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He dashed to the source of the sound. He saw seungmin pointing to some type of stairs . He suspiciously walked to down to enter a basement . His eyes wandered everywhere to find him . His eyes widened when he found him . His jisung .

He ran to the unconscious body laying on the ground with chain attached to him holding him in his place . Minho lifted jisung with his hand on the back and laid him on his lap . He shook jisung around .

" Jisung . Wake up . Its me minho . Wake up jisung . Darling , princess Wake up " minho cried out as he shook jisung . The others were already there as they saw minho trying to Wake up jisung . Jeongin couldn't hold it anymore . He dashed towards jisung and snatched him from jisung and hugged him hard . His naked body which was filled with cuts and fresh blood onto his own . He didn't even care that blood started to make his clothes dirty.

" jisung . Wake up . Wake up for God sake " jeongin cried out too as he felt hyunjin hug him from behind comforting him . Meanwhile mingi turned to side not wanting to see his son in that position with his cuts and blood . He hated to see his son in that position . Tears soon started to form as they rolled down from his cheeks .

Minho and jeongin tried their best to Wake jisung up . Minho broke down as his tears started to roll down and making a pool on the floor . He just couldn't bear to see his precious being so venerable and full with cuts and bruises . He just couldn't. 


Jisung could feel someone shaking him . Crying for him to wake up . He can feel himself getting more consciousness. He slowly tried to open his eyes . He squinted his eyes to adjust to the sudden light . He looked around the surroundings only to widen his eyes .

" H-hyung " he stuttered out as his eyes started to fill with tears . He jumped on minho and hugged him tightly as if he would run away any time . Minho hugged him immediately not letting go anytime. They both cried out hard . The others joined their hug and held them tightly . Jisung finally felt relieved . Relieved he is with minho . Safely . In his arms .

They finally let go . Jisung looked around and smiled seeing his dad looking at them with tears in homes eyes . He stood up and ran to him and hugged him .the hug was returned tightly . " I-I am sorry . I-i am sorry "jisung cried out . " Sung , why are you sorry . You didn't do anything wrong " mingi rubbed jisungs back as he comforted him . Jisung looked at minho who stood with tears rolling down his handsome cheeks . Jisung gestured him to join the hug . Minho slowly walked to them and hugged .

The others watched them with a smile . They really looked like an happy family . " Yahh , papa what about me ?" Jeongin pouted as he acted sulky . Hyunjin silently cooed at him . He looked adorable . " hehe , come here my son " jeongin immediately ran towards them and jumped on them to hug . Soon everybody started to jump and hug them making a group hug .

" Yahh , i-i can't b-bre-breath " jisung stuttered . Soon everybody broke apart . " Shall we go " mingi asked them and everybody nodded . " Sungie , can you walk " minho asked worridly looking jisung . Jisung nodded his head . Minho wrapped a blanket around him as he didn't want anybody to see his scars or his body .

Well , jisung lied . He couldn't walk . He slowly limped through his way and ofc minho noticed . He kept his eyes on him from the start how can he not notice . He signed as he lifted jisung in a bridal style . Jisung yelped and supported himself by wrapping his arms around minhos shoulder. He looked at his boyfriend with his big doe eyes in confusion . Minho had to control himself from kissing his face all over . His eyes can make his heart go crazy . The man himself makes him crazy . He clenched his fists to control himself . Minho smiled softly . " I saw you struggling " jisung nodded at this and was thankful .

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