chapter hundred thirty seven

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Chapter 137

Team Rocket's Anniversary

Meeting Fantina and

Doctor Ash in the house

Today Jessie, James and Meowth were happily walking through a town. They had just gotten some money from selling shards they found in the Sinnoh underground mine. "I can't believe we are striking rich more from mining than taking pokemon to the boss" said James. "I can't believe there are entrances to the mine nearly everywhere" said Meowth. "Ha, ha, ha," laughed Jessie "with this money we can eat all we want". "Yes like the grade A steaks" said James. "Seems too much but I like that idea" smiled Meowth. "Then let's go to a restaurant and eat to our hearts content" said Jessie. James and Meowth agreed.

Meanwhile the gang were at a pokemon center to rest their pokemon. Ash and Tomo were telling their mum about their time at the pokemon summer academy. "Well, well, well," said Delia "it seems you two had quite a lot of fun. It seems funny to hear you attending school Ash as you haven't done that since you were nine years old". "I said the same thing myself when I was there" smiled Ash. Meanwhile Dawn was brushing Smoochum's hair. "You love being brushed don't you Smoochum sweetie?" she asked. Smoochum did love it.

Back with Team Rocket, they were enjoying a meal of grade A steaks with wine. Meowth was having milk with his. "Say I just remembered something" said James. "Yeah what is it?" asked Jessie. "Today is actually the anniversary of when we first became a team of three back at headquarters" said James. "Oh yeah," said Meowth "huh it's been a long time since that happened and I forgot about that" said Meowth. "Me too, hot time flies" said Jessie. "We should do something special for it" said Meowth. "Yes but what?" said Jessie. "I know," said James "how about attacking a pokemon center like we did when we first left the headquarters to gather pokemon?" "I remember that, but the twerp and his Pikachu defeated us" said Jessie. "True but we didn't have enough pokemon at that time," said James "but now we have lots of pokemon to attack the pokemon center". "James is right about that and we have toughened ourselves up since then" said Meowth. Jessie saw the point and the trio agreed to attack and steal pokemon from a pokemon center.

Back at the pokemon center Ash, Tomo and Brock were doing chores for Nurse Joy while she tended to the pokemon. "So Brock why are we doing this?" asked Tomo, who was putting plates away. "Because Tomo, Nurse Joy is very busy tonight," said Brock "and she needs an extra pair of hands for help. Nurse Joy always needs a helping hand once in a while". "I guess," said Tomo "but can we have something to eat soon. My pokemon and I are hungry". "I'm feeling hungry too Brock and so are the rest of the pokemon" said Ash. "Okay once we've finished cleaning these dishes I'll fix dinner for all of us" said Brock. The two brothers were happy to hear that.

At this time Team Rocket were driving along in a car. "It's night time now;" said James "all the trainers will be asleep in bed by now". "Good," said Jessie "so while they are asleep we'll nab their pokeballs and other pokeballs Nurse Joy is keeping". "Then send them to the boss" finished Meowth. They agreed this was the best way to spend their anniversary.

They soon came to a pokemon center; this was the same pokemon center the gang was staying at, but the trio didn't know that yet. The trio snuck into the pokemon center through the ceiling and decided to divide up into two groups. Jessie and James were to go together and Meowth was to go with Victreebel, Carnivine, Wobbuffet and Mime Jr. Jessie and James went to a vault where hundreds of pokeballs, with pokemon inside, were kept. James had a clever gadget that knew how to copy any keys from copying any gadget off an electrical vault. Meowth was sneaking into the rooms trainers were sleeping in and swiped the trainer's pokeballs with Mime Jr and Wobbuffet helping. Carnivine and Victreebel carried the pokeballs in their mouths taking care not to drop or swallow any.

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