chapter hundred sixty

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Chapter 160

Bertha And

Arrowroot Town,

Today the gang were making their way to Lake Valor to the Sinnoh Grand Festival. Right now they had arrived at a town. But to their unknown, trouble was going on in that town.

Cassidy and Butch were in the same town and they were setting up another plan to steal pokemon. "So Cass what are we going to do this time?" asked Butch. "I am not sure just yet," admitted Cassidy "I mean it's no good using the old fake pokemon day care or things like that; that plan is too old now. Not to mention Bertha of the Elite four is here". "Hey maybe Bertha is our key to success" said Butch. "You're not thinking of us stealing her pokemon are you Butch?" asked Cassidy, thinking that's a stupid idea. "Course not; I'm not that dumb enough to attack an Elite four member," said Butch "what I'm thinking is maybe we can use someone or something Bertha holds dear. And use that to make her surrender while we nab other people's pokemon". "Now that's a more sensible idea," said Cassidy "but how shall we do it?" "It just so happens, I've learnt something about her family" Butch smirked.

While Cassidy and Butch were going over a new plan, the gang had met up with a trainer named Roland. Roland was ten years old like Dawn and his first pokemon was a Magby. "Your Magby looks cool as well as cute Roland" said Dawn. "It sure is;" said Roland "I must admit though I can't wait till it evolves into Magmar and then into Magmortar". "Ah that will happen sooner than you think as long as you take good care of Magby and train it well" said Brock. "Brock's right;" said Ash "and anyway you should make more memories with Magby while you can. Once Magby evolves it won't go back to being a Magby". "Ash is right" said Dawn. Roland started to see that Brock and Ash were right. "I take it you four have evolved some of your pokemon right?" he asked. "Lots" replied Ash. "Just a few" said Dawn.

While Roland was talking to the gang, Cassidy and Butch were peeking on Roland. "Oohhh the brats are here," growled Cassidy "so Butch who are we dealing with?" "It's that boy with the twerps;" said Butch "I've heard he's a relative of Bertha. I'm sure she would pay handsomely if something was to ever happen to him". Cassidy was starting to see the point.

Roland was now done talking and had to get back home because a great-aunt of his was visiting. The great-aunt of course is Bertha of the elite four, but the gang didn't know this yet. This was when Cassidy and Butch decided to strike. "Well Magby as soon as we get home, let's do some practicing" said Roland. Magby agreed to that idea. Suddenly a car came up to Roland, then Butch came out of the car and quickly grabbed Roland and placed him in the car. Then Cassidy quickly drove on. Magby, who had been left behind saw everything and decided to go for help.

At that time the gang had just finished having a snack. "So guys what shall we do?" asked Dawn. Before anybody could answer Magby turned up in a panic; he had decided to ask the gang for help. "Oh hi Magby, what's up?" asked Ash "And where's Roland?" Magby started talking worriedly. "Magby just said that Roland had just been taken away by somebody and they drove off in a hurry" said Ash. "You mean Roland has been kidnapped?!" gasped Dawn. "We better tell Officer Jenny right away" said Brock. "Excuse me, but has something happened?" said a voice.

The voice belonged to an old lady, wearing a smart white coat and a brown scarf around her neck. "Hey aren't you Bertha of the elite four?" asked Brock. Bertha quickly shushed him. "I do not like being called that" she said, crossly. "Sorry" said Brock, nervously. The gang was surprised they were meeting Bertha, but this was no time for introductions. Dawn explained to the woman what has happened. "Oh that's bad" said the woman. She turned to Magby and asked it to lead her to where it happened. Magby showed everyone where Roland was kidnapped and pointed what direction the car went. "How are we going to find Roland at this point?" said Dawn, worriedly. "Nothing my pokemon Gliscor can't help with" said the woman. She released a Gliscor. "Gliscor I need your help with locating my great-nephew" she said. "Roland's your great-nephew?!" gasped Dawn. "He is a son of one of my nephews" replied Bertha. Gliscor flew up and started using screech in the area. "I take it it's using its radar ability to seek out Roland right?" said Ash. "Correct young man," said Bertha "you seem to know about Gliscor". "I have one myself" said Ash, smiling. Soon Gliscor came back. "Did you find Roland?" asked Bertha. Gliscor nodded and then started talking. "Oh no, Gliscor is saying the car has left this town and is in the woods near here" said Ash. "Oh great, how will we catch up to them now?" said Dawn. "I can help with that" said Bertha.

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