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Jisung and jaeyun are started to get close which minho hated a lot and the major problem is he doesn't even know why he hated someone getting close to jisung . He would recall hyunjin words ' you are in love with him hyungg ' he pulled his hair frustated .

Currently he is sitting in his room studying yeah studying .

He heard some voices outside . He didn't want to eavesdrop but a sentence got his attention " Hello,  jaeyun are you there ?" Jisung spoke .

His blood boiled . His veins started to show up on his arms and hands . He wanted to calm down but his blood even raised when jisung said " oh thanks love you " .

He lost it . He went outside the room and saw jisung leaving the dorm with ' someone ' .

' that jaeyun bastard . I am going to kill him ' minho thought . He clenched his jaw hard .

He wanted to calm his mind so the only option he has is to tell someone everything .

" Hello hyungg what again " " hyunjin I need your help " minho requested .

Hyunjin was shook . The cold ice prince just requested something . God .

" Okay hyungg be there in a minute " hyunjin spoke before cut off .


" Now what happened again ? Is it jisung again~~~~" hyunjin teased his buddy who fell in love .

Minho just gave a death glare to hyunjin who was not surprised .

" I don't know.  I hate that bastard called lee jaeyun . " minho said as his blood boiled in anger in the mention of that guy .

" why do you hate him " hyunjin asked enthusiastically because he knows his best friend is jealous .

" I just don't know -" minho was cut off by hyunjin " because he is with jisung all the time and he is flirting with him . I heard jeongin say that " hyunjin said wanting minho to cut the chase but he wanted to tease him so he added " I heard jisung is taking a liking to the guy jaeyun . Maybe they will end up together . I think they look cute tog-" hyunjin was cut off by minho slamming his hand on the table hard . " What ' did ' you just say ?" Minho said anger and rage taking over him .

Hyunjin was frightened.  He flinched at the moment . He nervously said " they look cute tog-" not wanting to make minho angry . He was cut off by minho when he slammed his hands hard and stood up in a swift move . " What makes you say that ? May I ask ?" Minho asked in a serious , deep voiced tone . Hyunjin gulped . " I-i-i" " Tell me hyunjin , what makes you say that ?" This time minho asked in his cold tone . " Gosh , can u stop cutting me off when I am speaking ?" Hyunjin said dramatically to escape minhos interrogation . " don't try to change the topic hyunjin " minho spoke with a eyebrow raised . " hyung , can't you accept the fact that you fell in love with jisung ? Can't you see yourself . " hyunjin said with a serious tone which he never uses infront of minho . Minho chuckled darkly . " ME loving someone . What are you talking hyunjin ?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes. " hyung tell me one thing , if you didn't like him then why are you hating that guy getting close to jisung and why are you getting irritated when I said they would make a good pair .

These questions made minho mind go crazy . " I don't know " he simply said . Hyunjin signed . He still wanted to Ness with the older so he just did the thing. " Fine , I understand you don't like him . Well , I just wanna say is jisung likes jaeyun " like that hyunjin was about to stand and leave but a loud bang made him sit down.  He looked up to see minho with furious eyes . " Hyunjin , can you answer my questions " " what questions ?" Hyunjin asked hesitantly.  " Do I look like I like jisung ?" " Yes " " Why do you think so ?" " hyung can you see yourself . You get angry whenever jisung is with somebody else , you like it when you see jisung smile and happy , don't think I observed you . Everything jisung would smile your face with get red and it glows as if ur seeing something precious . Your loosing your mind right now . If your not in love what it is . Nobody would go loose like you when they are thinking of someone . Your just confused hyung because you never loved anyone romantically before " hyunjin said in one breath . Minho just hummed . " I want to add is jisung is ignoring you right " hyunjin added .

" I need time to think hyunjin and yes he is been ignoring me " minho said . " of course but don't take it long because you will lose it soon . " hyunjin said with a tink of sadness and minho noticed this " is it about jeongin isn't it ? " minho asked as he knows hyunjin is crazy for that guy . And jeongin is just oblivious to him .hyunjin just nodded and shrugged it off .
" wait a minute , u just said jisung is IGNORING YOU " hyunjin lractically shouted at minho and minho just nodded .

" that's why my mind is going crazy . I just dont know why " minho said . Hyunjin just enjoying his cold heart best friend falling in love .

" Gosh hyung . Think why " hyunjin said and crossed his arms as he watched minho who was in a daze while thinking . Minho is been thinking .  A lot . Why is he feeling this way ? Is hyunjin right ? Is he really falling for jisung ? For a moment , he closed his eyes and took a breathe . He is recalling every moment he spend with jisung . Every moment he talked , every moment he looked and blushed . Hyunjin observed an unconscious smile plastered on his face . He covered in shock . He just smiled . Minho smiled . Minho slowly opened his eyes and he could feel his face hot . " Why am I feeling so hot ?" He asked himself. Hyunjin laughed . " Jisung made you crazy ?" Hyunjin said while laughing in between . " I guess , he really did " minho said in a low tone which was barely hearable but somehow hyunjin caught that . " what did you just say ?" Hyunjin asked curiously thinking he heard right or wrong.  " I guess jisung made me crazy . Why I can't stop thinking about that dude ?" Minho said loudly . " You finally accepted " hyunjin exclaimed . " I guess I did accept . The more I think about it the more I am understanding my feeling . Why am I getting those silly feelings . I like jisung no no I think I love him " minho finally admitted . Hyunjin gasped loudly .

" I am happy you finally accepted your feelings for jisung . " hyunjin said as he laughed a little .

" hyung you know that day when you smiled . I really wanted to ask this but what made you smile . U never ever in your life history smiled except when your with your grandpa . What made you smile like that ?" Hyunjin asked curiously and also happy that minho smiled after a looooooong time .

" OH it's jisung . Its because of jisung . His laugh . His laugh is the prettiest thing I ever heard in my life " minho smiled fondly as he remembered the sound of his laugh .

Hyunjin eyes widened . " hyung you have fallen hard or deep " hyunjin exaggerated. 

" Shut up " minho said as he slapped hyunjin hand .

*ring ring *

Hyunjin immediately smiled when he saw the caller ID . " jeongin right " minho asked who was also feeling happy because his friend too got someone to love .

Hyunjin nodded at the question . " I will have to pick it up " hyunjin said as he went out of the dorm .

Minho signed . And went to his room and plopped on the bed. " so I really like jisung . Don't I?" Minho mumbled to himself . He smiled widely remembering the squirrel boy. 

" I have fallen deep didn't I " minho whispered after he realized he was smiling widely .

He heard the door open and  immediately jumped from the bed and ran to the door but he remembered jaeyun and jisung went out and his excitement face went to angry and jealously face .

He opened the door and saw jisung waving to a guy outside.  Minho didn't see who it was but assumed it to be ' that lee jaeyun bastard ' .

Jisung was smiling widely . ' aghh that smile ' minho thought as he placed his hand over his chest where his heart was beating rapidly .

Just for a moment he saw jisung looking at him or to the door because minho hid well .

He heard jisung mumbling something and he tried to hear it .

" Gosh . Stop looking jisung . He hates you remember . "

Like that jisung went to his room but minho didn't quite hear it well .


GUYSSSS MINHO FINALLY ACCEPTED HIS FEELINGS . ITS GOING TO BE INTERESTING . MINHO FELL SO HARD DUDE . 🤧 Hey guyss I just wanted to edit this because when I re read it . It didn't make any sense that minho outburst so I edited it . I hope you like this one than the past .

Gosh my story is so cringe .

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