chapter six

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Kanto starters

Right now Ash, Misty and Brock were having trouble walking through a non-path forest. "Ash, you need to learn how to read the map right," complained Misty. "Excuse me Misty," replied Ash "but you looked at the map with me earlier". Misty and Ash were about to have an argument with each other, when Brock cut in. "Okay that's enough," he said "come on, we are all tired now. So let's take a break and then we'll figure out what to do". Ash and Misty had nothing against that.

They had a break by a very small stream. Just then Misty saw a pokemon by the stream. "Hey, look at Pokemon," she said. Ash checked it on his pokedex: Oddish, the weed pokemon. It often plants its root feet in the ground during the day and sows seeds as it walks about at night. "I'm going to catch it," said Misty. "Really?" asked Ash "even though it's a grass type, and not a water type?" "I know it's not a water type," said Misty, "but it's so cute, so I'm catching it. Go seel". The white sea lion came out of its pokeball. "Use aurora beam on that Oddish". A rainbow coloured beam shot out of seal's horn and hit the Oddish directly. "Now use head-butt". Seel butted the oddish with its head and that knocked out oddish. "Okay go pokeball".

Just as Misty's pokeball was about to hit oddish, a vine came out of nowhere and whacked the pokeball away. "Hey what happened?" said Misty. A blue-green pokemon, with a big green bulb on its back came out of the grass. "No way!" gasped Ash "it's a bulbasaur". He took out the pokedex Bulbasaur, the seed pokemon. It bears the seed of a plant on its back from birth. The plant sprouts and grows with it. Bulbasaur used its vine whip to knock out. "Oh no seel" said Misty, running over to it, "are you okay?" "Okay my turn," said Ash "spearow I choose you". Spearow stretched his wings out, ready to battle. "Use drill peck". Sparrow's beak turned white and spun like a drill. Spearow was just about to peck bulbasaur, but bulbasaur threw some leaves from its bulb to attack the spearow and it stopped the spearow in its tracks. "Quick use aerial ace" said Ash. Spearow charged at bulbasaur, but bulbasaur whacked spearow with vine whip into a tree. Spearow was dazed. Then bulbasaur and oddish ran away together. Ash ran to spearow and asked it if it was okay. Spearow nipped Ash's fingers in response to say it was okay. Ash returned the spearow to its pokeball to rest.

After bulbasaur and oddish ran off Ash, Brock and Misty continued to walk on. Just then they came to a wooden bridge. "That's odd," said Brock "this bridge doesn't appear on the map". "Should we cross?" said Misty. "I think we should," Ash answered, "besides someone might be living on the other side. And if they are, they could help us". Misty and Brock thought that was a good idea.

When they started to cross the bridge, the bridge wasn't exactly stable; so they had to hang on to the ropes, while they walked. Suddenly a big gust of wind rocked the bridge and the bridge ropes snapped. Everyone screamed in alarm. Ash managed to grab the rope very tightly and Misty grabbed his right leg. Brock grabbed onto the rope as well, but he lost his grip and fell into the river. "Oh no!" shouted Ash, worried for his friend. "Quick Ash," shouted Misty "you have to pull us up fast". With a good strong grip on the rope, Ash managed to climb himself, Pikachu and Misty up onto the cliff. "Phew that was close" Ash sighed. "Come on," said Misty "we better go and find Brock".

Ash and Misty were trying to look for Brock, but trouble was in the way. Apparently someone had put traps along the path and Ash and Misty kept falling into the traps. "This is ridiculous!" said Misty, after Ash helped her out of a hole, "what's going on here?" "I don't know, replied Ash "but I think these traps are here for a reason and not just for a prank. Come let's keep going, before we run into any more traps". Even though they tried not to fall into any more traps; luck was not on their side. Ash tripped another trap, but instead of a hole, it was a net tied to a tree. "No not again! shouted Misty.

While in the net Ash and Misty became really worried about Brock. "I hope Brock is okay," said Misty. "I shouldn't worry about Brock," said Ash "he has his pokemon with him. They'll protect him". Just then they heard a voice; "Ahoy there!" It was Brock. "Brock you're okay" said Ash. "Please get us out of this net," said Misty. Brock cut the rope, with a hunting knife. "Thank you," Misty said "but what happened when you fell into the river". Brock explained that while he was being washed away by the river, a beautiful girl rescued him. "Come on I'll introduce you to her".

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