chapter hundred and five

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Chapter 105

When May and Max went home,

When Brock went home and

Team Rocket have a think

After bidding farewell to Ash, Tomo and Brock, May and Max were back in Hoenn and they were making their way home to Petalburg City. "Oh I can't wait to be home" said May. "I can't wait showing dad my new pokemon and tell him everything that what happened in Kanto" said Max. "Try not to talk so much this time Max," said May "last time we came back you spoke a lot". "Speak for yourself May," said Max "you talked like there was no tomorrow". The brother and sister argument thing would never change.

Soon they reached home and Caroline and Norman were there to greet them. "I'm happy to see my children home" said Caroline. "Welcome home May and Max" said Norman. Max hugged Norman and May hugged Caroline. "I'm sure you two have plenty of stories to tell us like you did when you last came home," said Caroline "so let's go to the living room and then you two can talk about your journey in Kanto".

Once the family entered the living room, May was greeted by her Manaphy. May sent her Manaphy to her parent's house after she captured it so no one would know that she had a Manaphy, and her parents took care of it ever since. There was also another pokemon in the living room; it was a Togepi. "Whose Togepi is that?" asked Max. "That is my pokemon," answered Caroline "a pokemon breeder gave it to me when it was still an egg. I feel like I'm raising more children with Togepi and Manaphy". "People having been finding out about Manaphy have they?" asked May, worriedly. She didn't anyone to know in case someone wanted to steal Manaphy. "Don't you worry May," said Norman "we've kept Manaphy hidden in the house ever since you sent it to us. We've also never told anyone about your Deoxys Max. We understand it's important to keep legendary pokemon a secret in case someone steals them". May and Max were happy to hear that. "Now then you two get on with your stories" said Caroline. Max and May told their parents about all the pokemon contests Ash and May entered, then the battle facilities Ash defeated, then about all the places they visited, then about the pokemon they met and caught and about all the people they met on the journey. They also told them about visiting Rota and Samiya. "Well you two have gone through a lot" smiled Caroline.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Norman went to answer it. Brendan and Wally had come to see May and Max because they heard they were coming home. "How have you been Brendan and Wally?" asked Caroline. "Good thanks," said Brendan "Wally and I have been traveling to new and old places and seeing new pokemon. And of course there's with our mothers being worried about us". "That's understandable" chuckled Norman. "What are you going to do now?" asked May. "We've decided to go to Johto so I can participate in the Silver Conference" said Brendan. "What a coincidence," said May "I'm going to Johto too to participate in the contests there". May and Max explained to everyone about May's plan of going to Johto alone. "You see I want to go on a journey on my own this time," said May "I want to learn new things, catch new pokemon and find my own battling style all on my own". Caroline and Norman understood the situation and they believed May will do well. "What are you going to do Max?" asked Norman. Max asked his dad to teach him about being a gym leader. "Once I turn ten I do want to go out and battle gym leaders and enter a pokemon league," said Max "but I want to learn about being a gym leader too so that one day I can take over as the Petalburg Gym leader when you can't do it anymore". Norman was delighted to teach Max about being a gym leader. "I had hoped that one of you would follow in my footsteps of being the gym leader of my gym" he said. So May and Max's plans were accepted.

Everyone went into the greenhouse to meet with all of May and Max's pokemon; they were all in the greenhouse including May's pokemon which had been at Prof Birch's lab. Norman's pokemon Slakoth, Vigoroth and Slaking got on well with May and Max's pokemon, especially with Whismur, Loudred and Exploud. May rounded up all her pokemon; Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Starmie, Azumaril, Bellosom, Altaria, Bulbasaur, Plusle and Minun, Lileep, Volbeat, Illumise, Munchlax, Squirtle, Butterfree, Manaphy and Eevee. Next Max rounded up all of his pokemon; Zigzagoon, Linoone, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Spinda, Castform, Kecleon, Snorlax, Shuppet, Wingull, Ralts, Beldum, Shroomish, Seel, Anorith, Poochyena, Zangoose, two Munchlax's Rattata, Raticate, Ditto, Aipom, Deoxys, Delcatty and three Skitty's. May told all of her pokemon about her plan of doing contests in Johto and her pokemon looked forward to that. Max told all of his pokemon that he was going to travel once he turned ten years old in a year's time, but right now he was going to learn about being a gym leader, what to do with his pokemon and taking care of the gym. His pokemon understood because Max told them about his dream of becoming the next gym leader of Petalburg Gym before.

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