chapter ninety five

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Chapter 95

Pokemon Orienteering,

Wisteria Contest,

And The Vile pokemon hunter

Sometime after leaving Neon Town the gang was taking a boat to an island called Potpourri Island. Ash was staring at his four Frontier symbols and five contest ribbons. "I can't believe you've got five ribbons already Ash" said Tomo. "Neither am I Tomo," said Ash "now I just need to collect four more symbols". Soon Potpourri Island was in sight. "What a beautiful Island" said May. "Yeah and it looks perfect to relax for a bit too" said Brock.

Once they set foot on Potpourri Island, they heard that an even called pokemon orienteering was on. Pokemon orienteering was a stamp rally where people had to collect ink stamps from different locations. Nurse Joy, who was the presenter of the event, explained the trainers had to work together with one of their pokemon. The gang found it very interesting and decided to enter it. Ash decided to enter with Pikachu, Tomo with Growlithe, Max with Loudred, May with Eevee and Brock with Bonsly.

Next day was the stamp rally was about to start and Nurse Joy explained the rules. The locations of the pokemon stamps were on the map that the trainers were given, and the winner would be given a medal and a lot of Potpourri Island's fruit. Everyone was anxious to win that. Nurse Joy gave the signal to start and everyone ran off in different directions to collect the stamps.

Unknown to the gang, James and Jessie was taking part in it too. James had been in stamp rallies before as a young boy and he always found them fun. So he intended to enter to enjoy his youth again and he joined in with Mime Jr. Jessie, with Meowth as her partner, only wanted to enter it to get all the fruit.

The competitors went as quickly as they could to get the five pokemon stamps they needed.

The results of where each pokemon stamp was were as follows;

The Lunatone stamp was located at a Moon Rock, next to a giant Lunatone statue. The Remoraid stamp was located at the Rainbow Falls; a big waterfall that had a big rainbow at the bottom. The Pineco stamp was found next to a 300-year-old giant tree. The Kingler stamp was found on a cliff overlooking the ocean. The Skarmory stamp was encountered on a pillar of land between two bridges.

It wasn't easy trying to find the stamps easily; there were hills and cliffs to climb, tough bridges to walk over and very thick forests to get through. But nobody gave up, except Jessie and Meowth. Apparently Jessie was terrible at this; she was useless with map reading, and thought that the compass wasn't help much either. James on the other hand was brilliant at this than Jessie; he knew how to read a map and work a compass.

That was a big difference with Jessie and James; James was cleverer, patient and understanding with things, as well with being more kind than Jessie. Jessie on the other hand; she wasn't as patient as James.

The pokemon orienteering was finished by the time the sun was starting to go down, and in the end James and his Mime Jr were the winners. James was given the medal; it had a picture of him and Mime Jr on it. He was also given fruit, but he shared it with everyone else, being a generous type of person.

The gang enjoyed themselves in the stamp rally because it gave them a chance to spend a day having fun with their pokemon. Nurse Joy then said to the gang that there was a pokemon contest on Potpourri Island in a town called Wisteria Town. May was glad to hear that and decided to go there to earn her next contest ribbon.

Next day the gang was at Wisteria Town, where May could enter the next pokemon contest. This time May was going to enter with her Squirtle and Munchlax and right now they were doing some last practicing before the contest started. Since Ash already earned five ribbons, he could just watch May in the audience seats with the others. But the gang wasn't the only ones there, Harley was there too. Harley asked Ash and May how many ribbons and they showed off their ribbons. When he saw May's ribbons he just simply said, in insult, that she needed some catching up. But when he saw that Ash had five he couldn't believe his eyes and found it unfair. Harley had three ribbons. Harley did his usual boasting that he was going to win, which of course made May mad but she declared that she will show him.

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