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Jimin enters the meeting ready to get the updates on what they found. He knows the "Nam" wasn't here. Or so they think. It's not like they know how it looks like anyway. The room isn't that big and all the members of high rank are there to hear what Hoseok has to say. Of course, Seokjin didn't join them and the Captain can't blame him for it. He needs some time to process what he saw.

- We're done revising the bodies and we prepared to bury them in a few hours. The idea is to give them a respectful funeral

- Sounds good. Are all of them there? The whole crew?

- I went through the list and there were a few people missing. Considering the crash, it wouldn't be weird for their bodies to be somewhere unreachable for us right now

- They could've gone somewhere in the emergency capsule as well

Jimin can't believe he's saying that. Seeing Seokjin cry that way only made him feel bad. He wants to have some hope that someone survived. Just like Jin wished for ten years.

- There's no way of knowing, we couldn't find it anywhere.

Jimin isn't there to start an investigation and honestly he prefers not to. Whatever caused so many problems shouldn't affect their mission. This ship might be more modern but it doesn't mean it's ready for an attack. Especially not one like that.

- Captain, you should probably know the cause of death...

- Why that face? What was it?

- Well... Captain Heechul was shot. Just like four more members of the crew. And then the rest...I don't know how to put it

- If there was a crash I'm not surprised that th-

- Whatever killed them wasn't human for sure. Maybe the aliens that used to live here were bigger and more violent than we were thinking. They crushed bones and even split some people in half

Jimin feels a shiver run down his spine. Even Hobi's voice was shaking saying those words. These men used to be their idols, the people they admired and wanted to become one day. And to see how destiny treated them feels unfair to say the least.

After a minute of complete silence, Jimin takes the report. He'll make sure to file every detail so they can share it to their boss when they return to earth. There's not much more he can do right now. He tries to change the subject to the only good part of their discovery.

- What about the plants?

- There was only one pink. We found a lot more of the red ones. And half the fucking ship is covered in the white one. I think it's kinda invasive

- If there's one thing that should invade earth it's a plant.

- The red ones...they could turn into trees in a few more years.

- Whatever they had was clearly working

Jimin smiles. The red plants he saw there reminded him so much to the ones on earth. At least the ones he read about in old books. They'll make sure to take them back to their planet and if they're lucky enough they'll get them to reproduce.

- Yoongi will make sure to analyze them in the lab. And with his theory maybe he can get them to multiply!

All looks turn to Yoongi who swallows hard. He knew he eventually would have a responsibility like this. But he wasn't expecting it to be so soon and he can't help to slightly panic. At the same time, Jimin is looking at him with so much faith it's impossible not to smile.

- Uuuuh could I...get some help? I mean, so we can get results faster!

- Of course! Suran, you go with him

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now