CHAPTER - 2 ( part 2 )

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Minho ( POV)

He went out of his dorm to eat his breakfast at the canteen . As he was walking he bumped into a guy making him stumble a bit but he regained his posture .

Suddenly he felt weight on his body and he turned to look .The guy hugged him tightly . " Minho hyungggg I missed youuuu " there stood his childhood and forever best friend hwang hyunjin .

" An another year passed by looking at your emotionless face . I hope this year you will get some new emotion " hyunjin  spoke and teased him at the last sentence . " Shut Up hwang " minho threatened hyunjin which he is not afraid of .

They both went to cafeteria and strangely it was peaceful because there are no girls or those annoying squeals which made them happy .

They brought their food and sat at their usual seat . They ate peacefully until they heard a scream " SUNGIE HYUNGGGGG" making the whole cafeteria and minho and hyunjin turn around .

Minho didn't bother that much but he Saw a familiar face His roommate . He saw him having a red face due to embrassment .

He kept eating and observing the cafeteria and his eyes laid on something . He saw his roommate friend lean on the bench to pinch his cheeks .

' Guess he already has friends and why do I care '

They both finished eating and left for their dorms to get changed . But on the middle of walking ,Hyunjin discovered he forgot his backpack there so they again walked into cafeteria and all of a sudden they heard girls squealing and they knew it .

They both didn't bother , they kept on walking and the squeals got louder and louder . In that matter of second minho gave eye contact with his roommate ' What was his name , han jisun or Kim jisun ' yeah apparently he didn't pay attention to his greetings .

They picked up their bag and was about to go to their dorms until a girl came up to them and said " Minho oppa and hyunjin oppa , principal is calling for both of you " She said and went pass them .

They both looked at each other and hyunjin got scared for a second . Did they do something wrong ?

They both skipped to principals office . They forgot to knock and entered the room . They weren't alone , they saw two people .

Minho recognized one of them his , roommate . Hyunjin eyes were shifted to the person behind . He was wearing glasses , his hair is kinda messy making him look cute , his dimples when he talked or smiled - oh wait they are talking .

He focused his attention towards the principal " Minho and hyunjin , this is han jisung and Yang jeongin .

' Yang Jeongin , he is cute . Wait a minute am I experiencing my first love at first sight '

" Han jisung and jeongin , this is minho and hyunjin " they both turned around and bowed their heads and hyunjin swore he saw an angel .

' His smile , so cute '

The principal informed them that minho will guide jisumg and hyunjin will guide jeongin and that made hyunjin kicking his legs internally. 

They both went outside and the first to speak was jeongin " Hello my name is Yang jeongin . Nice to meet you hyung "

' his voice is too sweet '

" Hello my name is hwang hyunjin " hyunjin introduced himself .

There was a moment of awkward silence between them . To break this jeongin spoke first " hyung do you have sight ? " . Hyunjin took off his glasses off and gave it to jeongin . Jeongin was beyond surprised . His fingers slid throught the frame or lens . Are they fake ? He tilted his head and looked at hyunjin confusingly.

" yeah the glasses are fake and to maintain my reputation I wear them " hyunjin nervously laughed .

When the next moment occurred hyunjin swore he fell in love this time not even a minor crush .

Jeongin laughed at how the older was so nervous . The whole guide hyunjin's mind was replaying jeongin's laugh like a broken record and he gave a dumb smile to himself .

Meanwhile .....

Minho was damn irritated by his roommate aka han jisung . He was trying so hard to talk to the older but he gave his cold glare to make him stop which worked .

The whole guide , what surprised minho was he heard aww's from the girls or boys for jisung . ' he is not that cute maybe a little Wait a damn minute what am I thinking ?" He questioned himself and went back to guiding him .

Without even saying goodbye he left not even caring if he hurted the younger's feelings .

Hey guyss !! This part 2 of chapter 2 . I hope you like it and yeah hyunjin is with Jeongin . Aren't they so cute 😫.

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