chapter hundred twenty eight

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Chapter 128

Tomo's gym battle 3

And Ash's gym battle 3

So with Maylene getting her confidence back thanks to Dawn she was ready to battle Tomo and Ash. Tomo was up first and Ash was sitting at the sides with Pikachu, Growlithe, Lucario, Dawn and Brock. Dawn was in her cheerleading outfit to cheer for Tomo and Maylene. She had Piplup, Buneary, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Smoochum and Clefairy with her and they were dressed in cheerleading outfits and held pom-poms too. The rules for the gym battle was the same as yesterday's battle; a three on three pokemon battle.

Maylene sent out a Machoke to battle first. Tomo sent out his Xatu to battle first. "As Xatu is part psychic as well as flying, it has an advantage over fighting type" said Ash. "Let's see what Maylene will do with this" said Brock. Tomo started off by telling Xatu to use peck, but Machoke used brick break to defend itself against Xatu's peck attack. (Maylene still copies her pokemon's movements when they do moves) "Xatu use psychic on Machoke" said Tomo. Xatu's eyes glowed blue and then she lifted Machoke into the air and dropped Machoke onto the ground again. "Oh no Machoke" said Maylene. Machoke was still all right to battle. "Good Machoke, now use seismic toss". Before Machoke could grab onto Xatu to use seismic toss, Tomo ordered Xatu to use quick attack to get away. "Now Xatu show Machoke your drill peck attack" said Tomo. Xatu pecked Machoke really hard with her beak and Machoke fainted, giving Tomo the first win.

Maylene returned Machoke and thanked it. "Well I have to say Tomo you are a pretty good challenger" she said. Tomo smiled with pride. Maylene sent out Meditite next. "Tomo better watch out for that Meditite" said Dawn, remembering her challenge with Meditite. "Xatu is part psychic type too, so Meditite's psychic moves won't do that much," said Brock "but then again its thunder punch will do a lot".

Tomo started off by telling Xatu to use aerial ace, but Meditite used detect to dodge it. Then Meditite used meditate to power up its attack power. "Careful Tomo," said Ash "remember meditate increase a pokemon's attack power". "I haven't forgotten big brother" said Tomo. Ash and Tomo remembered seeing the move meditate before in Hoenn when they saw Grace's Medicham use it. Tomo ordered Xatu to use drill peck. "Now Meditite use thunder punch" said Maylene. Meditite punched Xatu hard with thunder punch. Thanks to the move meditate; Meditite's thunder punch was stronger than normal. "Xatu are you okay?" asked Tomo. Unfortunately Xatu fainted from the electric type move, giving Maylene the win this time.

"Oh man with Meditite knowing thunder punch, Tomo is going to have trouble since he is just using flying type pokemon in this battle" said Dawn. "No need to worry Dawn," said Ash "Tomo and I have had our flying type pokemon practice with fighting against electric type pokemon".

Tomo returned Xatu and sent out Farfetch'd next. "Farfetch'd use sword dance" he said. Farfetch'd used sword dance to power up his attacks. "Hey doesn't sword dance power up a pokemon's moves?" asked Dawn "I remember Ash using it one time". "Correct, so whatever move Farfetch'd uses, its attacks will be stronger than normal". Tomo ordered Farfetch'd to use air slash, but Maylene had Meditite use detect to dodge it. "Use aerial ace" said Tomo. "Use thunder punch Meditite" said Maylene. Farfetch'd and Meditite charged at each other with their attacks. "You can do it Farfetch'd!" shouted Tomo. With one big effort, Farfetch'd pushed Meditite back. "Now use air slash". Farfetch'd attacked Meditite with air slash, before Meditite had the chance to do anything. "Meditite use confusion" said Maylene. Meditite held Farfetch'd in his place with confusion. "Oh no" said Dawn, worriedly. Tomo wasn't put off though. "Use swift Farfetch'd" he said. Farfetch'd fired swift and the stars hit Meditite. "Wow" said Dawn. Ash explained that he had been in situations like this before and knew exactly what to do with them, and of course Tomo ended up learning from them too. "Now finish with aerial ace" Tomo said to Farfetch'd. Farfetch'd tackled Meditite hard with aerial ace and Meditite fainted, giving Tomo another win.

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