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Jisung and minho arrived to their classes . Their classes were different . So they said their byes and went to their own classes . Jisung sat at his own seat and pulled up the notebook .

Suddenly the book was snatched by someone . He looked up shocked . He started shaking . His vision went blurry due to the tears that were forming .

The guy chuckled darkly . " Oh my hannie , I didn't know that you were into lame stuff like this " he said swaying the notebook around him .

He gripped his jaw hard and pulled him close " Answer me " he shouted . Jisung flinched at the sudden noise . He started shaking again . He tried forming words but they seem to stuck in his throat . He felt just like before......................

Trapped .

The guy still didn't let go off his jaw . He tightened his grip even more making jisung whimper in pain . " L-l-let g-g-go " jisung managed to stutter out a small sentence .

The guy chuckled again . " Like I ever ..........." the guy spoke . He let go of him but he Soon sat next to him and placed his hand on jisung's thigh , gripping hard making jisung whimper .

Jisung struggled hard . He wanted the guy to let go but he still maintained a strong grip . He placed his own hand over the guy's and tried to remove the hand instead the grip on his thigh tightened by each second .

Jisung had enough . He tried to stand up but the guy didn't let him go . " Trying to escape me . Huh . Hannie how naive of you . " By then the guy came near to his ear and whispered " Never will I let you go . You are ....... ' mine '" by that jisung started to shake again . He started to tremble . The guy said the last part deeply which sent shivers down to his spine .

He wanted to cry . But he couldn't.  He can't.  Not infornt of 'him' . Soon the class ended . Jisung walked out petrified . He held his head down. 

He flinched when a arm was wrapped around his neck . He looked up to see the same dude . He leaned forward and whispered " meet me at the back door after lunch " then he left leaving a trembling jisung .

Jisung slid against the wall which he supported . He held his knees together and held his tears .

After a few seconds , he stood up and walked to his next class which thankfully didn't have that guy .

Soon he exited the class and walked to cafeteria .

He sat at his seat and kept playing the guy's words in his mind . He didn't even realize that someone was calling his name .


He looked up to see felix looking concerned.  " what happened sung " felix asked . " oh ntg " jisung tried to cut the conversation off but felix keep asking him questions .

Thankfully for him , changbin controlled him . " Felix , he maybe uncomfortable " felix gave in .

Jisung looked up to see no minho . He got confused . He was always there with him for lunch . " where's minho " jisung asked . Hyunjin answered with " he got some job to . So he didn't come for lunch " " oh okay " .

Just as jisung asked about minho , he appeared . Jisung can tell that minho is pissed . No minho didn't furrow his eyebrows nor he gave death glares to other . He just kept a plain blank face which is minho's pissed off face .

" hyung , are you okay ?" Jisung asked concerned as he placed his hand above minho's . Minho immediately relaxed in the touch . Jisung's touch or maybe jisung existence can make minho's tension or frustration to fly out off his body . " Yeah I am fine " he said with the same face .

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