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(This is a DOUBLE update! So make sure to read the next chapter as well!)

Only those who accept the mission can stay in the meeting room. And even though most of them stay, there's some people that walk out not wanting to take that risk. Especially people who have a family to take care of. Jin doesn't even think in moving, he already decided he would join the crew. But he looks around to see how the rest reacts. Suran looks at Jimin before asking in a low voice about it.

- Are you staying?

- Obviously.

The young boy isn't even looking at the door but her... she's doubting for a second. Considering the advantage of staying on earth. Even if her expression is not very emotional, it feels like the option of walking out is tempting her. However at the end, she decides to stay in her seat. Jin wonders if she wants to leave because she doesn't wanna be near Jimin. But...they actually look pretty good together.

The people left in the room stare at the man in charge waiting for what he has to say. He clears his throat and starts talking while avoiding Jin's eyes.

- As you know, we've tried it all to preserve life on earth. Our projects and investigations keep buying us time but that's all they do. Whenever there's an excursion out there it's never far enough. Last time we sent a ship to make a long distance trip...

- It was Heechul's ship, right? - Hobi remembers - The one that didn't come back yet

- Exactly. We considered that was a lesson for us to stop trying something so risky but...we would like to give it a shot. One last time.

- Why the last? Why did you stop at all?

Jimin is curious. He's been like that since he heard about that project being on hold. And the man at the head of the table sighs before pulling out a small black device.

- Because we know the risk. That ship we sent 10 years ago...it won't return.

Seokjin's heart stops for a moment. The man is too serious and the object on the table is easily recognizable for the people there. It's an old communications device.

- They were supposed to be gone for 5 years. They could not talk to us during that time. Unless...

They know. If someone has an emergency up there, they can send one final message. It's not to ask for help because it would never get to them on time. Usually, it's a warning. The man presses play and Jin feels the tears about to come out. He can recognize immediately his brother's recorded voice. Even after all this time he has no doubts it belongs to him. On the back, the sounds of screams and gunshots are heard.

- "This is Kim Heechul, ID 613. There's no need to find another planet. I repeat. There's no need to find a second earth. We can heal the one we have. As long as we have Nam. That's all we-"

One last gunshot is heard before the recording stops. The silence is louder than ever. Jin can see every possible scenario go through his head. Never deciding on one of them to be definitive.

- I'll remind you, it's a national felony to talk about what you just heard outside this room. The government doesn't want that to be public. And we were gonna give up on it. We did for a long time. But we're running out of options so...

- Wait, they're dead?

- We don't know that - Jin says - We have no proof they're not out there waiting for help

No one really believes that's the case. And just to make sure, Jimin tries to clear some doubts about their mission.

- Are we going there to find them, sir? To bring them back?

- No. They are considered dead.

- But we can't be sure! Besides, my brother said we didn't need to leave earth. We just need the "Nam" whatever the hell that is!

- So they found a solution to our problem?

- Are we going out there to find the Nam?

- Do we even know what that looks like?

- Is our mission to find the responsibles of what happened?

The amount of theories and guesses thrown around are starting to overlap. With everyone talking over each other's voices. The old man leading the meeting has to ask them a few times to calm down before the room is silent again.

- Gentlemen, everything you say is very honorable. I'm sure captain Heechul would be thankful but...we only showed you this as a warning. Your mission is the same as the one they had.

- But the-

- The difference is you'll go for longer time. You'll keep an eye out for the "Nam" and most importantly you should know if you don't find a new planet for us, we're pretty much doomed. Is that understood?

Slowly, the men in the room nod. Jin has to clench his jaw as he does. He's glad he stayed in that room. He's probably the only one that will keep trying to find his brother when they get up there.

- We'll get into details soon but just to be clear, we'll do everything we can to keep you safe. We don't know if that last ship was attacked by aliens or space pirates or what. But we'll give you our best spaceship for this mission.

Hobi can finally begin to relax. The last thing he wants is to end up dead away from home. At least not if he can avoid it. The man shows them every new item they created for the trip. Including new suits, new functions on the ship and also...

- This are the new pills. I'm sure you all recognize them. It's what we give any alien that enters earth so they can talk and understand our language.

- What's new about them?

- The government promised they would give pills free to anyone as long as they had a tracer inside. These ones have a much less invasive one. We wanna keep the aliens we meet as safe as possible. We don't need any more enemies.

Seokjin agrees. From what he gets from the explanation, the new tracer is mostly off unless someone actively turns it on from the ship's panel control. Every model before this one was constantly activated and it would turn on whenever an alien would talk. The sound was the only thing needed for that alien to be tracked down.

After a long meeting they're finally allowed to go. They have only 3 days before leaving earth. Even though they still need to choose a few more people to join the crew, the main positions are taken. As they walk out, Jin gets near Jimin and stops him.

- Hi, I'm Seokjin. I just wanted to say it'll be an honor to be your subordinate

- Mhm

Jimin doesn't even say a word. Just a nod before walking away. All of that with a very serious expression. Confused, Jin feels someone else put his hand on his shoulder.

- Don't mind him. He takes a while to open up.

And he's right. Tha captain of the new ship is nothing like his brother used to be. Not a smile or a welcoming speech is given by him. At least not to Jin. Because as soon as Jimin is far enough from the rest, he needs to show his true emotions to the only person he trusts...

(Next Chapter is up now! ⬇️👇🏼⬇️)

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now