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The three aliens are all gathered in Jin's work room. The doctor is getting everything ready to examine them while he tries to get used to the tall alien hugging him constantly. Yoongi decided to join them just because he's really excited to see those creatures. Even though they talk like him now, there's still some words that come out of them in their natural language. The kind of things that can't be translated and that make Yoongi take mental notes just for fun.

- Okay! Before we start, why don't you tell us your names?

- My name is Calycanthusflorudis

-....Do you have any short nickname?

- Uuuuh...that's actually the short version

- Oh...

Jin and Yoongi have to try his best to even remember the beginning of that name. And the green haired alien realizes it won't be that easy for these humans to do that.

- Why don't you give me a human name? I'll take it as lovely nickname to use while we travel!

- Are you sure?

- As long as it's something pretty then yeah!

Jin and Yoongi stare at each other before making a list with several names. None of which is fully convincing. Until...

- You know who he reminds me of? That alien cartoon from when I was a kid, it was called Tata!

- Yoongi! We're not naming him like a cartoon! Although...how about Tae?

The young alien smiles liking the idea and the decision is settled. They now turn to the tattooed boy ready to hear his name. And if they thought the first one was hard they weren't ready for this one.

- I don't think you humans will be able to pronunce it

- Maybe we ca-

- I'm J'KhX'k

He was right. The name might be short but some of the sounds are impossible to reproduce. Even the H has a clicking sound Yoongi finds fascinating but also impossible. They try a few times but all they manage to do is make the alien laugh of their "terrible accent". He allows them to give him a human name as well and their debate starts again.

Meanwhile, Tae is reading through the list of possible names and finds one that gets his attention. He whispers to himself about it not knowing he's being heard

- Aww "Kook" sounds adorable

- I know my name! I know which one I want! You humans can call me Kook from now on!

He sounds almost desperate to pick that one and neither Jin or Yoongi have a problem with that. Honestly, it kind of fits him. Tae rolls his eyes not seeing the connection between that cute name and that violent alien but he prefers not to say anything. After all, that is the last person he wants to start a fight with.

- Okay then! Let's start with you, Kook!

Jin begins by taking some blood. Or at least that was the idea until the needle broke as soon as it touched his skin. He's even tougher than he looks. Clearly his big muscles are a result of years of living doing all kinds of exercise. Jin takes a new and thicker needle this time. Kook's blood is a shade of red different from the human one. A lot more intense for sure.

As soon as he takes the needle out, there's no need to make pressure. A thick needle like that should leave a tiny mark but this one doesn't. Well, actually it does but only for a millisecond before it disappears.

- Wow, that is amazing! You can regenerate!

- Wait, hold on. - Tae says - If you can heal so fast then how come you have so many scars?

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now