Chapter 43

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Her eyes fluttered open as she groaned, "Big're here..i knew you'd come."

••             ••

"Call an ambulance !" I yelled to Tolani who brought out her phone dialing the emergency number.

"They won't get here fast enough.. " Hailey said to me, her voice breaking as she held onto me.

"No no! You must hold on!" she smiled a bit, blood had pooled over her pearly white teeth.

"I held on long enough for you to find me, Luna. I am hurts." Hailey said tears brimming her eyes and I sobbed profusely holding onto her.

"Promise me,'ll be happy, you will tell Jace you love him... you'll live your life. I won't be here to force you to explore.." She groaned and I shook my head in disagreement.

" you'll be here,"

Footsteps approached as I turned to see Kimberly, Jace, Peace, and Emeka rushing to me.

"Hailey! What happened? Call for help!" they yelled as I caressed my sister.


"Yes, Hailey?"

"It's cold, please hold me closer." I took off my car on my dress and covered her, pulling her close to my chest.

I felt her go limp and her hands dropped.

"No! No! Hailey please.. "

The sounds of sirens echoed as paramedics rushed in taking Hailey from me.

"No! Let go of me! That's my sister! That's my sister.." I sobbed as I turned to see Tolani holding me back tears in her eyes too.

I cried hugging her tight and she hugged me too. "Tolani...hailey, Hailey my twin sister... She said she's cold.. she's cold." I kept ranting shaking my head as Tolani patted me.

The police came down holding Lois in cuffs as I rushed towards her slapping her hard.

"How could you?! You pushed pushed her down! You killed killed my sister..."

She shrugged making my blood boil, "I just did her a favor, she was going to die anyway, she had cancer."

I frowned, sniffling," what do you mean she had cancer?" I turned around to stare at my friends who were also in shock.

Lois laughed, "Ask Rebecca if you don't believe me, " she came closer to me, "She had it for a while, everyone in your family knows except from you and you wanna know why? Cause your mind is'll fall into depression, like you are gonna do now and so she kept it from you."

"Take her away officers," Tolani said holding onto me as tears kept rolling down my face.

I picked up my phone to call my family to see three missed calls from Hailey. She had been calling me, to save her.

I'm such a terrible sister, I couldn't even tell that she wasn't okay.

I was so caught up with myself, i-I.

I collapsed on the floor my thoughts ringing in my head as tears flowed down my cheeks.


In the same hospital where Hailey was pronounced dead, Dera was in another ward with her family and Damilare's family including Tolani who left Ashley briefly to see the drama.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" Tolani asked staring at her parents then at her brother, and Dera's parents.

"Why are you covered in blood Omotolani?" Her father questioned and Tolani looked down at her red dress that had blood on it contrasting the shades.

"Hailey is dead, daddy."

The Winters and the Akinolas are business partners even with the rift between their children, it didn't stop them from their transactions.

"What is going on here though?" dera got up from the bed with Damilare's help and the doctor walked in.

"The Abortion pill she took nearly killed her but luckily she narrowly escaped death, she and the fetus are perfectly fine but I cannot guarantee that she will be able to have other children again."

"ehn!" Dera's mum exclaimed and she hit Dera on her shoulder. "Yewande why? Why would you do such a thing?" Her mother shook her head in sadness and disappointment.

"I did not want to be a teenage mom...I didn't want to put my life on hold." she cried and her mother hit her again but her dad held her back.

"then why did you indulge in pre-marital sex? Is that what we sent you to do in school?" Her dad yelled.

"Mr and Mrs. Akeredolu... I am serious about Yewande." Damilare spoke up shocking his parents and his sister Tolani.

"So you want to marry her ni?"

"yes ma, when the time is right." Damilare's parents shook their heads, there was nothing they could do. At least their son was man enough to take responsibility for his actions.

All they could do was support him.

Damilare held Dera's hand wiping her tears off her face, he was nervous and scared but he couldn't let Dera go through everything alone.

"Don't worry, we are in this together." Dera nodded gently.

Tolani never liked Dera, she rolled her eyes at the duo walking out to meet the one person who needed her most.

Sobs echoed in Hailey's ward as her parents and brother mourned their daughter. Jace and Emeka stood outside with solemn looks on their faces.

"Hey... Where's Ash?"

"she doesn't want to see anybody..not even me," Jace said with hurt in his voice but Tolani didn't care.

"I didn't ask if she wanted to see anyone, where is she?"

Emeka hesitated  before answering, "She in a VIP ward, room 3 last floor." Tolani ran towards the room still in her bloody outfits.

She got to room 3 and she couldn't hear anything in the room. She opened the door and peace, Kimberly and Rebecca came out with tear-stricken faces.

"She's not responding," Kimberly muttered, before she was Ashley's best friend it was Tolani and she knew she couldn't ever replace Tolani in Ashley's life no matter how much she tried.

Tolani nodded and the girls left, closing the door. She looked around to see Ashley still in her bloody black dress, clinging onto one of what she recognized as a hoodie Hailey liked to wear sitting on the floor.

She sat beside her not saying anything as they both sat in silence.

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