chapter fifty four

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Chapter 54

Larvitar, the Unown and the Pokemon reserve

While the gang were on their way to New Bark Town, where Ash could find out about the Silver Conference, they got a message from Prof Elm. Prof Elm had asked the gang to pick up a pokemon egg from a woman named Naomi, who was the director of a Marine pokemon laboratory. The Marine pokemon Laboratory was a lab where Naomi studied water pokemon. As soon as the gang made it to the lab, Naomi handed the pokemon egg over to the gang at once; it was a green egg. Naomi explained to the gang that the egg was from a pokemon preserve area, but it was stolen from poaches. She also explained that the egg somehow got away from the poachers and it was found and brought it to her lab, and then she phoned Prof Elm to care for it. So the gang had the job of delivering the egg to Prof Elm.

Now the gang were on the road to New Bark Town, and they were now having lunch. Ash, who had been taking care of the egg all this time, was stroking the egg gently with his hands. "You know," Ash said to the others, "I'm feeling a scared presence from inside the egg. It's like the baby pokemon doesn't want to come out of the egg". "But why though?" said Misty "I mean I'm sure that all baby pokemon can't wait to hatch out of their eggs". "Well this egg was stolen by poachers," said Brock "so this egg must have gone through something really bad, which would explain why the baby pokemon doesn't want to come out". "I hope the egg does hatch soon," said Tomo "I'd like to see what pokemon is inside the egg". "So do I," said Ash, and he continued to rub the egg gently.

Suddenly the egg started to glow. "Hey it's going to hatch" said Tomo, excitedly. The gang watched, excitedly, as the egg continued to glow brightly, and then the egg hatched. The pokemon was a green pokemon, with black markings and a red tail. There was also a blunt spike on its head. "It's a Larvitar," said Brock.

Ash looked at Larvitar on the pokedex: Larvitar, the rock skin pokemon. It feeds on soil. After it has eaten a large mountain, it falls asleep so it can grow.

Ash placed a hand on Larvitar to stroke it, but he took it off again quickly. "Larvitar is freezing," he said. Brock touched Larvitar next. "You're right Ash," he said "this body temperature is way too low for a rock pokemon. We need to get it to the pokemon center and quick". He looked through the guide to see if there was a pokemon center nearby and the good news there was. So they wrapped Larvitar in a blanket and ran to the pokemon center at once.

At the pokemon center, Nurse Joy checked Larvitar all over at once. But she couldn't find anything wrong with it, so she decided to call Prof Elm for help at once. Unfortunately Prof Elm was not at home, so she just sent an email to him. All she could now was to keep Larvitar warm; she wrapped it up in another blanket and put an electric heater on. "I just hope that Prof Elm will get my message and get here as soon as he can," said Nurse Joy.

Just then trouble happened; it was raining very hard outside and thunder and lightning was happening, and the pokemon centre's power went out. And the worse news was lightning had struck the emergency generator, and without the power Larvitar would become colder. Nurse Joy, Misty and Brock went to check on the generator at once. To help Larvitar, Ash sent out Quilava, and Quilava used the flames on his back to warm up Larvitar. Ash held Larvitar in his arms to warm it up more. "Hang in there Larvitar," he said. "Will Larvitar be okay Ash?" asked Tomo. "If we keep Larvitar warm, it will be okay Tomo" replied Ash. Tomo sat down next to Ash.

In New Bark Town, Prof Elm was having dinner with Prof Oak and Delia Ketchum. Delia wanted to go visit Prof Elm with Prof Oak so that she can also visit her sons Ash and Tomo. While they were eating, Delia noticed Prof Elm's computer was beeping to say that he had email. Prof Elm checked the email at once and it was the message that Nurse Joy sent to him about the sick Larvitar. Prof Oak saw the email too and suggested that they all head over to the pokemon center at once. Delia agreed to come too.

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