Chapter hundred - eleven

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that?" asked Tomo. "It looks like a plate, only rectangle shape" said Brock. "Hey I saw something like this in my dream last night" said Ash. He explained to the others about his dream of the sixteen plates and the ruins. "And this is one of the same plates I saw". "Do you think it means something?" asked Brock. "I don't know," said Ash "what I can say is we have a new mystery on our hands". It felt funny to Ash; he had only barely started the Sinnoh journey and he already had a mystery on his hands. He placed the plate into his back pack; he had a strange feeling that keeping the plate would help him solve the mystery later.

Just then Dawn turned to the Buneary, who was still around. "Buneary I'm going to catch you" she said. Buneary turned to position to fight and Dawn sent out her Piplup to battle it. "Piplup use bubble beam" she said. Piplup fired the bubbles towards Buneary, but Buneary dodged the bubbles with the move bounce. Piplup tried again, but Buneary just kept dodging the bubbles. "Wow that Buneary is fast" said Ash. "Okay Piplup use growl to slow it down" said Dawn, remembering something from Ash's Piplup. Piplup growled and Buneary was put off. "Now use peck". Piplup pecked Buneary good. Buneary wasn't defeated yet and she fought back with ice beam. "Quick dodge that Piplup" said Dawn. Luckily Piplup managed to get out of the way before the ice beam could hit him. Piplup then attacked with bubble beam and Buneary got hit this time by the bubbles. Then Piplup moved in with pound and Buneary got hurt some more. "Use the pokeball now Dawn" said Brock. Dawn quickly threw the pokeball at Buneary and she got sucked into the pokeball. A few seconds later Buneary was caught. "Alright, I caught my own Buneary!" cheered Dawn. Piplup cheered too.

Dawn was happy with her newest capture and looked at Buneary on the pokedex. Apart from knowing ice beam and bounce, Buneary knew pound, defense curl, quick attack, frustration, attract and headbutt. Dawn couldn't stop smiling for joy and Piplup felt more proud than ever. So now the gang could continue on to Jubilife City.

The gang had finally arrived at Jubilife City, where Ash and Dawn could participate in the pokemon contest. The contest was in three days so the gang could relax in the city today. But there was one thing that Dawn wanted to do first; she wanted to get an item called a poketch. A poketch was like a watch, but it was sort of like having a mini lap top on your wrist because of technology gadgets the poketch had. "That reminds me" said Ash. He rummaged through his back pack and took out an envelope. Inside the envelope was a voucher for a pre-ordered poketch. "My mum got this for me for my birthday and she said that this pre-ordered poketch will have special additions to it" said Ash. "I got one too from mum as well" said Tomo, and she showed the others his voucher. Dawn felt a bit jealous of that because she didn't have a voucher for a special poketch.

Unfortunately for them the shop that sold poketch's didn't have any. The shop keeper said that all of the poketch's were taking back to the company that created them. Dawn of course wasn't happy about this because she really wanted to get a poketch. "I know let's go to this company where the poketch's are made," said Ash "I'm sure the president there will tell us why they took back all the poketch's". Dawn agreed with that idea at once, and so once they headed off to the poketch company at once. Once they got there though the staff at receptionist desk said they weren't allowed to see the president.

Suddenly a young boy with a Shinx by his side came up to the gang. "Good I'm glad you don't have those fake poketch's" he said. "What do you mean?" asked Ash. The boy explained that some clowns had been handing out fake poketch's in the city. "I know they are fakes because my daddy never makes cheap poketch's like that". The boy's name was Landis and his father was the company president of the poketch company. The president explained that because cheap fake imitations of poketch's were being given out, he had all his products brought back in until he sorted out the problem with the fake poketch's. "Hey sir," said Ash "my brother Tomo and I got these vouchers from our mum for a special pre-ordered poketch. What are these special poketch's?" "That Ash is our very special product," said the president "it is special because it has two special apps added that you wouldn't get from other poketch's". "You get a stop watch app and an alarm clock app" said Landis. Ash and Tomo felt lucky for getting something special as that.

Since the president had to sort out the problems with the fake poketch's the gang left the company. "So what shall we do to wait for the company to sort out the poketch's?" asked Tomo. "I need to contact Prof Rowan and tell him about my strange red plate we found in the forest" said Ash. "And I need to sort out if we are missing anything like medicines and such" said Brock. So the gang went to the pokemon center. Ash phoned Prof Rowan and showed him his red plate. "Hmm that's quite a strange item you have Ash" said Prof Rowan. "Do you have any idea what this plate is Professor?" asked Ash. Prof Rowan thought for a second. "I'm afraid I don't," he said, at last, "but I will look into it for you Ash". "Thanks Professor," said Ash "I'll phone you again it I find another plate". And the phone call ended. The plate felt more mysterious to Ash than ever.

Later that night the gang were getting ready for bed in the pokemon center, but then Pikachu noticed something outside. There was a long line of pokemon marching around outside. The gang saw it too and went outside at once. "Where are all these pokemon going?" asked Dawn. Ash looked at all the pokemon. "They've been hypnotized" said Ash. "You're kidding?" said Dawn. Suddenly Landis and his dad turned up; Landis's Shinx was missing. The president explained that the fake poketch's had some sort of microphone inside them and the strange thing was the sound of a Psyduck was playing through it. "And now Shinx has wondered off and we don't know where it is". Ash pointed to the line of pokemon. "If we follow these pokemon," he said "we may find Shinx and we may also find out what's going on around here". Everyone agreed to the idea.

What was going on really was this whole thing was a set up by Team Rocket. The trio had planted microphone chips inside their own made fake poketch's and they were getting help from a wild Psyduck. The Psyduck spoke through a microphone, while Team Rocket broadcasted with a radio tower; it was to hypnotize the pokemon whose trainers received the fake poketch's from them. The pokemon walked into a big storage shed that a trio prepared. "Okay Psyduck that's enough" said Meowth. He gave Psyduck a basket of fruit to say thank you and the Psyduck left.

Suddenly the gang and Landis and his dad turned up. The president tried to tell all the pokemon to go back to their trainers, but the pokemon were too much in a trance to listen. Just then the storage shed closed and Team Rocket revealed themselves. "Thanks to our fake poketch's we've caught a good haul" said Jessie. The gang were not happy with that. Ash, Tomo and Dawn were about to tell Pikachu, Piplup and Growlithe to attack, but Meowth used hard plastic cages to trap them. Meowth laughed. "These three are a good extra" he said. "Oh no you don't!" shouted Ash. He released Masquerain and ordered her to use ice beam. Masquerain froze Team Rocket and their balloon and the whole balloon was dragged down to the ground. Pikachu, Piplup and Growlithe were released from their cages and the shed opened up and all the pokemon were free; they had snapped out from their trance thanks to the crash. Landis was happy to get Shinx back.

Jessie and James were angry and they sent out Ursaring, Carnivine, Shiftry, Granbull, Weavile and Exploud to battle. Tomo sent out his Electabuzz and Magmar to help out and Dawn sent out her Ariados and Brock sent out his Nosepass. Together Pikachu, Masquerain, Growlithe, Magmar, Electabuzz, Piplup, Ariados and Nosepass defeated Ursaring, Carnivine, Shiftry, Granbull, Weavile and Exploud and to finish it off Pikachu used volt tackle to Team Rocket blast off again.

The president was grateful for the gang's help and he promised to get rid of all the fake poketch's at once. The day after that the real poketch's were back in the shop ready to sell. So Ash, Tomo and Dawn finally got their poketch's. Dawn had a pink one, which was for girls, and Ash and Tomo got blue ones, which was for boys. The trio looked to see what apps they had on their poketch's. Dawn had digital watch, which was to tell time, kitchen timer, which was like an actual kitchen timer, friendship checker, which could tell how high the bond between a human and pokemon were, dowsing machine, which could find hidden and lost items, berry searcher, which could locate where berry trees were, and a calendar to remember days and things. Ash and Tomo's poketch's had the same, and as well as having the special apps alarm clock and stop watch, they also had the apps memo pad, which was used to write down things you needed to remember, and a calculator to calculate things. Dawn was happy to get her own poketch and now she felt more than ready for the Jubilife contest.

And so with the mystery behind the fake poketch's solved, the gang could now concentrate on the Jubilife contest.

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