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It took Jimin more than he was expecting to escape their new enemies. The ship chasing them seemed to be run by someone who was dying to get them at all costs. But why? They're merely an investigation team! They have nothing valuable on board.

Despite being safe for now, the entire crew stays alert. The attack damaged their ship and they have to keep a lower speed until they can get it fixed. More than one is praying this won't lead to their enemies finding them. It won't be that easy running away a second time.

Jimin is terrified on the inside, his head is filled with thoughts about what a failure this whole thing might be. He wasn't supposed to let his crew get in danger and his ship get attacked. What is people gonna say when they return? He knew something like this could happen but not so soon into his trip. He didn't feel ready. He was supposed to be but he actually felt scared.

- Captain.

Jimin turns, not wanting another problem. But as soon as he sees Jin, his mind hurries to talk about the only person he truly cares about.

- What is it? Is Yoongi okay? Is his arm-

- Min's fine. He's not the problem

- Then what is it? I don't have time for anything less than "extra-important"

Almost admiting how important his best friend is that he could put his work aside for him, he waits for Jin's answer. The doctor looks serious and even mad. Whoever made him angry really got on his nerves.

- Believe me, you don't wanna miss this.

He sounds mysterious. Like he doesn't wanna show this to everyone. And his tired and frustrated expression is hard to hide. Deciding to follow him instead of asking any questions, he lets him guide him to Joonie's room.

- Show him.

Seokjin's voice sounds extremely serious and the alien keeps avoiding his eyes while showing a sad expression on his face. With some doubts but wanting to trust Jin, the alien shows the young Captain what he can do. As soon as he sees the plant grow almost on its own in front of him, Jimin's eyes go wide.

- He can...create plants?

Jimin looks almost hypnotized by the beautiful creations. He didn't think he'd get to see more of these so soon. Jin guides him to the other plants and flowers on his desk. The ones made with Joonie's blood as well as Kook's. Jimin smiles wide finding himself almost surrounded by them. Of course, Jin allows him to take them to the lab for Suran and Yoongi to see. As he enters, he can see the way she's checking on his friend's arm carefully.

- I already told you. It doesn't hurt

- I'm just making sure Kim did this okay

- Jin is a good doctor. He's really- Ouch!

Suran is about to apologize when Jimin makes sure to clear his throat loud enough for them to hear. They both turn to see him carrying some plants on his hands. She stares at them with shiny eyes and helps him place them on the desk.

- More? Where did you get those?

- Nam made them

- We have the Nam?!

- You two can work on your projects with these, right? We can get more! And if you advance enough we can even head back home!

Not dealing with a damaged ship for the next 10 years would also be relieving. In less than a second, Suran gets to work.
She is after all a passionate woman. The captain gets closer to his lovely Yoongi, softly touching his arm with his fingertips. Just feeling that touch is enough for Yoongi's heart to go crazy. In his head, his thoughts go out of control. "If Suran wasn't here, I would kiss him", he thinks.

- I'll do it for you, Yoongi.

- E-eh?

- You can just give me the instructions and I'll do it in your place so your arm rests!

- T-There's no need. You can go do something else and I'll work here! I'm okay!

He doesn't really love the idea of Jimin seeing how slowly he actually works. But the short boy isn't giving in.

- When you first joined I was skeptical. Let me show you I trust you, guide me

Yoongi tries to control his panic and convince himself he can handle this. He prays on the inside for God to let him keep his act. But praying won't be enough. As the hours go by and the failures multiply, the environment gets more and more tense. The only one that keeps breaking through with her work is Suran. And whenever Jimin uses his own ideas things move on. But Yoongi...he keeps setting it all back. He takes the project in his hands trying to understand a word of it, to get an idea of what he has to do. And Jimin start to let his frustration out.

- How can you not know this?!

- It's not that easy!

- You're the one that wrote about it!

- Well, I need to re-read what I wrote!

Jimin makes an effort to swallow his words. He knows how easy it is for him to cross a limit. And he's about to raise his voice at the only person he doesn't ever want to hurt. Yoongi is just as tired as him, he should be more comprehensive. At least that's what he says to himself while trying to push down all the curses bottling up in his throat. They spent hours working and the advance on Yoongi's end is extremely slow.

Jimin decides the best thing for him to do is to get out of the room for a minute. Get some fresh air, clear his mind. He stands near the back window of the ship with his eyes focused on the stars and galaxies surrounding them. Thankfully there's no enemies on sight. From the corner of his eye he can see the damaged engine of the ship. That surprise attack was hard to handle. Especially since he wasn't expecting it and he never thought he'd have to face such violence. He's here for the science, this is really not his strength.

- God, what did I get into...

What made him think he could handle all this stress? His muscles are tense, his eyes are tired and his brain is still thinking about work even now. He hears a few steps behind him and can immediately tell it's Yoongi coming to get him.

- If you want me in a better mood, you should go back to work

- There's nothing else I can do in there

- Yoongi... I'm sorry, I know I get exasperating too fast. This is important to me. But please don't be discouraged. I know you can do it. Together we-

- I didn't write that project

Jimin's whole body freezes after hearing those words. Staring at who once was his best friend's ashamed expression he starts to wonder if he can still call him a friend at all...

Next Chapter

(You shouldn't be here right now)

(Help us, please help us Patra)


Hi babes! It's Yoonmin's time for crisis. I hope you are liking it!

Next time we'll see Taekook's past! They're my faves in this story so I hope you're ready!

- Baby Y

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