chapter thirty two

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Chapter 32

Chikorita, Primo and Violet City Gym

The gang were still on the way to Violet City, when they came to a hillside area, with a snowy mountain nearby. "Brr, it's getting cold here" shivered Brock. "Yes and there's snow on that mountain," said Misty "it will probably snow here soon as well". Just then Ash stopped walking. "Take a look over there," he said, pointing to a grassy area. A Chikorita was resting in the sun. "Hey Chikorita," said Tomo. Misty could smell the sweet scent coming off Chikorita. "I'm going to catch it," said Ash, who was eager to catch one of Johto's starter pokemon for himself.

Chikorita heard Ash approaching had swung its leaf around, ready to fight. "This Chikorita looks feisty'' said Brock. "I thought Chikorita were supposed to be sweet," said Misty. "Don't forget Misty," said Ash "even cute pokemon can be tough, just as tough pokemon can be cute". He sent out Heracross to battle Chikorita. "Be careful Heracross, this Chikorita looks tough''. Chikorita charged at Heracross to tackle it. "Use your horn attack to fight back Heracross'' commanded Ash. Heracross charged back at Chikorita with his horn and hit it. Chikorita got thrown back, but that didn't stop it from attacking. Chikorita used razor leaf. "Harden Heracross'' commanded Ash. Heracross tensed up his body and shined a bit, and when Chikorita's leaves hit him the leaves bounced off. "Heracross is doing well, even though he was captured not long ago," said Misty. "Sure is'' said Brock. "Okay Heracross," said Ash, "use aerial ace". Heracross flew into the air, did a loop and then charged at Chikorita. As aerial ace was a flying type move, Chikorita got hurt, being a grass type. Tomo and Growlithe started to cheer for Ash and Heracross. Ash threw a pokeball at Chikorita to catch it, but Chikorita used a vine whip to toss it. "Wow," said Ash "this Chikorita is tougher than I thought. Okay Heracross uses aerial ace one more time". Chikorita used its vine whip to attack Heracross, but Heracross dodged it easily with aerial ace and charged into Chikorita. "Chikorita is starting to become really hurt now," said Brock. "Ash should finish this now," said Misty. Ash threw a pokeball at Chikorita again and this time it was successful. "Wow," said Ash "I'm glad to have caught this Chikorita, but seriously this was a tough catch". "I suggest we get Chikorita to a pokemon centre," said Brock "after all he did put up a good fight against Heracross''. Ash agreed with that suggestion.

As soon as they reached a pokemon centre, Ash gave Chikorita to Nurse Joy at once. Ash explained to her about his capture of Chikorita. "I'm telling you Nurse Joy," said Ash "Chikorita kept on putting up a fight, even though it was up against a bug pokemon". "This Chikorita is not the only one like that," said Nurse Joy "all wild Chikorita around here are stubborn, and they keep on battling opponents that are bigger and stronger than them. They battle and battle until at last they can't battle any more". "I admire its spirit though" said Ash. Chikorita slept in the treatment room for hours to recover, until at last it woke up. Ash had stayed by Chikorita's side the whole time, and was relieved that it had recovered at last. "How are you feeling?" he asked. When Chikorita saw Ash, it remembered him battling it and capturing it. Then it tackled Ash really hard and ran out of the pokemon center as fast as it could. "Oww," said Ash, rubbing his chest, "why did Chikorita just do that?" "I think I might know why Ash," said Brock, who saw everything, "Chikorita might be mad with you because you captured it. Sometimes wild pokemon don't want to be captured". Ash got up and headed for the pokemon centre doors. "I'm going to get Chikorita back," he said. Pikachu followed him, while the rest of the gang stayed at the pokemon center.

Ash and Pikachu looked for Chikorita over the grass areas. "Chikorita, where are you?" Ash called out "hey Chikorita! Finding Chikorita is going to be hard". Then he got an idea; he sent out his Heracross to search for Chikorita in the air. Heracross flew everywhere to search for Chikorita, until he finally found Chikorita; it was in an area in the snowy mountain. Heracross flew back to Ash and Pikachu and showed them where Chikorita was. When Ash, Pikachu and Heracross found Chikorita, it was shivering; being a grass type, the cold weather was not good for Chikorita. "We've found you at last, Chikorita" smiled Ash. Chikorita was surprised to see Ash and jumped into his arms. "Okay," said Ash "now that we have found you, it's time to find our way back to the pokemon center". At that moment it started to snow and it was getting late too. "Hmm, we should shelter and wait till tomorrow to head back to the others," said Ash. Luckily there was a cabin not far from where they were standing. Ash opened the cabin, returned Heracross, set a fire going in the fireplace and held Pikachu and Chikorita in his arms. "We'll sleep here tonight," he said. Pikachu and Chikorita agreed. Chikorita started to like Ash and fell asleep in Ash's arms, feeling safe and happy.

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