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Kook and Tae keep their distance from the humans. The gloomy atmosphere is the main reason why they think they shouldn't intervene right now. From afar, they stare at their funeral traditions. To them it all looks weird to say the least. None of them have ever seen something like this before.

- Who came up with the idea of burying them?

- It's their culture, Pak'thra. I'm sure even you and me have different rituals for things like these

- Of course we do. Your people burn the bodies like the psychos they are

His deep voice shows nothing but hate. The fire that he once found beautiful is now his biggest fear and the most horrible memory he ever had. All thanks to those living on the other half of his planet. Kook can see the way he tensed saying that and without making eye contact he gives him the lastest update about it.

- We don't burn them anymore

- You don't?

- Nope. Now we just cut them in half and leave them near the trees as an offering to Patra

- No ofense but that's disgusting as shit

- You just say that because you don't like blood!

- I say it because the idea of cutting someone in half makes me wanna throw up!

- Mkay. And how about you? What do you guys do when someone dies?

- We lay them down next to their favorite tree

- That's it? Just like that?

- Excuse me for not wanting to cut our dead relatives in half, Kook

- Well...either way it's almost the same as what we do! See? We're really not that different!

Kook sounds excited saying it. He loves finding things in common with Tae. And at the end of the day, they both have cultures that offer what's left of the people they loved to the trees. Leaving nature and the white haired alien to take care of the rest. Opposite to him, the idea of sharing any point of view with him pisses Tae off. He doesn't want anything to do with someone from that side of the planet. Yet his curiosity gets the best of him and he decides to ask.

- Why did you stop burning them?

- Because I gave the order.

- You can give orders? Are you their leader or something?

- Hahaha of course not, Pak'thra! We don't have leaders there. We're a simple community! But...there are ranks based on-

- Let me guess. Strength? The strongest is also the most powerful?

- Are we that obvious?

- I didn't think you'd rank each other for your intelligence.

Kook ignores the subtle insult and tells him the story of how he got to give his people the order to stop burning the bodies. Changing a ritual isn't that simple. He had to do something worthy of the biggest social reward. In his case, he made sure to hunt the biggest and most dangerous creature they've ever encountered.

- I ended up pretty hurt. I slept for days and I even thought I was gonna die! But it didn't matter. I won. That creature was big enough to feed my whole family for a month. And I had the right to ask for anything!

He sounds excited telling the story and Tae looks at him up and down. It's true that Kook has several scars. Despite having a healing ability all of them are clear as day. Some of them look so painful, Tae's sure he would never survive them if he was on Kook's place.

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