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The humans see the big red animal run towards the friendly alien they just met. Even though none of them wants to see him die, they're not getting in the way of that thing. And the alien looks so calm they wonder if he's not seeing the same as them. In an attempt to save him, Hobi warns him while half covering his eyes.

- Kid! Move! He's gonna kill you!

- I know

They don't understand. Of course they don't. Their culture is very different from the one on this planet. The green haired boy believes life is a cycle. If his time has come that's okay. There's nothing to be afraid of. He knows that after this his body will become a part of the "forest" as they called it. Pari will take care of it.

He doesn't even close his eyes. And that's why he can see the exact moment the animal in front of him dies. A spear pierces his head through. And holding it is the alien's biggest fear. Someone from the other side of his planet.

- Well that alien has a completely different vibe

- Yeah no shit, Hobi. Look at him! He's full of tattoos and scars! Looks badass as hell!

Yoongi is amazed by how manly that alien looks. When he saw him jumping onto that creature to kill it, he thought he was a kid having the time of his life. He moved like a professional hunter and his eyes were focused on the prey. Or at least that's what he thinks. Who else could he be looking at?

The green haired alien has an inner voice asking him to run away from him. But his legs won't move. He stares into those black eyes and slightly panics when he sees him come down from the dead animal. That man doesn't seem to care about the red blood on his hands.

Meanwhile, the humans stare at the scene and comment with each other. Because maybe those aliens are supposed to be enemies. Both from different parts of the planet but... there's something else there. While one of them is scared to death the other one seems...worried?

- What are they doing?

- The hero we didn't expect? Checking his friend to see if he's hurt. The green lovely one? Having a heart attack.

- Am I the only one that kind of ships those two? - Yoongi asks - Or am I going delusional?

- I hate to have an unprofessional conversation when we're supposed to be working - Jimin frowns - But that being said I give them two weeks before they marry

- I wonder what an alien wedding looks like

Jimin tries to stop Hobi and Yoongi from losing track of time with their dumb conversation. He orders both of them to get closer and they start hearing the voice of the new alien. Even though they have no idea what he's saying.

- Sha'kh trahk, Pak'thra

His accent and language are different from the one of their new friend. It sounds rough and extremely hard to pronunce. Some of the sounds are new to their ears. Well, to most of them. Yoongi has already heard so many ways of speaking nothing surprises him that much anymore.

When Jimin gets close to them with the pill for the other to eat, things get slightly out of control. The tattooed alien pulls the other behind him and points his spear at the humans. Probably taking them as a second threat.

- No! Leave them alone!

The green haired one stands between the spear and the humans making the other immediately back off. Jimin takes another step forward and hands the lovely green eyed boy a pill. Scared, the armed alien gets protective and possessive again. He pulls his "friend" closer one more time.

- Ouch! Let me go, you violent psycho!

- Ethk ohr phegrik'la, Pak'thra

- Give him the pill! He'll understand us if he eats it!

Scared to death but trying to be brave, the green eyed alien obeys. He takes the pill in his hand and puts it in his enemy's mouth in one fast move. As soon as he's done he pulls the hand away hoping he doesn't die for this and whispers to himself.

- Please don't kill me, please don't burn me, please let me go, please, please, ple-

The tattooed boy opens his eyes wide as he stares at him. He can't believe his ears.

- You...You talk like me...I understand you, Pak'thra! I can't believe it!

He seems so genuinely happy, the green boy is confused. Is this a trick? It could be. His kind are known for having no empathy or heart so this could be just a way to mess with him before killing him.

- I-If you understand me then l-let me go

Immediately, he does so. He was only trying to keep him away from those humans. Nothing else. But he's not the best at controlling his strength. And the boy he was trying to protect now has a big bruise on his arm.

Since he can understand all of them, Jimin introduces himself again. He assures him he's not there to hurt anyone. And while he's at it, he thanks him for saving them.

- If it wasn't for you maybe that thing would've killed our new friend

- I would never allow that

- Yeah, right. - the other alien scoffs - You guys kill anything that moves. I bet you're gonna eat his corpse

- Obviously. It's enough food for 3 moons

- Ugh, you savage!

Hobi and Yoongi are a second away of talking about how they ship them even more now that they're arguing. But something stops them. Inside the forest someone claps two times. And just like that, silence is made. The two friendly aliens don't speak another word. Instead, they turn around and show their respects to the person coming. The green eyed one slightly bows as he stretches his hand in an elegant way. And the tattooed one kneels on one knee with his head down and letting his spear fall. From between the trees, they see one more alien apear.

- Pari

- Patra

Next Chapter

I always wanted to go up there! I would love to join you!

He is your responsibility now, Seokjin


Hi babes ❤️ I love this Taekook here, I think they're my faves hehehe I hope you like them too!

Next time we'll meet the last one! And then I swear they'll have names so I stop using codes to mention them 😂

- Baby Y

P.S: Bro, I can't stop listening to Jimin's song. I just can't 💕

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now