chapter hundred -two

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Chapter 102

Battle Pyramid 2,

May starts to think

And Ash's training day

After leaving the Indigo Plateau, the gang was now at Fennel Valley. Here was where Ash could challenge Brandon again to earn his last frontier symbol. When they reached the Battle Pyramid, they met with a Nurse Joy who was a fan of both Ash and May because of their successes at the Hoenn league, and the Hoenn and Kanto grand festivals. Truth is Nurse Joy was a fan of both pokemon battles and contests and she liked to battle too, despite being a pokemon nurse.

Scott told Ash that Brandon was busy at the ruins, so it was the good time for the gang to relax at the pokemon center. Apart from having the usual healing center and dining area, the pokemon center had an exercising area, a hot spa, battle fields and a contest stage. This pokemon center had everything.

Ash asked Tomo if he wanted to have a practice battle with him, but Tomo wanted to get something to eat. Just then Nurse Joy said to Ash that she would battle him. Ash was surprised to hear that because he had never battled a Nurse Joy before, but Nurse Joy insisted on battling Ash. So Ash and Nurse Joy went onto a battle field and got ready to fight. Nurse Joy, of course, sent out her Chansey and Ash sent out his new Vigoroth to battle. Ash thought this was a good idea to see how tough his Vigoroth was. Nurse Joy and her Chansey gave Ash and his Vigoroth a real fight, to his surprise. Vigoroth couldn't leave a single scratch attack on Chansey because of Chansey's speed, and Chansey knew powerful moves like Dynamic punch and solar beam. Poor Vigoroth was defeated in a minute after being hit by solar beam. Ash couldn't believe it, but it did give him a real battle.

That night Ash went to visit the ruins himself to see what Brandon was doing. Brandon was in the ruins doing looking at an ancient puzzle and figuring out how to solve this. This puzzle was one that had squares that had to be moved to solve the puzzle. "Making a discovery Brandon?" asked Ash, who just found him. "Correct Ash," said Brandon "now watch me solve this puzzle". He moved a few squares left and right. "This will open up the sealed chamber, where the pokemon I'm looking for is". "You looking for another one of the legendary golems?" asked Ash. Brandon stared at Ash. "So you know about the three legendary golems do you Ash?" he asked. "Yes I do" replied Ash. He didn't dare tell Brandon about meeting the legendary golems before, just in case he wouldn't believe him. "Well Ash I'll tell you this then," said Brandon "I will be using Registeel for our battle tomorrow". "Ah the steel type, I look forward to that" said Ash.

Ash went back to the pokemon center and told them about what Brandon said. "So instead of using Regirock like before, he's going to use Registeel this time" said Max. "What pokemon are you going to use Ash?" asked May. "Well my best bet would be using a fire pokemon for this," said Brock "steel types are weak against fire, fighting and ground, but fire is their real weakest point". Ash had a think. "I will go with my Ninetails this time" he said at last. The others agreed to that idea and Ash got his Ninetails from Prof Oak's lab.

Next day everyone went to the Battle Pyramid. Nurse Joy and her Chansey wished to watch the battle too with Scott. Like the first time Ash went against Brandon, this match was a one on one battle and Samuel told Ash and Brandon to release their pokemon. Ash sent out his Ninetails and then Brandon sent out his newly captured Registeel.

May looked at Registeel on her pokedex: Registeel, the iron pokemon. Tempered by pressure underground over tens of thousands of years, its body cannot be scratched.

"If its body cannot be scratched, then it will be tough to defeat" said Max. "I wonder how Brandon caught it then" said Tomo. "Must have used his Regirock to catch it" said Brock.

The battle began and Ash told his Ninetails to start with flamethrower. The flamethrower scored a direct hit and then Ninetails tackled Registeel with quick attack. Registeel wasn't fazed by that one bit. "Registeel is made with hard iron alright" Max pointed out. "Ash is going to have to try harder than that if he wants to win this time" said Brock. Registeel attacked next with metal claw, but Ninetails used dig to get away and then it tackled Registeel. "Not bad Ash," said Brandon "but you will have to do more than that". Ash knew Brandon was right because he knew hoe strong Registeel could be because of the one he met before. "Okay then," said Ash "Ninetails lets go with this; use will o wisp". Ninetails fired blue flames from her mouth and they hit Registeel. Registeel got burned. "Making Registeel get the burn is a good way to weaken it" Brock pointed out. Scott thought Ash was going really well. "Registeel use sand storm" said Brandon. Registeel made a strong sandstorm attack and Ninetails didn't like this. "Now use lock on". "Oh no," said Ash, remembering this move, "Ninetails brace yourself because Registeel's next move will hit you". Ninetails nodded to say she understood. The next move turned out to be zap cannon. "Use protect Ninetails" said Ash. Ninetails quickly protected herself from the zap cannon attack. "Quick move in with quick attack". Ninetails quickly tackled Registeel with quick attack. Brandon ordered Registeel to use zap cannon again and this time Ninetails got hit by it before she could do anything. Worse part was Ninetails got paralyzed by the attack. "This is bad," said Max "Ninetails will now have trouble with battling". "Yeah and with this sandstorm it will be tougher too" said Brock. Ash told Ninetails to use fire blast and Brandon told Registeel to use zap cannon again. The two attacks collided with each other and caused an explosion. After the bang and the smoke and sand cleared, both Registeel and Ninetails were standing. But then Ninetails fainted onto the ground; that last attack was too much for her.

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