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(This is a DOUBLE update so make sure you read the past chapter before this one!)

Jimin walks a few blocks away from the space station. And only when he's sure there's no one around him, he finally breaks down. The tears won't stop falling from his eyes. He's been waiting for this moment his entire life. It took him so much effort to get here, so much sacrifice. And he finally got the news he was expecting. He'll achieve his dream. The one everyone said would be impossible.

He's so excited his knees are shaking. He can barely stay standing up. Hell, his hands are also shaking so bad it's hard to text his parents about it. It's always been hard for him to handle moments of extreme emotion. Anxiety tends to take over him. And the only thing he can do to stay calm is pull out his cellphone and put on a song. The music helps him relax.

He walks his way to Yoongi's house. He's the only person that will receive these news in person. And as soon as he sees that gummy smile, something inside Jimin feels warm. The anxiety disappears for good this time. His body is no longer tense and when he talks his voice comes out firm. It almost doesn't sound like he was crying a minute ago.

- They chose me

- Eh? You're supposed to say hello, Jiminie

- They chose me to be the Captain on an important mission. I'll go to space. Real unknown space. I'll find new planets. I'll see things no human has ever seen. I'll...

Ah, there go the tears again. Yoongi pulls him close for a hug, holding his waist with care and kissing the top of his head. Hoping he's not crossing the line.

- Jiminie, that's amazing! I knew you could make it! It was only a matter of time!

Jimin's whole body can relax in those arms. He can't understand why. What the hell does Yoongi have that he can have those effects on him? And that raspy voice near his ear could become a drug for him.

- I'm so proud of you, Jiminie

- You need to create a lot of songs for me to listen to while I'm up there

Yoongi smiles wide before pulling away. His favorite hobby has always been looking for old dead languages and writing music for his best friend. Even if the years have passed he never crossed the boundaries of friendship. He never got the courage to do it and Jimin never even mentioned that as a possibility.

- Of course, Jiminie. How long will you be gone? I need to see how many songs to include!

- Oh, 10 years.

- T-Ten years?!

- So you should just include them all now that I think about it...

- B-But in 10 years... I'll be like 40!

- Hmm I wonder if you'll be a married man with children when I return.

- No! I won't, believe me. And...you..

- Oh, I definitely will be just as single. I mean, I'll spend my days working with my crew. Most of them are people I don't know but very professional from what I heard. At least Suran will be with me.

Yoongi now feels even worse than before. He doesn't trust her at all. Not because she's a bad person but because she's always too close to Jimin. And the panic of seeing them together has been in his head since they were merely students.

While Jimin looks for something to drink, Yoongi tries to calm his breathing. Ten years without Jimin? How the hell is he gonna survive that? He once left on an 18 months mission to the moon and Yoongi was a second away from dying of sadness. While he panics, the younger is calm and returns with a coffee for each.

- Are you really gonna leave for that long?

- Well, it depends on how much we take in finding a new planet. Maybe if we do it on time, I'll be back earlier. Maybe 6 or 7 years.

- And...what about us? We won't be able to talk while you're gone!

- That's why I'm asking for music, isn't it obvious? Besides, I'll be back safe and sound and we'll be friends again

Jimin's not scared or sad about it. There's something inside him telling him he'll always have Yoongi. He'll wait for him to return and nothing will change. And also, having his music will keep him close in a way.

- When are you leaving?

- Three days from now

- THREE DA...I need to sit down

Yoongi can hardly process the information while Jimin looks out the window. The space station partly visible from there. He still remembers that night he decided to study for this while being in this house's rooftop. Only nerves and excitement are flowing through his veins. The dream he fought for is at the tip of his fingers.

- I hope we leave on time. They still need a few more people to join us.

- ...More people?

- The best of the best as they said. Suran will need a lab partner since I'll be busy being the Captain. She gave a long list of people with the capacity for it. So maybe Minho or Yeonjun or Kihyun or...who knows?

- Kihyun...I see.
While Yoongi is thinking the craziest shit inside his head, Jimin walks up to him and hugs him again. He wants to feel the touch one last time.

- Thank you. For supporting me.

He shows his hyung the widest eye-smile without realizing the effects of it. Yoongi can't look away. He looks so happy. It must be the first time Jimin isn't absolutely tense. Getting this far was his gold for so long that he can't hide the feeling. Not in front of Yoongi at least. He'll make sure to be a little more subtle with the rest of the world.

- Goodbye, Yoongi. And don't forget the songs! You know I need them to relax

When the young boy walks out, Yoongi pulls out his phone without a doubt on his mind. He can't stop him but he can't be separated either. So he just...

- Hello?...Kihyun? Yeah, I need to ask you for a big favor...

Next Chapter

What are you doing in the ship?

Diugh, that was the most disgusting thing I ever tasted!


It's a double update because it was supposed to be one chapter but it was long as fuck 😅 So here it is. The last one on earth...

Next time we'll meet the first alien! Who do you think it will be? Take a guess~

- Baby Y (Currently crying his eyes out with Namjoon's letter. I'll miss him and Tae Tae too much 😭😭😭😭)

Across the Universe - Namjin Yoonmin Taekook Where stories live. Discover now