chapter hundred and eight

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Chapter 108

Before Sinnoh

When Ash finally came back to Pallet Town he was welcomed at once by his mum, brother, Prof Oak and Tracey. "It you finish your training Ash?" asked Prof Oak. "Yes my aura training is over so I could finally come home again and get ready to journey to Sinnoh" said Ash. Prof Oak noticed Riolu standing next to Ash. "Ash is that your new pokemon?" he asked. "Yes I was given Riolu by Riley after I completed my training," said Ash "and I caught three other pokemon while I was there too". He released his Piplup, Shinx and Budew from their pokeballs. Riolu hadn't been in his pokeball because he didn't like it so he was staying out like Pikachu. "Wow Ash I can't wait to hear your stories about Rota" said Delia. She invited Prof Oak and Tracey over for dinner and they accepted because they wanted to hear Ash's stories too.

At dinner time Ash told everyone all about his stay at Cameran Palace, how Riley helped him train his aura, how he captured Piplup, Shinx and Budew and when Riley gave him Riolu when he was still an egg. "The aura training was hard;" said Ash "I was exhausted most of the time and I ended up with bruises with trying to protect myself from the tennis balls. It took me weeks to get the aura sphere and aura shield right". "Well Ash even though you have quite a time, what's important now is you have completed your aura training" said Prof Oak. "Yes and the best bit is Tomo and I could finally go on a pokemon journey in Sinnoh" said Ash. "Speaking of Sinnoh Ash" said Tomo. He told his brother about his wish to become a pokemon ranger and about to challenge the gyms in Sinnoh and enter the Sinnoh League. "That way I and my pokemon will get stronger before I go to the ranger school". Ash thought that was a great idea, and then Tomo told Ash about his pokemon training, some of his pokemon evolving and practicing gym battles with Brock and Misty and show him his Boulder Badge and Cascade Badge. So that dinner was filled with talking and talking until it was time for bed.

The next day Ash and Tomo were getting their stuff ready for their journey tomorrow. Ash was taking his Pikachu, Piplup, Riolu, Shinx and his two Aipoms to start with. His Aipoms wanted to come on the journey too. Ash had planned that he would be swapping his new pokemon with Vigoroth, Arcanine, Masquerain, Tropius and his two Aipoms, but his Aipoms wanted to go on the journey now. Since Arcanine, Vigoroth, Masquerain, Tropius and the two Aipoms hadn't been taking part in anything yet Ash was going to use them through Sinnoh too. Tomo was taking his Growlithe, Electabuzz and Magmar to start with. Delia had made some new clothes for Ash and Tomo. Ash had a sleeveless black jacket, with a big yellow stripe across it, a white t-shirt, blue jeans, blue and black trainers and a red and black hat with a blue pokeball design on it. The only same thing he had were his fingerless gloves. He had a green backpack similar to his other one, with a white pokeball design and a red button. (The same outfit he wore in the Sinnoh arc in the anime) Tomo had a sleeveless black jacket, with a big blue stripe across the middle, a white t-shirt, a dark green headband, black and white trainers and dark green fingerless gloves. He also had a new back and it was the same as Ash's.

Ash had a talk with Mewtwo, who decided to travel around Sinnoh too. "You must be careful when you get there Mewtwo," said Ash "Riley warned me, when I was still at Rota, that there had been sightings of bad people there, especially poachers". 'I'll tell at once when I see any of these poachers' promised Mewtwo and he left himself. Ash had placed the master ball in his new back pack anyway so he would communicate with Mewtwo while in Sinnoh.

Prof Oak had some things for both Ash and Tomo. First he gave them new pokedex's from Sinnoh. Then he gave Ash the two pokeballs that belonged to his Eevees. "Gary had them evolved to Glaceon and Leafeon while you were gone Ash" he said. Ash was grateful and released his new Glaceon and Leafeon at once. Glaceon and Leafeon were happy to see Ash again and they hugged him. Tracey thought they were cool pokemon indeed. Tomo liked the look of Glaceon and hoped he would get one in the future.

Ash used his new pokedex to check out Glaceon and Leafeon; Glaceon, the fresh snow pokemon. The evolved form of Eevee. By controlling its body heat, it can freeze the atmosphere around it to make a diamond-dust flurry. Leafeon, the verdant pokemon. The evolved form of Eevee. With cells similar to those of plants, it performs photosynthesis inside its body and creates pure air.

Apart from knowing tackle, tail whip, sand attack, quick attack, bite, take down, swift, headbutt, iron tail, shadow ball, dig, double team, protect, secret power and attract, Glaceon also knew icy wind, ice fang, ice shard and mirror coat. Apart from knowing tackle, tail whip, sand attack, quick attack, bite, take down, swift, headbutt, iron tail, shadow ball, dig, double team, protect, secret power and attract, Leafeon also knew razor leaf, synthesis, magical leaf, giga drain and grass whistle. Ash was happy with his new pokemon.

Next he scanned his Riolu; Riolu, the emanation pokemon. The pre-evolved form of Lucario. It has the peculiar power of being able to see emotions such as joy and rage in the form of waves.

Riolu knew the moves quick attack, foresight and endure and the egg moves blaze kick and sky uppercut. And it also knew bullet punch and aura sphere. This was unusual because Riolu only learnt aura sphere after it evolved to Lucario; this Riolu was obviously special and Ash was happy with it.

Shinx was scanned next; Shinx, the flash pokemon. The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble.

Shinx was male and he knew tackle, leer, charge, bite and spark and the egg moves ice fang, fire fang and thunder fang.

Next Budew; Budew, the bud pokemon. The pre-evolved form of Roselia. Sensitive to changing temperature, the bud is said to bloom when it feels the sun's warm touch.

Budew was female and she knew absorb, growth, water sport, stun spore and mega drain and the egg moves razor leaf, leaf storm, extrasensory and synthesis.

Last of all was Piplup; Piplup, the penguin pokemon. A poor walker, it often falls down. However, its strong pride makes it puff up its chest without a care.

Piplup was male and he knew pound, growl, bubble, water sport, peck, bide and bubblebeam and it also knew steel wing. This was unusual because Piplups could only learn steel wing after they evolved to their final evolved forms Empoleon; this Piplup was special too like Riolu was.

Ash was indeed happy and couldn't wait to start training his new pokemon. With all of today's preparations done, Ash and Tomo became ready to leave for Sinnoh tomorrow.

The next day Ash and Tomo were ready to set off and they were dressed in their new clothes. Delia, Tracey and Prof Oak wished the two brothers lots of luck. "Send back new cool Sinnoh pokemon for me to study you two" said Prof Oak. "You two boys be careful now," said Delia "and I will have the cabinet ready when you come back with your gym badges and contest ribbons". Ash had learned from Prof Oak that they did pokemon contests in Sinnoh and of course Ash was going to enter them as well as going the gyms. The two brothers said goodbye to everyone and they set off with Pikachu, Riolu and Growlithe to catch a ship for Sinnoh.

Now it was time for the two Ketchum brothers to start a whole new pokemon journey.

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