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Kook runs through the dark territory trying to figure out the right way back. His eyes can barely adapt to the lack of light so he wouldn't be surprised if he fell. If he wasn't so agile that would've happened a while ago anyway. Clearly, the rest of the creatures on this planet don't have that problem. They don't need light to follow him up close. Knowing he can't get away that easily, Kook decides to fight.

- Fhzt'ar h'k prkham

His words are nothing but a ritual before having a fair fight. It's a promise to fight with honor. And to die with it if it's necessary. Five creatures fight against him. More than one gets to hurt him but their huge size makes them slower. They might be strong but they're not like him. He grew up learning how to fight, how to hunt, how to kill.

After killing four of them, he eyes search for the last one. He can't see him but he gets to hear his steps. He's running away. Somewhere far from the ship. He would let him go if it wasn't because they don't seem like the type to do that. There must some hidden intentions. Just in case, he decides to follow him. Hoping with his whole heart that Tae can wait for him a little longer.

- What the hell is he doing?

The creature stands in front of a machine that looks like it was made by humans. It reminds him of the ship they found last time they landed. It seems a lot more rustic than what he would expect from a human creation. The alien in front of him touches a big red button on the middle and a voice comes out. Not as clear as expected but with an obvious message.

*Assist-ance on-- the wa-y-*

The creature turns hearing Kook scoff. The fight will be intense and they know it. But they're both ready.

- You'll need more than some backup to beat me

The other doesn't understand his words. He never took the pill. He has no idea and he doesn't care what he has to say. The fight takes its time, they're both strong opponents. Since Kook enjoys fighting more than anything, he makes the best out of every second of it. They both hurt each other and they both resist. Neither of them minds taking their time on a fair fight. Until someone screams not that far from there.

- Help! Someone! Please!

Kook immediately reacts, taking a part of that strange communications machine and stabbing the creature with it. He doesn't agree to use other weapons in a fair fight. But he can recognize the voice calling for help. If Hoseok is calling, that means Tae is also in danger. He runs towards them, following the sub-captain's voice.

When he finally sees them, his blood boils. Hobi and Tae are surrounded by enemies. Usually, he attacks with a calm mind following his rituals. Fighting is part of his life. But as soon as he sees Tae's blue blood running down his arm he acts without thinking. He kills whoever gets in the way between them with no care, ignoring his entire beliefs.

Even when being hurt, Tae can't help being terrified of Kook. As soon as he sees him get to him, he steps back. Seeing him covered in the other creature's blood only makes his body shiver. Kook doesn't care if he's scared, he needs to heal him. He pulls him close touching his wounds, letting Tae's blue blood stain his clothes and hands.

- He's losing a lot of blood! We have to take him back to the ship, Kook!

- Guide me.

Kook carries Tae on his back and they run back to the ship. On the way, he feels how Tae loses his strength. He lost consciousness. When they get there, they wait for Jin to come back so he can check on him. It doesn't take much longer for the doctor to arrive. Seokjin works with his entire focus on the green haired alien. He's always been a professional.

- You healed him, he's not hurt anymore

- Then why won't he wake up?! I want him awake!

- His body is weak, he lost a lot of blood

- Then fix it!

- Kook, for doing a blood transfusion we'd need blood that can match his

Kook stares at his soulmate. His skin lost its color, the wound on his chest was small and he managed to heal it but...Tae is too fragile. That could've killed him. He should've been there with him sooner. He should've hurried.

- I'm a match

- We don't know if-

- I know. Tell him, Patra. You know it too

Jin turns to look at Joonie who confidently touches his nose. How can he know they're a match? He has no time to ask. He decides to trust the two aliens insisting on it and the transfusion starts. It takes a little longer than an hour and Tae never wakes up from his sleep. By the end of it, they take him to his room where Kook holds him close so they can rest.

There's something going on outside their room, something bad. The movements of the ship and the noises make Kook well aware of how complicated things got. But he doesn't care. His priority is in his arms, nowhere else. If an enemy enters the room he'll take care of it. If not, he won't move at all.

Tae seems to be dreaming since he keeps mumbling words and making various expressions. Whatever it is that keeps going through his head, it doesn't keep him from holding Kook's shirt firmly. In the middle of the night, his eyes open for a few seconds. He stares at Kook and pulls him closer. It's the first time he doesn't even try to push him away. The complete opposite.

- Don't leave me again...

- Never. I'll forever stay with you, my Pak'thra

As Tae closes his eyes once more, Kook hears him whisper a name. His name. Not the one he chose with the humans but the real one. So maybe...maybe Tae can still remember him...

Next Chapter

What do they want from you, Joonie?

You... You're the Nam...


Hi babes! I'm still going through some depressing times in my life so the updates are slow 🥺

But I'm not done writing. This story is fully planned from beginning to end and you'll get all of it. It just might take a little longer than planned.

Thank you for waiting 💚💜

- Baby Y

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now