chapter hundred fifty two

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Chapter 152

A Full Day of Recovering,

Ash Meets Claude and Maggie

And Team Galactic Again

After the full pokemon battle with Paul, Ash's pokemon were getting treated in the pokemon center by Nurse Joy and her helpers Chansey and Blissey. Poor Pikachu, Lucario, Empoleon, Grotle, Monferno and Staraptor were beaten pretty bad and they had bandages wrapped over their bodies. Ash, Tomo, Dawn and Piplup were watching Nurse Joy tend to the pokemon. "Nurse Joy will have the pokemon fixed up in no time" said Brock. Ash couldn't stop thinking about his battle with Paul. "Hey Ash, are you okay?" asked Dawn. "Yes, but I need a sit down myself" said Ash. "You go sit down Ash and try to relax a bit," said Brock "you look a bit beat yourself". Ash agreed and walked off.

"Is something wrong with my brother?" asked Tomo. "Ash is just thinking about how his battle went with Paul;" said Brock "Ash always knew that Paul is a strong trainer, despite how he and Paul are very different when it comes to training. So it's obvious Ash realized during the battle how strong Paul and his pokemon really are". Dawn and Tomo looked at each other in wonder.

Ash made his way to a sofa in the pokemon center and had a drink of water. He began to think about his battle and what had happened during that battle. He had to admit it; Paul really did give him a tough pokemon battle. At that moment Dawn and Tomo turned up; they had been worried about Ash. "Are you okay Ash?" asked Dawn. "Well to tell you the truth Dawn I keep thinking about what had happened during the battle," said Ash "during that battle I figured out Paul's true battling style: his Pokémon are all aware of his expectations and know exactly what they must do to live up to them". "Is that why they put up with his harsh training?" asked Dawn "because they know his determination?" "Yes;" said Ash "just like our pokemon know our determination whenever we are training". "That's right as you and Brock have told me before, pokemon feel emotions however the trainer is feeling" said Brock. "Exactly" said Ash. Dawn understood perfectly now.

Meanwhile Brock was helping Nurse Joy treat Ash's pokemon; bandaging up their wounds, taking care of Pikachu's burns and Monferno's paralysis. Happiny was helping out too. "Oh dear," said Nurse Joy "I need some cheri berries to cure Monferno's paralysis. Brock do you think you can find and get some from the woods for me please?" "I'd be happy too" said Brock.

So Brock went out to look for cheri berries, but it wasn't easy to find them. Brock walked on and on till he came to Lake Acuity. He looked around to see if he could find any berries there. Suddenly a ripple appeared in the lake and a ghostly figure appeared. "It can't be" said Brock. He ran over to the lake to have a look. The figure stood still for a moment then it disappeared. At that moment Brock noticed a bush full of cheri berries and picked some right away.

As soon as Brock got back to the pokemon center, Nurse Joy mashed up some of the berries and gave it to Monferno. Monferno felt better in no time. Just then Ash, Dawn and Tomo stepped in. "Hi everyone, how are you doing?" Ash said to his pokemon. Ash's pokemon were feeling okay; still sore and achy though from the battle. "Nurse Joy make take my pokemon outside for a bit?" asked Ash "I wish to have a talk with them". "Of course; spending time with you will perk them right up again" said Nurse Joy. "Okay, come on all of you" Ash said to his pokemon. The pokemon followed Ash outside. "I can see Ash definitely has a strong bond with his pokemon" smiled Nurse Joy, always happy to see the friendship between humans and pokemon.

Ash spoke to his pokemon as soon they all got outside. "Well everyone," he said "you all did very well indeed out there, and I have to admit our battle with Paul ended up being one of the most hardest pokemon battles I ever went through. But het that experience isn't going to let us down is it?" All of the pokemon shouted out no, in their own languages. "Of course not," said Ash "Pikachu as you know we have been through many difficult battles in the past, including ones we have lost to". Pikachu remembered alright. "So after that excitement we went through, you lot and the rest of the pokemon I've caught here in Sinnoh and myself will need to work harder if we want to beat Paul the next time we battle him. We will beat him soon I know we will". Ash's pokemon agreed with him and they all gave him a group hug to prove that. "Hey come on all of you you're heavy!" laughed Ash.

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