chapter fifty two

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Chapter 52

The lost Piloswine and

Mahogany Gym

After the trouble at Lake of Rage had been cleared, the gang had arrived at Mahogany Town. They spent the night at the pokemon center and had all of their pokemon healed, and now Ash was looking up the Mahogany Gym in the guide book. "What does it say Ash?" asked Misty. "Well according to the book, the gym leader is a man named Pryce," said Ash "and that he uses ice type pokemon. It also says that Pryce is as cold as ice". "What does that mean?" asked Tomo. Brock explained that it was a saying to say that Pryce had a cold personality. "I hope that Pryce will be nice enough to let me battle him" said Ash. "Who will you be using?" asked Misty. "That's easy, I'll be using Quilava, Scizor and Hitmontop, because fire, steel and fighting types beat ice type pokemon" said Ash. "Knowing what to do as usual" smiled Misty.

When everything was ready, the gang headed to Mahogany Gym. The Mahogany Gym looked like one of those ice skating rink buildings. When the gang got there, they realised that the gym leader wasn't there. An elderly woman came up to the gang. "Hello there," she said "I'm Sheila, Pryce's wife. Are you here for a gym battle?" "Yes ma'am we are," said Ash "do you know where Pryce is?" "Pryce will be up at the mountains, meditating underneath a waterfall," said Sheila "he does that every morning". "Oh really?" asked Ash "do you think you can lead us to him please? I wish to challenge him for a gym badge". "Certainly" said Sheila. So Sheila showed the gang the way to where Pryce was. Apparently, Sheila was very full of energy and athletic for an elderly woman. She had no trouble at all of walking up the mountain and climbing over rocks.

They soon found an old man meditating under a waterfall; he was Pryce. "Hey Pryce, you have a challenger" said Sheila. Ash introduced himself to Pryce and asked him for a gym battle. Pryce stopped meditating and noticed Pikachu on Ash's shoulder. He also noticed Growlithe next to Tomo. "Why are those two pokemon not in their pokeballs?" Pryce asked sternly. "It's because Pikachu is my partner," said Ash "and Growlithe is Tomo's partner. And they are also our best friends". "Humph, having a battle with you will be pointless" said Pryce. "What? Why?" asked Ash, who couldn't believe what Pryce said. "Humans and pokemon being best friends is ridiculous," said Pryce, coldly, "being all emotionally with your pokemon is not going to make you a great pokemon trainer".

Ash thought that Pryce was being rude and was about to speak up. But then Tomo spoke up first. "The one who's ridiculous here is you," he said at Pryce "Growlithe and I have been friends for a few years, and we have grown strong together because of our friendship". Growlithe barked in agreement. Pryce stared at Tomo and Growlithe. "You young ones don't know the true meaning of pokemon training," he said "my son and daughter never understood the true meaning of pokemon training. It's discipline on your pokemon and showing them who's boss is what I have done for the last forty years of my life".

Pryce's words were clear to Ash that Pryce has been cold to his pokemon and trains them with very strict discipline. "Look here Pryce," said Ash "I don't know what on earth happened to you or your pokemon forty years ago, but friendship between humans and pokemon always prevails no matter what the situation is. And I know that because my pokemon and I go through everything together, because we are friends". Pikachu nodded in agreement. Pryce huffed. "I shall challenge you to a mock battle here and right now," said Pryce "and then I shall see if you are capable of battling me at the gym". "Very well, I accept" said Ash. Ash accepted it because he figured it was the only way to convince Pryce to battle him.

Ash and Pryce took their place to battle, somewhere away from the waterfall and near a cliff. Pryce sent out Dewgong to battle and Ash sent out Pikachu to battle. "Using Pikachu is a smart move, as electric types do beat water types" said Brock. "Yes but Ash will still have to watch out for Dewgong's ice attacks" said Misty. Misty knew about Dewgong pretty well for being a water type pokemon trainer. "Ice beam Dewgong" said Pryce. Dewgong fired an ice beam attack from its horn. Ash ordered Pikachu to use agility to dodge the ice beam attack, and Pikachu dodged the ice beam attack as easy as pie. "All right Pikachu let's give the Dewgong a focus punch" said Ash. Pikachu ran up to Dewgong, with his right paw glowing white, and then he punched Dewgong really hard. The focus punch hurt Dewgong well. "Sorry Pryce," smiled Ash "but I already know that ice type pokemon can't handle fighting type moves". "Humph not bad kid" snorted Pryce "let's use headbutt Dewgong". Dewgong charged at Pikachu, getting to headbutt him with its horn. But Ash stayed calm. "Pikachu show it your egg move" he said. Pikachu ran over to Dewgong, with his body becoming surrounded by electricity, and then it tackled Dewgong hard. "Wow what was that?" gasped Misty. She had never seen this move before. "That was volt tackle," said Brock "a powerful electric move. And only Pichu and its evolution line can learn it through breeding". "So that means no other electric type pokemon can learn it?" asked Tomo. "That's correct" said Brock. Misty and Tomo were amazed by this.

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