chapter nine

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Chapter 9

Tentacool and Ghost of Maiden's peak

After having a long relaxation on the beaches of Porto Vista, Ash, Misty and Brock decided it was time to catch a boat for the mainland. But they had to wait for a boat to arrive.

While they waited Ash switched his Squirtle and Charmander and Espeon for three of his Eevees. Since he had an Espeon, he thought that he would evolve them too. He sent the Eevees out of their pokeballs and placed his firestone, waterstone and thunderstone in front of them. He asked the Eevees if they wanted to evolve. "If you don't want to, I won't force you". But the Eevees did want to evolve. One touched the thunderstone, another touched the firestone and the third touched the waterstone. And soon Ash had a Jolteon, Vaporeon and Flareon.

Ash was feeling happy, with the new pokemon he had got. "And pretty soon I'll be having a new pokemon," he said. He was holding the blue egg from S.S. Anne in his arms. When the gang had their pokemon recovered in the pokemon center, Ash offered to take the egg. "What do you think it will hatch into?" asked Misty. "I don't know," answered Ash. "I just want it to be nice and healthy. Did you sort out your pokemon too Misty?" "Yes I did," said Misty. Misty sent her Gyarados to Cerulean Gym and brought back her Oddish. "My Sisters said that my new pokemon have made their shows more popular. At least they're happy". "I sent my Growlithe and Sandslash back to my family," said Brock "and got this. My mum says that my brothers and sisters played with Growlithe right away". "Well they do say that Growlithe makes good pets for humans" said Misty. Brock agreed.

Just then Pikachu noticed something in the ocean. A little seahorse was paddling in the ocean and it looked in pain. Next to it was two jellyfish, with red jewels on their bodies and they were in pain too. Misty squealed. "It's a Horsea and two Tentacools".

Ash looked at them on the pokedex: Horsea, the dragon pokemon. The pre-evolved form of Seadra. It makes its nest in the shade of corals. If it senses danger, it spits murky ink and flees.

Tentacool, the jellyfish pokemon. Because its body is almost entirely composed of water, it shrivels up if it is washed ashore.

"I love Tentacool," sighed Misty "they are so adorable". "Misty really loves water pokemon" Ash whispered to Brock. Brock nodded his head in agreement. "I'm going to catch these three," said Misty. She was about to throw pokeballs at them, but Brock stopped her. "Hang on;" he said "they look hurt". "You're right," said Misty, "it looks like they have been in a fight. What happened?"

Just then Ash saw something. "Look at that," he gasped "that boat is being attacked by something". It was a boat carrying workmen. Suddenly the boat sank and the workmen fell into the sea. Misty released all her water pokemon and Ash released his Vaporeon to get them out of there. The workmen thanked Ash and Misty and were about to tell them what had happened when an old woman appeared.

The old woman introduced herself as Nastina and thanked Ash, Brock and Misty for helping her men. "Those damn Tentacool are ruining my plans again" she shouted. She explained that she was trying to build a hotel and theme park out in the ocean. "But thanks to those disgusting Tentacool my plans are getting ruined. Say as if you three are trainers, would you care about getting rid of those Tentacool?" The gang refused immediately, especially Misty. Misty was furious that Nastina thought that Tentacool were disgusting creatures. The gang left immediately.

Ash, Misty and Brock were looking at the ocean. "I've been thinking about something," said Ash. "What is it?" asked Misty. "Well it's about the Tentacool attacking the boat," said Ash "what if, where Nastina is building her theme park and hotel is really where the Tentacool live". "That actually makes sense," said Brock "wild pokemon do attack humans if their territory is being threatened". "So the one who's wrong around here is Nastina, not the Tentacool'' said Misty. Then Pikachu saw the Horse and two Tentacools again. Misty walked out to the Tentacools. "Tentacool I need to know," she said "is where that construction is your home?" The Tentacools nodded. "Your theory is right Ash," said Misty "Nastina is ruining the ocean. We need to stop her''.

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