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Clapping twice was all it took for the two arguing aliens to shut up and pay their respects. The group of humans see one last stranger appear in the middle of that blue and red forest. He looks so different from the other two. Jimin can't be sure why but there's something in the way he walks, in the way his eyes stare at them. If it wasn't impossible he would say he comes from a different planet than the one where they're standing.

He's tall, with almost white colored hair and sharp eyes. He looks bigger than the other two and by the way he treats them you could think he's the father figure between them. He takes the hands of the other two aliens and nods softly towards them. All of it without saying a single word.

- Ugh, I apologize for arguing...but only because Pari asked me to

- I'm not sorry for killing that animal

- Hey! Unfair! Pari is telling us to-

- But I am sorry for scaring you and hurting your arm, Pak'thra

- Whatever...

While the second apology sounded honest, the green eyed alien is clearly uncomfortable next to the other. As soon as "Pari" sees the humans, he forgets about the little fight and pushes his two friends behind him to protect them.

- Bro, do we really look that scary? This is the second one that thinks we're a threat!

- Just give him the pill, Hoseok

Jimin is getting tired of all this nonsense and his eyes ignore the aliens to travel around the place. Meanwhile, his sub-captain tries to hand the latest alien the pill only to be absolutely denied.

- He won't take it, Captain

- Pari doesn't talk anyways

- He doesn't?

Yoongi sounds disappointed. He totally wanted to hear a new language. But the two youngest aliens assure them in all these years they've never heard a single word come out of his...friend? Father? God? Whatever he is to them. As they talk about that, Jimin walks his way past them to finally reach the center of the forest.

Standing there in the middle of a blue and red forest, there's a huge purple tree. The only one with that color. Stronger than the rest. Jimin's little hands touch it softly and he has to try his best not to smile. An earth covered in them would be quite a view. But soon enough he goes back to his more serious tone.

- Take samples of everything. Don't worry about the last alien, he doesn't need to take the pill if he doesn't want it.

While everyone works, the green eyed alien talks to Hobi and Yoongi ignoring the rest.

- Are you all going back to your planet after this?

- Oh, we're just starting this mission. We have way too many planets left to visit!

- That's so cool...

His eyes shine hearing about it. The idea of going to space seems so tempting to him. Jimin can see it and his brain starts working at full capacity. Maybe the mission would work even better if...

- Want to come with us?

- R-Really?!

- That way our doctor could study the way your bodies adapt to this environment. This trees are slightly different than ours and every new information is good for us

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now