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" ouch , hyung careful " jeongin hissed as he felt the cold liquid pressed against his bruised knuckles . " Why did you have to hit him so hard . See now your suffering " hyunjin said as he continued to press the ointment on jeongins knuckles .

" but jisungie hyung suffered more than this . This pain is not even 1 percent of the pain he suffered . That asshole deserves it " jeongin said as he looked at his boyfriend who held a sad face .

" Jeonginie why do you have to protect jisung that much . Just how much he suffered . Can you tell me ,please . So that I can help him . " hyunjin looked at jeongin maintaining an eye contact . " hyung , you don't know how much he suffered . There were many twists I'm life . A lot of betrayals,  a lot of physical pain , a lot of swearing ,a lot of p-p-Possessiveness . " jeongin broke down in tears remembering painful memories which tore him and jisung apart .

Jeongin felt large arms wrapped around his body comforting him in his misery . " That son of a b*tch , literally tortures the life out of jisungie hyung . There is no one other than me to protect him at those moments . Even though he is older than me , he really seems like my younger brother . I adore him a lot . But that bastard ruined his life,his character , his friendships , he ruined him entirely . " jeongin could feel the rage burning him inside wanting to erupt like a volcano and destroy the imbecile .

" Calm down , baby . Calm down . I will talk with my uncle to help us " hyunjin said as he let go of jeongin and held his hands smiling at jeongin and patting his head while jeongin closed his eyes calming down after he felt his lovers hand patting him purring in process .


" seungmin , jisung suffered a lot . Didn't he ?" Chan looked at seungmin while holding a sad smile . Seungmin nodded .

Right now , seungmin is sitting in Chans lap while the older held his waist in one arm and another hand playing with his hair .

" I can still remember everything clearly like a movie . In our middle school and high school days jisung was a very carefree guy who held a lot of music dreams . Me , innie and sungie were like brothers all the time . Like triplets but different parents . Jisungs only problem was falling in love easily and trusting others easily . After our first year at middle school , we were 15 , that's when he fell in love with that psycho of a guy " Chan was listening every single word carefully without interpreting his lover .

" At first they were nice but soon he started to assault jisung a lot . Jisung had brains so he decided to break it off but the guy forced jisung to stay with him by threatening him that he would harm his closed ones . So he foolishly stayed and ruined . It's definitely not his fault . He had a caring personality.  He wouldn't even tolerate if something happens to his loved ones . At last jisung escaped only to realize Yoon was a shadow , following jisung around . Stalking him . "

Chan hugged seungmin has he could feel his baby crying . " Shhh calm down hun , calm down . It's going to be okay " Chan could feel seungmin calming down . Seungmin turned around on chans lap and hugged him . Chan hugged him in return . " Thanks hyung . Thanks for bring with us ,with me " seungmin said with happy tears . " Always honey . Always . For you "


" I am ready to tell you hyung , about me ,my past "

Jisung looked at minho with a sudden determination not wanting to leave his lover in dark for so long . " Are you sure , darling . are you sure your ready ?" Minho asked with worry . " Yes hyung I am ready . I don't want to leave you in dark for so long "

Minho smiled . Jisung was ready . Ready to tell him . He trusted him enough to tell him . About his past . That's enough for him . He looked at jisung and pulled him into his lap and held his waist . Jisung wrapped his arms around his neck and looked at minho only to realize the older was already looking at him with anticipation. 

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