chapter forty five

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Chapter 45

The water pokemon poacher, the wild Corsola

And the Silver Wing

The gang were now at Blue rock land, waiting for the ferry that would take them to Yellow Rock Isle. Only thing was though was that the ferry wasn't going to be around for four hours, so the gang didn't know what to do until then. Just then Ash had an idea; he suggested that the gang fish for some water pokemon. "Fishing will help pass the time while we are waiting for the ferry, besides I want to capture a new water pokemon for myself". "I call that a great idea," said Misty "besides this will be my chance of capturing a Corsola". Brock looked at the guide. "It says that there are some very good fishing spots near here" he said. "Well what are you waiting for?" said Misty, getting out her fishing rod, "let's go".

The gang headed to where Brock had said, when they met Officer Jenny. "Hi Officer Jenny, is there anything wrong?" asked Misty. Officer Jenny explained that she was on the lookout for two water pokemon poachers. Then she showed the gang a wanted poster of the poachers she was looking for. There was a picture of two ugly men, dressed in fishermen outfits. "If you kids see these two men, contact me at once" said Officer Jenny. Misty was not happy about the two men. "If I saw those men right now, I would introduce them to my fist" she said angrily.

Soon the gang were at a fishing spot. Ash, Tomo, Misty and Brock all got their rods ready. Tomo and Brock decided to catch themselves a water type pokemon too. Soon they all let their fishing lines into the sea. At first nothing seemed to be happening, since it always took a while for pokemon to bite a line. But then Tomo's line started to move, which meant he had captured something. Tomo calmly reeled his fishing line in and then at last the pokemon he had caught came out of the water and onto land. Tomo's caught water pokemon was a red octopus, with

yellow bumps. "It's an Octillery" said Misty.

Ash looked at Octillery on the pokedex: Octillery, the jet pokemon. The evolved form of Remoraid. It loves to lurk inside holes in rocks. It sometimes sprays ink on prey by sticking out only its mouth.

Tomo released his Elekid to battle Octillery. Octillery fired bubblebeam at Elekid. "Dodge those bubbles Elekid" said Tomo, which Elekid did. "Now use thunder punch". Elekid's fist charged up with electricity and then it punched Octillery really hard. Octillery got paralyzed by the move. "Catch it Tomo," said Misty. Tomo used his lure ball to catch Octillery and was happy with his capture. "What moves does my Octillery know about Ash?" asked Tomo. Ash looked with the pokedex; Tomo's Octillery knew bubblebeam, rock blast, gunk shot, psybeam, ice beam, signal beam, bullet seed, octazooka and the egg move haze. "You've captured a great pokemon Tomo," said Ash. Tomo returned Elekid to its pokeball.

Just then Ash's line began to shake. "Hey, I have a bite now," said Ash. Ash reeled his fishing line calmly and carefully and reeled in his bite. He caught a blur and yellow pokemon, with two yellow orbs on the top of its body. "That's a Lanturn," said Misty.

Ash looked at Lanturn on the pokedex: Lanturn, the light pokemon. The evolved form of Chinchou. Lantern's light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed "The Deep-Sea Star."

Ash knew that Lanturn was an electric type as well as water, so he used Bayleef to battle Lanturn. Ash commanded Bayleef to use a magical leaf on Lanturn, and Lanturn got hurt by the attack. Then Ash tossed a pokeball at Lanturn, and Lanturn was caught in a second. Ash was happy with his capture, returned Bayleef, and checked Lanturn's moves on the pokedex. Lanturn knew the moves water gun, confusing ray, take-down, charge, discharge, thunderbolt, surf,  ice beam, bubblebeam, aqua ring, hydro pump,  thunder, electro ball, wild charge and the egg move agility.

Then Brock's line started to move. "I wonder what pokemon I've got," said Brock. He reeled his line in and to his surprise, his catch was ten Corsola. "Oh you're lucky Brock'' said Misty. "This Corsola will be a great addition to the Pewter Gym'' said Brock, knowing that Corsola was both water and rock. He sent out Weepinbell to battle ten Corsola. "Use razor leaf". Weepinbell fired leaves at Corsola, but Corsola used dig to escape from the attack. Then Corsola came out of the sand and fired bubblebeam at Weepinbell. "Quick Weepinbell, dodge that bubblebeam and use a razor leaf again" said Brock. Weepinbell jumped to dodge the bubble beam attack and then fired its leaves at Corsola again. This time Corsola got hit directly by the razor leaf. Brock threw ten pokeball at the ten Corsola and it was caught at once. "All right, a new pokemon at last" said Brock, returning Weepinbell. Ash's pokedex found out that Brock's new Corsola new Tackle, bubble, bubblebeam, recover, refresh, ancient power, power gem, aqua ring, psybeam, ice beam,hydro pump, spike cannon, mirror coat and the egg move icicle spear. "What a great pokemon" smiled Brock. Brock send nine Corsola to the gym and keep one.

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