chapter twenty six

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Chapter 26

Trovita Island, Kumquat Island,

and Rinelo Island

The gang were on the boat that was taking them to Trovita Island. Ash was thinking about his third orange gym challenge. "What do you think the gym leader will be like Ash?" asked Misty. "I don't know," said Ash "all I can say is that the gym leader will give me tough challenges like Danny and Cissy did". Just then Pikachu saw something in the ocean and the gang saw it too. A little girl and her pokemon Seel were struggling in a whirlpool. "That little girl is drowning" gasped Misty. She released her Staryu and jumped into the ocean. "I'm going to get her out". Ash released his Lapras to help as well. With Staryu's and Lapras' help, Ash and Misty got the little girl to safety on the boat. "Thank you," said the little girl "I was swimming with my Seel, but the ocean pulled me away from shore and into that whirlpool". "That's why you must be very careful when swimming in the ocean," said Misty "the ocean can be very dangerous".

When the gang reached the dock, there was a boy, about 18, at the dock. He had seen everything that had happened. "Mahri," he said, running to the group. "Big brother" said Mahri, running into the boy's arms. "Mahri you got me really worried" said her brother "don't go swimming by yourself ever again okay?" Mahri nodded yes in response. The boy turned to the group. "I thank you so much for saving my little sister," he said. "Not at all," said Ash. "It was a good thing that we were here," said Tracey. The boy turned to Misty. "I saw what you did for saving my little sister," he said, looking into her eyes, "you are amazing. I'm Rudy". "Oh I'm Misty" said Misty, blushing a little bit. Ash stared at Rudy and Misty and could sense their emotions at each other. Being a psychic, Ash could sense not only pokemon emotions but also human emotions. "Um do excuse me Rudy," said Ash "but are you the gym leader of Trovita Gym?" "Yes I am," said Rudy, "so I take it you want to challenge me?" "Yes I do, and my name is Ash" said Ash. "Well Ash," said Rudy "I take it that you have already challenged some orange gym leaders?" "Yes I have," said Ash, showing Rudy his Coral-Eye badge and Sea-Ruby badge "so what do I have to do to earn a badge here?" Rudy smiled. "You have to take two challenges," he said, "one is a target test and the other test is a pokemon battle, but we fight using the same type of pokemon". "I got it," said Ash confidently.

The target test, that Ash had to do first, was have his pokemon hit targets that would appear in front of him on tree branches and rocks. The tricky thing was that Ash and his pokemon had to ride a speedboat, going up river, and Ash had to hit every one of them, while passing them. Ash used Pikachu, Espeon, Flareon and Dragonair for this challenge, and thanks to them Ash beat the challenge; they did not miss any targets. While the challenge was going on, Misty and Rudy had been staring, smiling and talking with each other the whole time. 'There's no doubt about it' thought Ash 'those two are in love with each other'. He made sure not to disturb them while the challenge was going on. "Well Ash," said Rudy, after the challenge was finished with, "well done of beating the first challenge. But you still need to defeat me in the same type of pokemon battle tomorrow. What type do you choose?" "Electric, psychic and bug" said Ash. "Very well," said Danny "that is the type you and I will battle with".

That evening, Misty and Togepi were having dinner with Rudy and Mahri. "This food is delicious," said Misty. "It sure is," said Mahri "my brother is a very good cook". "I'm glad you like Misty," said Rudy, with a smile. "Having you here Misty is like you're my older sister," said Mahri "I do wish that I did have a sister. My brother and the other boys are great, but I'm the only girl here. So I wish to have an older sister like you Misty". "That's enough Mahri," said Rudy, "hey Misty, after dinner want to see all my pokemon?" "I would love to," said Misty.

After dinner was all finished, Rudy and Mahri led Misty to a room of the gym, where all of Rudy's pokemon were. Rudy had Ninetails, Electabuzz, Venomoth, Nidoking, Starmie, Exeggutor, Hitmonchan, Golem, Alakazam, Pidgeot and Rhydon. In the room all the pokemon were dancing to music. "You taught your pokemon to dance?" asked Misty. "That's right," said Rudy "you see my pokemon learning to dance helps increase their skills". Mahri held onto Misty's Togepi and danced with it, and Rudy danced with Misty. While they were dancing, Rudy said something to Misty. "Misty," he said "Mahri and I would like it if you stayed here with us". Misty was surprised and shocked by what Rudy had said. "I don't know what to say," she said. "Think about it tonight," said Rudy "and I'll hear your answer tomorrow after the gym battle".

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