chapter fifteen

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Chapter 15

Paras, Jigglypuff and Fossils

Ash and the gang came to a small village called Mossgreen Village. "I want a rest and something to eat," said Ash. "Not to mention my Pokemon needs a rest too." He had been training with his pokemon a lot on their travels. While on the travels they had met a wannabe magician named Melvin. He had two pokemon, Exeggcute and Exegutor. Ash had battled him with his Charmander and in process Charmander had evolved into Charmeleon. At first he was a bit nervous of his Charmeleon. He had heards stories in the past about Chameleons usually being disobedient after evolving from Charmander. But when Ash hugged Charmeleon, Charmeleon hugged Ash back. So Charmeleon was still loyal to Ash. And Ash got to know the pokemon he had caught from the safari zone better. "Apart from food and rest," said Brock "we need to stock up on medicines''. His medicine bag was empty. It wasn't a good idea for them to travel without medicines.

After getting food and a nice rest at the village inn, they went to the village pharmacy. The pharmacy was run by a woman named Cassandra and her grandmother. After Brock brought medicine from her store, Cassandra asked Ash for a pokemon battle. Ash accepted that. Cassandra's pokemon was a Paras. Ash smiled at that; he had a Paras as well. "The reason I want to battle is to help Paras evolve," said Cassandra "you see Para's mushroom will help me and medicines if it evolves into a Parasect". Ash agreed to help with that. "Let's do it," he said.

But when Ash and Cassandra started to battle, there was a problem. Cassandra's Paras was a coward and weakling. When Pikachu went up to greet Paras it walked behind her in cowardness. 'This is going to be a heck of a problem' thought Ash. Ash asked Pikachu to do the smallest thundershock it could. When Pikachu did that, Paras fainted at once. 'This is pathetic,' thought Ash 'of all the weak pokemon I have seen in the past, this Paras is the weakest'. "Time out Cassandra," said Ash "this is getting us nowhere. We need to put your Paras into shape, before we continue battling". "The young man is right," said Cassandra's grandmother, "your Paras needs to build up confidence Cassandra". "And I know what pokemon can help us," said Ash, holding up a pokeball, "Paras I choose you". Ash's Paras was ready to go. "Okay Paras we need your help. You see that Paras over there is really weak and needs help. So I need you to help that Paras get into shape". Paras nodded.

Ash finds some logs and puts them straight in a line. "We will use these logs," he explained "to test out Paris' attacks". Misty, Tomo and Brock watched from the sides. "This is a great idea Ash has come up with," said Brock "sometimes when you're helping a pokemon, it's best to have a pokemon from its own species help out". Misty also agreed that this was a great idea and so did Tomo. "Okay Cassandra," said Ash "we'll both have our Paras use a fury cutter on the wood". Ash's Paras' pincer glowed orange and slashed at the wood. Cassandra's Paras did the same, but it wasn't as strong as Ash's Paras. It did take a bit of time, but at last Cassandra's Paras' fury cutter attack got strong. They did scratch attack on logs as well. Cassandra was happy that her Paras was doing well. "There is one attack that we should teach your Paras," said Ash "and that is the move bug bite". Ash's Paras knew of the bug bite, so Ash had her demonstrate on a log. Paras' teeth glowed white and gnawed away at the log. Cassandra's Paras had a go too. At first its teeth wouldn't glow, but after having a go ten times, it learned bug bite.

After all the tests, it was now time for Ash and Cassandra to battle again. They decided to make it a Paras vs Paras battle. Thanks to the training, Cassandra's Paras actually put up a fight. The Paras were going at each other with their pincers. Then suddenly both Ash's and Cassandra's Paras began to glow and they both evolved into a Parasect. "Wow," gasped Ash "I wasn't expecting this". Cassandra was surprised by this as well, but was very happy. She petted her Parasect, while Ash petted his Parasect.

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