chapter fifty seven

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Chapter 57

Separation and Back to Pallet Town

After the Silver Conference was finished, the gang left the Johto region and returned to the Kanto region. Right now they were at Viridian City. "You can definitely see that we are back in Kanto again," said Ash. "Yes and soon we will be back in Pallet Town again" said Tomo. "Shame that our journey in the Johto region is over" said Misty. "Yeah, but we had some cool new adventures there," said Ash "we got to visit new places, saw a lot of different people, saw some cool new pokemon, and we captured a lot of new Johto pokemon for ourselves". Tomo, Misty and Brock agreed with Ash's words.

The gang stopped at the pokemon center. The Nurse Joy was a new Nurse Joy; she replaced the Nurse that Ash and Misty met at the start of the journey in Kanto. Nurse Joy told Misty that her sisters wanted her to call them. Misty felt that this might be some bad news if her sisters wanted her and she contacted them. Daisy took the call and she told Misty that she placed third in a beauty pageant, and her prize was tickets for a trip around the world. Daisy was going to travel the world with Lily and Violet, and they left the gym duties to Misty. "I figured you wouldn't want to come, so take care of the gym okay" said Daisy, then she hung up.

Misty was not happy with what just happened. "Those three always do this," she said, crossly, "they leave the gym alone when they decide to take off somewhere and leave me to take care of the gym and house". "What are you going to do Misty?" asked Tomo. Misty sighed. "Well honestly, I can't leave the gym alone while my sisters are on their holiday," said Misty "and if I do then it may end up shut down, since the rules say that the gym leader must never leave the gym alone for long". "That's true actually," said Brock "so then does that mean you'll be going back to Cerulean City?" "Yes," said Misty. Misty felt a bit unhappy with this; she wanted to still travel with the gang. "That's a shame," said Ash "I mean we all had fun traveling together through the Kanto, Orange and Johto regions". "It's true we did," smiled Misty "but as a sensational sister, it's my responsibility now to take over as leader of the gym". "You'll do great as a gym leader," said Tomo. "I agree," said Ash "I mean you have gotten stronger as a water pokemon trainer during the journey". "Yeah, there's no doubt that you will be a great gym leader Misty" said Brock. Misty felt better; she had good friends in Ash, Tomo and Brock.

Suddenly three girl trainers ran into the pokemon center, with their pokemon in their arms. "Please help us Nurse Joy" they pleaded. "What do you suppose happened?" asked Misty. "Maybe they challenged the gym," said Ash. The gang found out that the girls hadn't battled the gym; they had been battling three trainers who call themselves the invincible pokemon brothers. "Those trainers are cheaters though" said one of the girls. "That's right," said another, "when we did a one on one pokemon battle, the boys sent out more pokemon and then just defeated our pokemon before we had the chance to fight back". "They are also thieves," said the third girl "they took our purses after we lost". The gang got cross. "Those three shouldn't be pokemon trainers, if they are going to cheat like that in battles" said Brock. "Yeah, especially since their thieves," said Tomo. "I agree," said Ash "we should pay those three a visit and teach them a lesson". "Lets" agreed Misty. The gang got out of the pokemon center to find the invincible pokemon brothers.

The invincible pokemon brothers were in the park, waiting for their next victims to show up. They were brothers and their names were Kim, Kai and Kael. Kim was the shortest, Kai was the fattest and Kail was the tallest. Kai was counting the money that they had taken so far. "Ha, we have done well here," he said. "You're right," said Kail "and this is much easier than the way other people get their money". "We'll steal some money from one more sucker, and then we better get out of this city before Officer Jenny comes," said Kim. "No you won't" said a voice. The gang had turned up. "You three crooks won't be stealing anything anymore" said Misty. "Oh, seems we have new victims already," said Kim. "Hand over your money and we shall go easy on you" said Kai. "Not a chance," said Ash. "All right then," said Kail "then you will have to fight us; the invincible pokemon brothers". "We accept," said Tomo.

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