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It's been a few days since that incident . Jisung always wanted to talk to him about that . He still didn't understand why he did that . He is super oblivious about 'certain things' .

If he wanted to talk to him, minho would just told him to not talk to him . Of course minho told him to forget that incident but he couldn't.  It's his 'crush ' we are talking about .

He still get butterflies thinking about that moment how minho's face was so close , how he held his waist , how his arm perfectly wrapped around his small waist , how minho's breath was hot and his face was inches away and - that's enough. It's a lot .

Anyways , jisung tried so hard to talk to minho . He would either told him to shut up or send a cold glare . But jisung had enough .

Currently , he was in his dorm and minho is in the dorm too . Perfect opportunity. 

He stormed off to minho's room without thinking the consequences . That was a huge huge huge mistake . His life turned upside down . In a good way or bad way you ask ? I don't know .

Okay back to the story ,

Jisung entered minho's room without knocking but to his surprise minho was not in his room .

He looked around the room or observed his crush's room . It was painted in grey and cream . ' What a neat dorm ' jisung thought .

Suddenly , a door swung open making jisung startled . In reflex he moved backwards hitting a item and making it break .

He looked at minho in shock and he looked sideways to look at the broken piece . It's a watch . Not just watch its a rolex watch and instantly jisung's life flashed before his eyes .

He looked at minho but minho's face made jisung scared . Not just scared . Hella scared .

Minho's cold glare sending jisung's spine shiver , minho grabbed jisung by his collar and pinned him a wall .

' why did you come to my room?' Minho asked in a serious , devil deep voice . Jisung hesitantly answered " I-i I I "

" stop stuttering and SPEAK OUTT " Minho shouted making jisung flinch .

" SPEAK OUT . I SAID SPEAK OUT . " minho grabbed jisung by arm super hard .

Jisung squirmed in pain . He whimpered . " l-let g-go go " jisung spoke in pain . But minho grabbed him even tighter .

" AHGG " jisung shouted in pain . " stop . L-let go of m-me pl-ple-please " jisung begged minho to let him go . But minho didn't let go .

Minho looked sideways and saw ' his grandpa's watch ' had shattered into pieces.  He turned to jisung in rage . That was his grandpa's last gift for him . He loved him very much . He is the only person who cared for him alot and when be saw the watch broke , his heart shattered into pieces like the watch .

He wanted to shout at him and punch him but something stopped him . He just shouted . " GET OUT OF MY ROOM " minho released who immediately ran away .

Jisung ran to his room and locked the door and slid down . He pulled his knees to chest and hugged them . He cried.  ' everybody are the same don't they ?' He thought . It reminded him of a ' certain ' someone .

He cried even more remembering past incidents .

' everbody in the society are same ' he cursed and without realizing he slept .

' hannie where are you ? Come out baby '
Jisung sobbed as he pulled himself even closer in the closet trying to hide .

' hannie you know I won't be nice now come out . Hannie,  I won't repeat myself '
Jisung slowly walked out . His hands trembling , his lips quivered .

' OH there is my puppy . Good boy ' the man said as he patted jisung's head . ' now I really wanna relieve some stress . So go to ' that ' room hannie ' the man said making jisung's eyes widened . " no-no not that room please " jisung begged him but the man harshly pulled him by his arm and thre him in that room and closing it making jisung's life hell again .

Jisung woke tears rolling down his puffy cheeks to his chin , sweat covering his forehead . He couldn't take those nightmares anymore .

So he went to his bag grabbed a bottle of sleeping pills and went out of the room to get some water .

He took the pills unaware that someone was watching him taking those pills .

He forgot to take those pills with him . He left it at the table. 

Meanwhile ...

Minho was also having trouble sleeping not because of nightmares but someone was disturbing his sleep . Someone whimpering and crying . It made him uncomfortable . So he wanted to see what was happening but before he could get up the whimpers stopped .

He slowly got up from the bed and went outside just to see his roommate taking some medicines .

' he forgot his sleeping pills ' he went to the table and picked it up and saw the labeling.  It kinda shocked him . ' sleeping pills . ' he looked to the room of his roommate in shock . ' So the whimpering and cries everyday I hear are from him ' minho was super shocked .

He didn't want to do anything so he placed where it was put and went back to sleep .

But he couldn't sleep.  All he could think about is him .

What he didn't know was from the next day onwards his life has turned upside down .


' I should start ignoring him . I probably should. Everybody in this society are exactly the same . He is no different from it . I should just start ignoring him like he just did . That way my tiny crush will forever be gone ' jisung thought .

He got up from his bed and did his daily routine except greeting the older .

At the same time , minho was having a hard time because jisung has been ignoring him . He didn't even take a glance at him as he always did when he went to his classes .

' Why is he ignoring me ? And why am I getting mad that he is ignoring me . I should be happy right but why am I not ? Aghhhh I don't care anymore ' minho screamed in his head .

Helloooo minsungers . Hope you like this chapter and the story us going to be super interesting . 😊 yayyyy

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