chapter seven

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Chapter 7

The Lighthouse and Vermillion City

After walking so many paths and travelling through forests, Ash, Misty and Brock arrived at a beach. Misty was lying on the sand, complaining about being exhausted and Brock was looking at the map. Ash was standing by the ocean thinking about what he had gone through so far on his journey. He closed his eyes and remembered when he and Pikachu first met, set off on the journey together, met a lot of new pokemon and people, challenged the Pewter Gym and Cerulean Gym, met Misty and Brock and captured new pokemon.

Misty saw Ash daydreaming and walked over to him. "What are you daydreaming about?" she asked. "Oh I'm just thinking about what has happened so far on my journey," said Ash "the truth is since my journey started I've felt a little bit grown up, even though I'm ten years old". "That is what being on a pokemon journey is also about," said Brock "you see not only is it about getting stronger and working together with pokemon or giving you the chance to meet new pokemon and places. It also helps a kid like you Ash grow up in the real world, without a parent to hold your hand". "How do you feel Misty?" asked Ash "Well I have to admit to you," said Misty "I feel good to be out on a journey too. And I'm finally out of my sister's shadows". "Hey Misty I've been meaning to ask this," said Ash "do you plan to become the Cerulean Gym leader in the future". "Actually I do," said Misty "seriously since my sisters prefer performing water ballets than taking responsibility as gym leaders, I feel like I should do it. But right now I'm happy with traveling". "I understand," said Ash "what about you Brock". "I feel the same as the both of you," answered Brock, "since I come from a big family I couldn't really go anywhere. Since my mum always felt tired and weak after giving birth to me and my little siblings, I always stayed home to help her. But since both my parents are better and all my siblings are more grown up, it feels good to be out and about. To tell you the truth I wish to become a great pokemon doctor, so this journey is really helping me out to learn more about pokemon". "So we all agreed that we are happy being on this journey" said Ash. Misty and Brock smiled with agreement. "One thing I want now is a place to sleep," said Misty "and I want to sleep in a building, not the ground".

Just then Ash saw something in the distance. It was a lighthouse. "We can rest there," he said. They were about to run to the lighthouse when Ash felt something against his leg. It was a small red crab. "Hey Krabby," said Misty. Ash took a look: Krabby, the river crab pokemon. It lives in burrows dug on sandy beaches. Its pincers fully grow back if they are broken in battle. "I'm so catching this pokemon," said Ash. He took out a pokeball and tapped Krabby with it. It caught Krabby then disappeared to Prof Oak's lab.

Ash, Misty and Brock ran as fast as they could to the lighthouse, before they ran into more disturbances. Ash pressed the doorbell. "Who is it?" said a male voice from inside the lighthouse. "Please excuse us," said Ash "we are travellers and we are lost. So is it all right to rest here for the night?" "And can I use your kitchen to make us something to eat?" asked Brock. "Certainly," said the man's voice "but I would appreciate it if you made me something to eat too. My cook is on vacation and I'm not exactly a good cook". "I'll gladly do so," said Brock.

They entered the lighthouse. It looked like a research lab inside; there were three computer desks, shelved of pokemon research books and other things that scientists used. "May I use your phone please?" asked Ash. "Go ahead" said the male voice. Ash phoned Prof Oak. Prof Oak was cooking when Ash phoned him. "Ah hello Ash," said Prof Oak ''what can I do for you?" "I'm just calling to see how my pokemon are doing?" said Ash. "Your pokemon are doing great," said Prof Oak ''your Gyarados, Butterfree, Beedrill , Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Clefable , raichu, vulpix, Mudsdale, Stennee, Vikavolt, Drampa, Alola Raticate, Gumshoos, Ribombee, Passimian, Oranguru, Comefy, Toucannon, Alolan Sandslash, Gardevoir, Salamence, Swampert, Hydreigon, Haxorus (Shiny),Sableye,Mightyena,

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