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Seokjin sighs once he's left alone in his work room. Well, "alone" isn't really the word. He still has one more alien to check on and it's the one hugging his back at the moment. Before he can say anything, he feels him pull away and sit on the chair extending his arm. He's ready for Jin to take out some blood with no complaints to give.

- You're the most obedient of the three, clearly. Is it okay if I choose your name, big guy?

Since he haven't talked at all, he's not sure how could the other choose one himself. Hell, if his name is as complicated as the ones the other two originally had, he rather skip over it. The alien touches his nose softly before smiling wide, showing his dimples that are too cute to be legal.

- I'll take that smile as a yes. Hmmm it should be something cute and lovely...so how about Joonie? I think it's adorable!

They seem to agree and so Jin finally begins with his exams. Unlike Tae or Kook who have their special and unique abilities, he doesn't seem to have any special power. His blood is white and shiny which is unexpected but not much more. It feels like he's different from the rest of the people on that planet. Either his species hides very well or he's the last one there.

Seokjin stops thinking about it when he sees him take the picture from his desk. It's the same one Tae used to change shapes and turn into the girl appearing on it. Jin loves that picture. It has him with his brother and his brother's girlfriend. Both of them left in that ship that never came back. He can see the way Joonie is staring at them and softly touches the photo with the tip of his fingers.

- That's my brother. Heechul. He's out here, somewhere...I would like to find him soon

The alien's eyes get glossy as he hugs the portrait against his chest.

- You wanna keep it? You can have it for now if you like it

He's not sure why the boy is having that reaction. But he doesn't look like he wants to let it go. Maybe he felt the sadness in his voice when he mentioned his brother? Is that it? He can't be sure. He's about to ask when someone knocks on the door. The familiar face makes the alien hide behind Jin's back again.

- I'm not gonna get closer because he already bit me once today. But dinner is ready

- Thanks Hobi, we'll go now

- If you can, try to sit him far from me. I rather go back home in one piece!

- Okay. And don't worry! I'll teach him to behave haha

- Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey...you two look cute together!

Jin rolls his eyes. This sub-captain and Yoongi have an obsession with shipping people. Taking his lovely Joonie's hand, he guides him to the dinning room where everyone's gathered. He makes sure they both find seats slightly away from the people. At least until the alien can get used to them. While they wait for dinner to be served, they have their own private "conversation". For starters, Joonie points at the captain looking curious.

- Hmm? Ah yes, that's Park Jimin. He's the head of this mission.

Seeing the other frown, Seokjin tries to explain it better. It's true that Jimin doesn't look like a leader at first.

- I know he gives out this cold impression but I've seen him smile a few times! At least when he gets near Yoongi

Joonie looks even more confused now. He has no idea of the names these people have yet.

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now