Chapter 44

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This chapter is dedicated to language06. She messaged me and I was motivated to update again😚.

Tolani POV

"It's okay to cry."

"Ever since we were friends there was a character I always admired in you, You had to ability to put on a straight face in the worse situations,  to stay strong and shield or be the shoulder to lean on. But what I hated was, you didn't know when to drop the walls." I finished staring at her.

Ever since we were friends I had seen a lot of moods on Ashley but she was never this.


Hailey was the only one who made Ashley smile effortlessly. She was her twin, her other half.

"The doc- the doctor said she was pregnant..six weeks, they managed to take the foetus out and place in a womb like environment. They aren't sure it will survive.

"I saw the look on Sky's face, he was devastated. And i- and I felt bad, I couldn't protect my sister and now" I held onto Ashley as she spoke, sobbing in my chest.

"Your parents have flown the best doctors to Nigeria to look after the foetus.. It will survive. It's not your fault." I said and she clung to me tighter crying out, the whole tough girl facade breaking down as she wailed.

"I missed you, you know...You weren't there when I needed you." I confessed to her and she started at me with her teary eyes.

"You kept pushing me away and didn't want me around you. You even ended our best friendship. "She said and I shook my head.

"I was jealous, I liked Jace and I loved you, my best friend. But Jace liked you and it hurt me that you didn't like h8m that much either... I wanted you to myself alone not a boy coming in between us." I confessed and she hugged me tighter.

"Jace loves you so much, more than you know. Stop shutting him out, Ash."

"what of you?" she asked and I started at my once best friend.

"Oh, I don't like him anymore, he's too clingy. And besides I miss my best friend."

Best friend.

Such irony how her sister's death made us closer.

"I'll get us something to eat." I resigned, lifting myself from the ground and walking out.

"I don't want to see anyone right now.. So please don't bring anyone with you." Ashley said, she had worn the tough girl mask again.

I sighed nodding my head in understanding and I walked out of the room.


I branched into Dera's ward, my parents and her parents had left. Leaving Damilare and his girlfriend alone.


"I'm disappointed in you, Dami." I said with anger in my voice. Dera stared at me stunned, I didn't like her and now that she was pregnant with my brother's child didn't make me hate her less.

"It's not his fault, w-"

"Hess, Pregnant aunty I didn't know you and my brother switched names." I snapped at her and Dami stood facing me, annoyance in his eyes.

"Tolani, I won't tolerate you talking to her like that, we are done with secondary school leave all the childish antics behind."

I scoffed. "Have you even gone to see Mr and Mrs Winters? Or did you even check on Ashley? Or even sky?"


"You think it's only you that has baby mama abi? Did you even know that Hailey was pregnant too? Sky is so devastated right now.. The foetus is on thin ice." They both stared at me as if surprised at my words.

Of course they wouldn't know, cooped up here together.

"I can't deal with this right now." I shook my head walking out and I bumped into Jace.

"How is she? Ashley I mean." His face etched with worry. I pitied him, honestly. But the heart wants what the heart wants even if what it wants is broken.

"She's not okay, I can't lie to you." I confessed and he breathed shakily nodding his head and walking into Dera's ward while I stepped out.

I never believed in high school love. I felt it was a waste of time.

But it seems love in Frost Academy was real. Sky and Hailey, since childhood.

Emi and Kimberly, even though I knew Kimberly loved Emi more. We all knew how deep of a crush Emi had for Dera but she didn't choose him.

Jace and Ashley. More like Stop it, I like it. Love.

My brother and dera, the witch.

Me? I spent my time hating everyone who liked Ashley and Jace and I didn't indulge in any romance.

That's why I was called, Queen of Mean.

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