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Jimin makes sure everything is perfect to continue with their mission. They have enough information to keep learning about this planet as they travel. For now, he already feels like this is not the one for the humans. Is too small for them. Especially if you take into account there's already many aliens living in it. Honestly, the only part he's interested in are those trees and the amount of clean oxygen they create.

- Everything ready, Captain!

- Perfect. Let's keep going as planned then.

- Yes, Captain!

Jimin starts to walk back to his chair when he comes across a pale boy that keeps looking at him with stars in his eyes. Yoongi is about to say something sweet or cheerful but Jimin is faster than him.

- Room.

- Y-Yes, Jiminie

They close the door behind them as they enter Jimin's room. Yoongi swallows hard knowing by his tone this is not right. Though he secretly loves the way his cute little Jiminie frowns when he's angry.

- I read part of the project that got you in this ship. Not to be disrespectful, Yoongi but...did you really write that?

- I...Y-Yes! With some help...

- Help? From who?

Jimin suddenly sounds interested. He was starting to get scared that maybe Yoongi lied to him while reading that project. He didn't wanna believe it. Yoongi would never do something like that. But a part of him started to get paranoid and he needed to hear the truth from the only person in the world he trusts.

- Kihyun. He helped me. I used to be his roommate a few years back, remember?

- Ugh, yes. He made weird face whenever I came to visit

- He always shipped us

- Eh? What's shipping?

- N-Nothing! So...Uhmm are you angry?

Jimin bites his tongue. He's not sure how he feels. He's relieved Yoongi's being honest. But also he wasn't ready to spend this whole trip with Yoongi by his side. And his friend can see that. He can see how hard it is for Jimin to work when he's near. But he doesn't think that's a bad thing at all.

- You know, I could make more songs for you during this time

Jimin's eyes light up for a second and a tiny smile shows up without wanting to. As soon as he realizes what his own reaction is being, he stops himself.

- I'm supposed to focus on work, Yoongi

- Yeah...so? You once told me music helped you work?

Jimin avoids his eyes. Yes, music isn't the problem. Having an adorable Yoongi so close is.

- I meant...you should focus on work instead of-

- Making music? I can do both! I promise, Jiminie. Trust me!

- ...Okay

Not gonna lie, the idea of getting new songs gets him excited. Still, he tries to hide it for now.

- I should go back to work, Yoongi. But tonight I want you to sit next to me at dinner

- Yes! I would love to-

- So you can tell me more about that project. It sounds interesting!

Yoongi nods trying to look calmed even though he knows he'll have to spend a few hours re-reading that boring thing. They head out of the room and Jimin stays standing there, staring at his crew. He takes a deep breath trying not to stress. This is the job of his dreams. Even if it's extremely overwhelming at times. Yoongi's hands hug him softly from behind making Jimin close his eyes with the touch.

- Hey... You're doing amazing, Jiminie. We only started and you already got to see trees. Real trees!

His voice is so smoothing, Jimin relaxes. For once, he feels proud of the way this started. Not because he wasn't before. But only now he stops to think how magical it actually felt. His shoulders only tense again when a different voice sounds and he finally pulls away from his friend.

- Captain!

Yoongi leaves him and Hobi to have a talk. The sub-captain is holding his hand that has bite marks all over it.

- And what the hell happened to you?

- That alien doesn't let me get even near Seokjin! It'll be a disaster to have these guys on board, Jimin!

- It'll be okay. You can talk to Seokjin if his alien isn't comfortable here

- You're just trying to do extra work, as always.

- It's not that much work if you help me, Hoseok. We'll be the best crew on earth. We'll exceed everyone's expectations doing everything they asked us for and more. People will love us!

- And we'll help our planet a-

- Yeah, yeah, that too

Hobi sighs. They don't really have the most empathetic lovely Captain in charge. Even if he's more than qualified for it. And Jimin continues with his mission knowing that no matter what look his sub-captain gives him, there's always someone else that will forever support him. A pale man with adorable eyes that would never betray his trust...

  Next Chapter

If you can heal so fast then how come you have so many scars?

Since we're gonna share a room, you need to follow my rules

Hi babes! Here's a little of our humans before we go back to our little ones from out of space!

I love Jimin no matter how serious he gets some times. And next one we'll see Taekook! It might be a long chapter so I'll see you soon for that!

- Baby Y

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now