️

- Baby Y

P.S: Can't wait for Muse 👀

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now