chapter sixty

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Chapter 60

Start of Hoenn and May

Ash, Tomo, Pikachu and Growlithe were on the ship to the Hoenn region. "I can't wait till we start our journey in Hoenn Ash" said Tomo. "Neither can I Tomo," said Ash "it will be great seeing all the Hoenn pokemon and travelling to new places. And there's no doubt that our journey through the Hoenn region will be great like it was in Kanto the Orange Islands and Johto". "Do you think that we will also meet any of the legendary pokemon in Hoenn too?" asked Tomo. "Actually Tomo I do," replied Ash "after all we have run into legendary pokemon before". Tomo agreed.

By the afternoon hit, the ship docked and Ash and Tomo took their first step into the Hoenn region. "Where do we go first?" Tomo asked Ash. "We need to go and see Prof Birch in Littleroot Town," said Ash "and we are in Littleroot town now. Oh but first". He took out two compact-disc-shaped devices from his rucksack. "These are pokenavs; Prof Oak gave these to me before we left. There's one for you and one for me, and these display maps of the Hoenn region, and we mustn't lose them either". "Got it" said Tomo. "So the one thing we need to know is how to get ourselves to Prof Birch's lab" said Ash. "I'll get you two boys there" said a voice.

The voice belonged to a brown haired, chubby looking, man. "Hey wait, aren't you Prof Birch?" asked Ash "Prof Oak showed me a photo of you when I was at Pallet Town". "That's right, I am Prof Birch," said Prof Birch "and you two must be Ash and Tomo Ketchum. Prof Oak told me about you two and that you were going to go on a journey here in Hoenn". "That's right, and to tell you the truth we can't wait to start our journey here in Hoenn" said Ash. "I understand" laughed Prof Birch. Ash and Tomo got into Prof Birch's car and they were on the way to Prof Birch's lab. "Hey professor," said Ash "Prof Oak told us that you give out starter pokemon to beginning trainers". "That's true I do," said Prof Birch "as the matter of fact I'm giving out starter pokemon to a new trainer today". Tomo asked Prof Birch if they could see the starter pokemon and Prof Birch agreed.

They were soon at Prof Birch's lab and Prof Birch introduced Ash and Tomo to his assistant Joshua. "The three starter pokemon are all ready for when May arrives today professor" said Joshua. Prof Birch explained that May was the new trainer to pick up a starter pokemon today. Then he released the three starter pokemon from the pokeballs to show Ash and Tomo. The first pokemon was a green and red pokemon, with a big tail, and it looked like a lizard. It was a Treecko and a grass type pokemon. The next pokemon was an orange and yellow pokemon ad it looked like a chick. It was a Torchic and a fire type pokemon. The last pokemon was a blue and orange pokemon, with a fin on its head and a big tail, and it looked like an amphibious fish. It was a Mudkip and a water type pokemon. Both Ash and Tomo thought they were all very cool pokemon. Prof Birch could see that Ash and Tomo liked pokemon very much.

Seeing the hoenn starter pokemon reminded Ash and Tomo about the starter pokemon in Kanto and Johto and they told Prof Birch all about how they got their starter pokemon. "Prof Oak and Prof Elm told me about that," said Prof Birch "I find it surprising that you manage to catch all the starter pokemon of Kanto and Johto Ash". "I found it surprising myself professor," said Ash "but I wish to find and catch all three starter pokemon here in Hoenn too". "And I wish to have one too" said Tomo. "I'm sure you boys can do that" said Prof Birch. Ash also admitted to Prof Birch that he and Tomo already had hoenn region pokemon on them. Tomo released Wynaut from his friend ball and Ash released Latias and Latios from their dive balls. Prof Birch was really shocked when he saw Latias and Latios and couldn't stop getting over excited. Latias and Latios became scared of Prof Birch and they turned invisible. "What happened?" asked Prof Birch. Ash explained that invisibility was Latias and Latios ability and that they were nervous around strangers. "It's okay Latias and Latios," said Ash "Prof Birch didn't mean to frighten you like that". Latios and Latias reappeared and Ash returned them to their dive balls. Prof Birch admitted that Ash was an incredible trainer to have legendary pokemon on his team.

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