chapter hundred and nine

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Chapter 109

Dawn's start of Sinnoh

Ash and Tomo's start of Sinnoh

And Meeting Paul

Out in the region called Sinnoh, a blue haired girl was waking up. Her name was Dawn and today she was going to start on her first pokemon journey because she was now ten years old. As soon as Dawn woke up she began to make herself look neat and tidy; she was very, very fussy of how she looked especially with her hair. And since today was a very special day for her she wanted to look perfect. She was wearing a black V-neck tank top with a white undershirt and a pink skirt, gold hair clips that hold up her hair in front. "Perfect" said Dawn.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. A blue haired woman named Johanna entered Dawn's room; it was her mother. Johanna had a grey and white cat type pokemon called a Glameow. "I'm glad to see that you are up early dear" said Johanna. "I am ten years old mum" replied Dawn. Dawn was quite a boastful girl.

Over breakfast Johanna checked to see if Dawn had everything she needed. Dawn explained that she had everything packed and she also had the postcard Prof Rowan gave her. In the Sinnoh region Prof Rowan gave out starter pokemon to beginning trainers. The three starters were a grass type called Turtwig, a fire type called Chimchar and a water type Piplup. Turtwig was a green and brown turtle type pokemon with a stick at the top of its head and Chimchar was a monkey type pokemon. Dawn hadn't decided yet which of the three she wanted but she knew it would be special to her since it would be her very first pokemon. Dawn's dream was to become a top coordinator like her mother was in the past. Johanna had many trophies and things she won from pokemon contests in the past. Johanna warned her daughter that she would have to learn to be a great pokemon trainer and breeder before she could become a top coordinator like her.

It was soon time for Dawn to leave for Prof Rowan's lab. His lab was in the next town called Sandgem Town. But Dawn wasn't exactly ready. All the things that Dawn packed were just clothes and jewelry in a big suitcase; she wasn't good of packing sensibly. Johanna packed the real things Dawn needed in a light yellow back pack and gave it to Dawn. "This is what you really need" she said. One last thing she gave Dawn was her first contest ribbon she won in life for luck; it was old and dirty now. Dawn put on a white beanie with a pink pokeball print on it and pink knee-high boots with black socks underneath and now she was ready. She got out her red bike, said goodbye to her mum and set off for Sandgem Town.

Once Dawn reached Sandgem Town, she tried to search for Prof Rowan's lab. But the problem was even though she had the map for the lab on the postcard she couldn't read the map because she was terrible at reading maps. She tried to find it but to no avail. Suddenly she bumped into an old man wearing a lab coat; he was Prof Rowan. Dawn apologized and explained that she was lost on finding his lab. Luckily for her Prof Rowan was going back to his lab so he would lead her there himself. "Lucas warned me there was a chance you might lose your way to my lab Dawn," said Prof Rowan "he told me you had terrible sense of direction". Dawn frowned at that comment. Lucas was a childhood friend of Dawn's but he always teased her about her terrible sense of direction and things like that. "How is Lucas doing?" asked Dawn "I heard he became an assistant to you". "He is but at the moment he's out traveling with his pokemon" answered Prof Rowan. Dawn hoped she would get to see him again.

When they arrived at the lab, they saw there was a broken window, papers and books all over the floor, the assistants panicking and only a Turtwig around. A Chimchar and a Piplup were missing. A man named Yuzo, who was one of Prof Rowan's assistants, explained the mess at once. What happened was after the assistants fed the three starter pokemon, the Chimchar tried to steal Piplup's food. That made Piplup angry of course and it shot bubbles at Chimchar, and a fight broke out between Chimchar and Piplup. The assistants tried to calm them down but to no avail. And then the Starly and Starpator that were in the lab too went all panicky and they blew whirlwind attacks in the lab making the mess over the floor and broke the window. Then they flew out of the window and Piplup and Chimchar got out too. Prof Rowan was not happy with what happened, but he told everyone they had to get the pokemon back. Dawn offered to help; the quicker the pokemon were found the sooner she could get her starter pokemon. Prof Rowan accepted the help and told her the pokemon would likely be in the forest and he also warned her to be careful.

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