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(This was a double update! Make sure you read the last one!)

There's no need to take more than a few steps into the ship to realize this will break their hearts. The walls have blood sprayed on them and there's more than one skeleton on the hallways. Jin pays attention to every single one of them. Each step he takes is worse than the one before. He can recognize some of the people on the floor. By their suits or name tags. Old friends of his brother. Of those that used to come home and play cards with him on friday nights.

Jin finally reaches his brother's room. Swallowing hard he opens the door slowly. Behind him, Joonie follows him calmly. He knows there's nothing to fear in that room. As he enters, Jin feels a wave of relief wash over him. The decorations are exactly like his brother liked having them. On his desk there's a picture of him and his family, together with one of the crew. And next to a pile of papers from work, there's something that makes Jin call for his Captain.

Jimin enters the room and his eyes open wide staring at the two plants on the desk. Big and beautiful. One of them is a light pink color and the other is deep red, darker than any other they've ever seen. Jimin touches one of the leaves carefully and his smile comes out immediately.

- How did he get these?

- They look exactly like some of the ones we had on earth years ago

Next to the plants, they each had an old picture of the versions they had on earth from many years before. Currently extinct or so they thought.

- Your brother was right... there's a way to save earth

To just think about that possibility makes Jimin excited. This could become the most successful mission the world's ever seen. And the beauty of those plants makes it hard to take his eyes away from them. In front of him, Jin can't help to feel his chest get filled with pride.

- I told you we had to come

- Fine. I owe you one, Seokjin. I'll go look for a team to search for the Nam. Even if they don't know what the hell that looks like.

- Sounds like a pla-

Jin's words are interrupted with a loud scream. Hoseok can sound desperate so easily. Everyone's first impulse is to run his way. Some thinking he'll need help. Others knowing he saw something he can't handle alone. There's only one person that stays behind. The white haired alien knows what they'll find and he doesn't want to see it. Not again.

Realizing he was left alone in that room, Joonie stares at the plants. They've grown more than he was expecting. But he can see one of them is starting to die a little. There's not enough sunlight coming through the window. That must be the reason. With the tip of his fingers he brushes over it and the plant starts to recover its strength, growing a little taller than before.

He walks out. More and more people are running past him to enter the main room. He stares their way but refuses to follow them. He would love to go and hold Jin in his arms. But he can't. He knows that if he sees that scene again he'll scream as well. And he can't do that. Not anymore.

Walking down the hallways he gets to the left part of the ship. On the side of the walls and growing bigger on the ceiling, there's a climbing plant. One of those that spread sticking to any surface they encounter. It has a delicate white color with pretty and tiny flowers. The closer he gets to the emergency exit, the more he can find. A mix of sadness and nostalgia runs through his body. Heechul loved those flowers...

He gets to the end of the hallway. It used to lead to a tiny ship, smaller than the rooms the crew had but big enough for some of them to use in case of an emergency. Of course, that tiny ship is not there anymore. He already used it last time. So he could escape the chaos and end up in Tae and Kook's planet. He was waiting to see nothing but the door. But he freezes when he sees the message written on it. In big letters, there's a short sentence written with the blood of those he used to love. A dark red that will hunt him forever. Staining some of the pretty white flowers.

"No one stays silent forever. Except this crew. Talk."

If he could throw up, he would. Instead, he falls to his knees feeling the world around him spin. To top it all, on the back of his head he can start to register the sounds coming from the main room. Jin's cries are so desperate as his were years ago. He knows he found him. He knows the adorable Jin that's been taking care of him lately finally had to accept the truth. He finally found his brother or what's left of him...

Next Chapter

Whatever they had was clearly working

Jimin talks about me?!


Hi babes! This was gonna be one single chapter but it was too long so I preferred to slip it! Anyway! Here's your Namjin 💔

These two are going through a lot but now you know part of Namjoon's power!

Next one will be Yoonmin~ So I'll see you there!

- Baby Y

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now