Let's Make This Work Together...(Part 2)

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Author's note: Dear Readers, as this story is nearing it's end, I wanna make a request to all my silent readers who have been silently supporting this story for the past eight months. I really appreciate that. I write even for those who give their time for my work. You guys are best. But now I really want to know who are you all. So please leave your feedback about this story in this comment section, if not any comment then at least comment your name and time since you started reading this ff. C'mon let's talk.

And a big shoutout to those who were supporting me and this story since I started writing this, Capr06 , Dreamscrib and tracingalaxies along with my brother 98Vyom, you guys are best!!!

PS: There is a change in Jae-Sung's previous job. He was not a HR in a company but was an architect. 


"Do you think men are important?"

"Like for what?"

And that was the starting of the downfall of sophisticated women mindset. Degrading one gender in order to uplift the other, thats not how an ideal society strive and thrive in long term.

The story of men is an unsung saga.

Problems for both the genders are the two sides of the same coin, sadly the male side is the least flipped one. The abuse towards them is also used as a script of a comedy skit.

But, sometimes its the men themselves who doesn't pay any heed to the physical threat they might encounter from the other side, and just take it as a joke. During the year 2020, an Indian post was found on the internet which said about a specific place in America where women force themselves on men. And the comment section was just...it just failed in passing the vibe check.
It was all filled with desperate brown men calling that particular place as paradise and how badly they wanted to go over there. Now, a person with basic common sense shall never ever consider molestation as a massage. And those who were commenting were not more than 18 years of age and were probably unaware of all the hardships that they would gonna face in the upcoming future. Poor kids were thinking that by commenting about such places through a fake ID would turn them into sigma. Probably people around should observe 2 minutes of silence for their dying logic. 

Anyway, the hardships of men are least talked about considering that they were meant to do this. If a male gets bullied or molested then he is weak. If he wears makeup then suicide is what he is made to purse later on. When a female gets objectified, its mainly her character which would be questioned. But for a male gets objectified its his entire existence which is questioned.

A female hides all her pain behind a fake smile, a male is not even allowed to smile under such circumstances. When a female cries she is actually pouring out her emotions, but when a male cries he loses his right to be a man.

When speaking about a ideal society, a picture perfect might be of a society where jobs and roles and not gender specific. Where cooking can be done by both husband and wife who work and take care of the household. Where a house-husband is as normalized as a working woman.

The idea might sound like some air castle, but it could be turned into a reality if the new generation understands the importance of both the genders. The reason behind talking about this topic was simple, Jae-Sung and the problems that life was throwing at him. And indeed life knew that this was probably one of the strongest soldiers.

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